Get the most popular abbreviation for Ordnance Corps updated in 2020 Staff is good for learning the inner workings of the battalion but most people hate it, as you have almost no Soldiers and as a 2LT you are at the bottom of the totem pole. As an Ordnance Officer, you’ll make sure that weapons systems, vehicles, and equipment are ready and available, and in perfect condition at all times. Do not do this. I am an MS1 CDT who is trying to figure out what MOS I should pursue based on my interests. Events . Nurse Corps checking in. In Distro platoons, it's really common for property to be messed up, for some reason. How to abbreviate Ordnance Corps? There are opportunities to do high speed stuff. I thought I was the only one on the reddits. However, the other side of the coin is your ability to directly impact the success of the unit is increased. I've had a diverse portfolio across multiple echelons as a loggie officer and can give genuine and honest feedback for those who are seeking information. Any memory of when those come out? I may be a little biased though. Pray you get out of staff before NTC. Christmas Deadline Notification: * The USPS is experiencing major delays in timeliness of deliveries. You will pay during field exercises. "The U.S. Army Ordnance Crucible Team of … The United States Army Ordnance Corps, formerly the United States Army Ordnance Department, is a sustainment branch of the United States Army, headquartered at Fort Lee, Virginia.The broad mission of the Ordnance Corps is to supply Army combat units with weapons and ammunition, including at times their procurement and maintenance. These two armories served as a nucleus for technological innov… Your unit will almost certainly try to convince you that "Maintenance sucks and all of our stuff is broken." 598 likes. 2LT just found out I branched Ordnance Corps, and good advice? You could go to the SPO shop as an ammo guy as well. One of the most significant achievements was the establishment of two federal armories; Springfield Armory in 1795 and Harpers Ferry in 1798. Holy shit! Don't accept this--get it fixed! The Royal Army Ordnance Corps (RAOC) was a corps of the British Army.At its renaming as a Royal Corps in 1918 it was both a supply and repair corps. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Each BOLC class is given a slot number, IIRC its 8 slots per cycle (a cycle usually has two classes of 25-30 Ordnance LTs each give or take). theres only about a slot or two available per class, so its hard to get, but with my PT score and if I try my best in class, i'll have a chance at it. There is a huge diversity in jobs that only increases with rank, and there is an incredible amount of planning and problem-solving. I scored higher than some buddies of mine that got FA, so it was needs of the army i guess, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Hey r/rotc,. Press J to jump to the feed. I had lt's who were totally clueless as to what my job was until i showed them. I’m an MSIII and I’m trying to branch Quartermaster, what’s the day in the life like for QM? I feel as a jr. nco ( i was a corporal) if you do those things you will be just fine. Along with the Quartermaster Corps and Transportation Corps, the Ordnance Corps … It's the only thing worth doing in your branch. From shop SOSgifts. Hood thing. What would an EOD Officer job look like and what would the process to that point look like for me as a CDT? It's more difficult than it sounds because trucks are always breaking and maintenance is unpredictable. Sorry, in Korea so I went to sleep at 2300. My platoon is MTOEd 55. I enjoy being a well paid employee and not stuck in meetings all day. Then proceeds to leave the thread without answering any of the questions. If you actually do ordnance stuff you be assigned to some maintenance company to supervise and refine the platoon. Outpost: The Ordnance Corps is a meta event taking part in the northwestern area of Verdant Brink. It supported the work of the Ordnance Survey ; [32] after 1824 these duties were undertaken by Survey Companies of the Royal Corps of Sappers and Miners. Under the previous edition of Department of the Army (DA) Pamphlet 600–3, Commissioned Officer Development and Career Management, senior Ordnance Corps lieutenants assume the position of shop officer after 12 months of experience as maintenance platoon leaders. I was branched into the Quartermaster Corps and it was very unexpected. When you work hard and do a good job, you are an invaluable asset to your unit--whether at the Corps or Battalion level. Well, I saw /u/Kinmuan put his ass out on the line (reddit karma excluded) by making some strong and absolutely warranted statements regarding SMA's comments on the whole Ft. And do loggos have a good chance of getting attached to high speed units? Since i was a late commission in FY 2012, i think the adjustment for branching was different. I have not heard of a 120 man PLT. 21 votes, 140 comments. The outpost is locked. On the PL side, don't fuck around with property--especially the BII of your vehicles. Learn how to read an ESR and schedule some time with the BN Maintenance Tech (A Chief) so you can track parts and know when something's not right. Still excited though. Advice for Ordnance 2nd Lt. upon BOLC graduation. Command Sgt. Back though! A ranger regiment guy came and recruited for loggies once. Plan a bunch of training for mechanics. -In my experience, loggie LTs are expected to have a higher lever of subject matter expertise than their maneuver counterparts. Try out for EOD school. I scored in the top third of the active duty OML (top third of all cadets) and got OD as my branch, even though it was my 4th choice on my list. Army Materiel Command assumed responsibility for many of the Ordnance Corps historical functions; research, development, procurement, production, storage and technical intelligence. In addition, he will use competition feedback to prepare upcoming training strategies for the Ordnance Corps. Put it as my #1 due to me wanting EOD. Ammunition and weapons are hazardous materials that require special handling to ensure their reliability and safety. The largest military subreddit on reddit. Maintenance is Critical for those in transpo leadership roles. Engaged, professional PMCS each Monday from the LT down to the Private is what drives healthy maintenance. No major regrets, but I can think of some not-so-fun LT times. i.e. Additionally--I was originally enlisted infantry and can give feedback to the NCO infantry-to-Army Logistics career path. Quartermaster Corps Quartermaster officers oversee availability and function of materials and systems from food, water and petroleum to parachute maintenance and general equipment repair. I'm a cadet at West Point and was hoping you could do your … And this info is dated, but we did not have close to that many officers. This is a leadership problem. The Ordnance Corps' primary mission is to support the sustainment of weapon systems, ammunition, and missiles, and the production of new equipment and ground mobility materiel. I'll be damned if I'm gonna let my brother in arms go down alone, so here's mine, all by itself. PSG can feed the personnel part for the most part but have to be able to know the status of all my trucks at anytime. My advice is to get to know all of the XOs and PLs, fast. You're always second fiddle to the maneuver soldiers. Branched TC and waiting on Bolc dates etc. "With that … It's critical that you rely on your Chief and Staff NCOs in these jobs to take care of you and teach you a lot as quick as possible. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Branched Ordnance. If you're in one of the pseudo-staff roles like Maintenance Control, you will be expected to perform with the efficiency of a junior Captain in terms of briefing and reporting. Please consider me a resource and remember, bullets don't fly without supply. Candidates must have Bachelor Degree or Diploma in Material Management.12th Pass . I believe I got my orders in the early Spring. Take charge of the Ordnance Corps. Was there a time when you regretted going loggie? Just commissioned out of ROTC, was a late commission. -My first job was a Maintenance Officer in an Engineer Battalion. Ordnance, Transpo, and QM are exchanged among loggie jobs a the pre-career course level. You will also need to become an expert in how ammunition is drawn, accounted for, and turned in. Every day is a new and complex problem set. Again welcome to the ordnance corps. There is a lot of diversity over the echelons. Gratz on the Commission, do good things. If you become a Distro PL or a PL of one of the BSB Platoons, your life will be a lot more like the PL time of your maneuver buddies; inventories, training, missions, more inventories, meetings, field operations, etc. So many times, Sustainment BDEs have terrible maintenance programs and can barely get their fleet to move across the motor pool. The Ordnance branch continued under the direction of the Army’s Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Press J to jump to the feed. You have a higher likelihood of becoming a maintenance officer than the average loggie LT. No, you don't have a "good chance" of ending up with a "high speed unit." Find a high-speed mechanic NCO (usually the Motor Sergeant), learn how the 5988 and PMCS process is supposed to work, then schedule and certify training for your NCOs to learn the proper PMCS method. Mostly, I just supervise and refine those missions from our motor pool while planning other events like training. If a cycle has a shit ton of pre-selects, those take up those slots. GRAFENWOEHR, Germany -- The ordnance corps regimental command sergeant major visited Grafenwoehr Training Area, Jan. 14, 2016. Just commissioned out of ROTC, was a late commission. If you have any questions either consult your platoon sgt or a warrant officer since you will be support more or less. The Soldiers are counting on you to be a proficient and stubborn logistician. Other than that I get tasked out for other things that are not specific to transporters like investigations and other stuff. What can I expect to be doing for my first few years as an Ordnance officer? This encourages sloppy accountability at the company level and leads to hitting the no-no list for your Division every month. Share on Reddit; Share on LinkedIn; Share via Email; FORT LEE, Va. - "Great job, number 14. The Corps of Royal Military Surveyors and Draftsmen was a military corps under the Board of Ordnance, formally established in 1800 and disbanded in 1817. Clear Mordrem from the area to unlock this outpost. u/dampTendies has some good insight, so let me give some tips: Don't accept your vehicles being perpetually deadlined. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Maybe 40-ish. When I was a Cadet (only 3 years ago), I remember having a hard time getting troll-free information and input into life in the logistics officer world (getting loggie advice on r/army was a disaster back then).. My LT time is wrapping up, and I am uniquely situated to provide accurate and recent information for those of you considering the Logistics field. I scored in the top third of the active duty OML (top third of all cadets) and got OD as my branch, even though it was my 4th choice on my list. It looks pretty bad when the BN can't have food because you didn't bring your tow bars. FORT LEE, Va. (May 20, 2020) -- The first EOD officer to hold the Chief of Ordnance title has concluded her tenure here.Brig. This can be frustrating when competing for OERs. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. It's nice. Two years later the Ordnance Corps terminated the contract and transferred the project to the Historical Branch, Office of the Chief of Ordnance. Most likely you will be at a normal BCT or Sustainment BDE. Share on Twitter; Share on Facebook; Share on Reddit; Share on LinkedIn Talk to Chief Officer Shashoo. In the first half of the 19th Century, the Ordnance Department played a crucial role in the burgeoning Industrial Revolution and helped to establish the “American System of Manufacturing”. Could you give a brief description of the day-to-day of a transpo Officer? Per congressional direction from 1794, each armory staffed a civilian superintendant and a master armorer. In the supply area it had responsibility for weapons, armoured vehicles and other military equipment, ammunition and clothing and certain minor functions such as laundry, mobile baths and photography. I went in October. Gen. Heidi J. Hoyle, also the second female only in the Ord. The survivors have taken refuge in a cave. This is good advice. "The Ordnance Corps recently celebrated its 204th birthday. As for the Ord, is that the kind of thing you wanted to do? On the flip side, I haven't met many mulch-dysfunctional logisticians who liked what they were doing. You should also find the BDE Ammo tech (a warrant) and pick his/her brain. I never met an EOD officer who didn't like being an EOD officer. Get to know BN Land & Ammo--they will usually be non-loggies in an operations role, so they may or may not know anything. Generally speaking, you will most likely end up in a BCT or Sustainment Brigade. It will help you in the long run if you get to know the types of jobs your troops do. I have a wealth of resources I can share with you. i was a 45b before the army got rid of that mos ( small arms and field artillery repair tech). I got less than a year left, so ask me if I give a shit if I'm doxxed. Learn and understand AR 750-1 and DA PAM 750-8. It sucks. if your cycle has 8 pre-selects, youre most … Distro is a good gig and one of the only real "PL" jobs for loggies in the FSCs (Heavy units have a Maintenance PL too). My LT time is wrapping up, and I am uniquely situated to provide accurate and recent information for those of you considering the Logistics field. Clear hostiles from the Ordnance Corps outpost (80) The Ordnance Corps' airship crashed. Ordnance Unit Locations by Military Occupation Specialties, U.S. Army Ordnance Corps and School, Fort Lee, Virginia, US Army Ordnance, Ordnance Corps Two of my fellow QM officers have gone to Ranger School. This was the case for me in 3 different BNs. It wasn't the thing I had my heart on, but it was in my top five choices, FA, Armor, Engineer in that order. From shop DigitalByRLC. There were only a few of us that went to the brief so not many loggies are interested in that. Now here is the kicker. Any advice for a future QM officer in a distro platoon of an FSC? US Army Ordnance Corps Fort Lee, Virginia Approaches for Maintenance Leadership of the Future “Trains Ordnance Soldiers and leaders in technical skills, values, common tasks, and the Warrior Ethos. This is a tough job with long hours and high visibility; you brief the BDE XO as a brand new butterbar at least once a week. Got it without any adso. The Ground Ordnance Maintenance OccFld assures the MARFOR that serviceable ordnance materials are available. 5 out of 5 stars (788) 788 reviews $ 2.00. Please do one thing though for yourself and your troops under you. I came from the infantry, and I can honestly say I love it. Do not process, store, or transmit any Personally Identifiable Information (PII), UNCLASSIFIED/FOUO or CLASSIFIED information on … A common thought, "I wish I was maneuver because you just show up somewhere and your stuff is there and if it isn't fuck the pog that messed up". 2 ways to abbreviate Ordnance Corps. No, I am not coming to your meeting because I actually have a job to do in the OR and no I can't leave for any reason. I had some questions about Ordnance. This is common for 2LT loggies. I fell into the ordnance corps myself and was very proud to be a part of it. At first, the XOs 100% will try to screw you over and get you to mass-sign and account for ammo yourself. No one expects you to be a badass because they know you aren't--takes the pressure off. As a 2LT, you will either be a PL (at the Sustainment BDE level for sure), a staff officer, or something in between like Maintenance Control Officer. Favorite Add to More colors US Army Ordnance Branch Decal SOSgifts. But, depending on your scores, you may need an adso. US Army Ordnance Corps Regimental Crest Vector Files, dxf eps svg ai crv DigitalByRLC. Army Logistics University Ordnance Basic Officer Leadership Course, Fort Lee, Virginia. A 45b bro! Wasn't a challenge branching Ordnance. I have no Ordnance Cadre who can give me personal experience information. Proof is one kid I know got his adso taken with Ordnance. What are somethings you love about being a loggie? And your mistakes can mess up the timeline of the whole battalion much more than a PL. By LTG Mitchell H. Stevenson February 11, 2009. You won't be stuck in garrison once you join an EOD unit, that's for sure. It depends on your job. You’ll also manage the developing, testing, fielding, handling, storage, and disposal of munitions. Have to track a lot equipment and personnel. I have always been interested about EOD (89E), but I have no good sense of where to begin and the Army website only provides so much information. It is the job of the ordnance officer to make sure that the Military’s weapons and ammunition supplies are safe and secure. I am putting in my final Branch Preferences later in September. In the summer of 1962 when the Office, Chief of Ordnance was abolished, the Office, Chief of Military History took over project and author. Also are the 120 man PLT rumors true. If so, could you explain what kind of situations? Thanks for the answers! Edit: I stand corrected. They'll let you know when you have the small mistake but never let you feel like you did something well. He said ranger reg is hurting for loggies. It likely you will do a QM or TC job. If you have a bad chief or motor sergeant, the stress is compounded. PURPOSE: Ordnance is a military term for all types of ammunition and weapons, such as missiles, guns, and chemical munitions. The Army Ordnance Corps Recruitment 2019 inviting 920 Civilian Posts All Over India. I think they have more slots than that per class, and you should try out and give it a shot. U.S. Army Ordnance CORPS Affiliation Program: 16 Dec 2016: OD Reg 672-202: Diplomas, Certificates and Student Awards Program: 11 Jan 2018: Training Strategy: US Ordnance School Training Strategy: 07 Nov 2017 Army logistics is challenging and rewarding. We have a constant garrison mission of moving supplies all over the region. I also love how there is no pressure to be the baddest dude in your BN, as there was when I was a grunt. Army Ordnance Corps inviting online Applications through official website from eligible candidates. Duties include the inspection, repair, and maintenance of most weapon systems possessed by marine corps units. I am an ordnance LT in a Transportation job. If you actually like working and doing your job then this is way to go. welcome to the corps sir I hope you find your stay enjoyable. When you take over, refuse to sign for any property that doesn't have all shortages on order. I love being a valued and trusted member of the team, which is easy when you work hard as a loggie. Distro is all about networking; you want to become a reliable and competent leader that people won't screw over on a whim (they will do this when you first arrive). When I was a Cadet (only 3 years ago), I remember having a hard time getting troll-free information and input into life in the logistics officer world (getting loggie advice on r/army was a disaster back then). Was wondering if their is any advice on how to be a good LT in BOLC, as a PL, and if I should know anything before going to training in the OD. I'm not EOD but I came from a command that was heavy with them. Ordnance officers are responsible for ensuring that weapons systems, munitions, vehicles and equipment are ready and in perfect working order at all times. Due to these delays we recommend using UPS at checkout or ordering well in advance of Dec. 11th if your item is needed for Christmas. But you can still go to airbone/air assault etc. The security accreditation level of this site is UNCLASSIFIED and below. It has changed most of my career plans and I don't really have any resources to tap into in regards to personal experience. Master armorer 5 out of ROTC, was a 45b before the Army ’ s Deputy Chief of for! Is a huge diversity in jobs that only increases with rank, and turned in are available on to. Thing you wanted to do have n't met many mulch-dysfunctional logisticians who liked they! Do your … Nurse Corps checking in other side of the most significant achievements was the establishment of two armories... Ability to directly impact the success of the keyboard shortcuts mark to the. Loggie LTs are expected to have a bad Chief or motor sergeant, the other side of the day-to-day a. At 2300 give me personal experience information branching was different support more or less: Ordnance is a military for. 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