Following a mold free or a low mold diet can help in preventing exposure to mold allergy. The Mold Elimination Diet plan helps the user identify and remove the foods that generate illness, fatigue, allergies, and digestive problems. Hamburger with melted blue cheese and mushrooms, with a dark micro-brewed beer. Check all food for visible mold before eating it, recommends the Cleveland Clinic. Note how many of these foods you might normally have together, increasing your mold exposure: Wine, cheese, malted bread, and processed meats (this is the 3 alarm mold hangover). An allergen can stay in your system that long, so introducing a food in less than three days can give you tainted results. This 5 day mold-free diet meal plan will get you started on your way to regaining your health! Just don’t smell your food when you check, just give it a visual look over. The tradition of making food with mold is long, but not wide. Experts highly suggest that victims avoid the following at all costs: Foods to Avoid When You Have Mold or Yeast Sugar: Whether it’s white, brown, or a healthier choice, such as coconut sugar, when it comes to mold and yeast, if it’s sweet-tasting at all, it’s sugar and sugar is a fungus’ best friend. If you have been diagnosed with a mold allergy, recovery may not be as simple as removing all sources of mold from your house and environment. This triggers symptoms that may be very similar to symptoms caused by other allergies. Low mold diet is a diet specially customized for the patients suffering from a mold allergy. Of all the food-allergies, avoiding mold in food is probably one of the easiest to follow.. The Mold Detox Diet. Mold and yeast in food can aggravate an allergy to mold in the air. To help you identify the culprit to your allergy symptoms, check out the top foods high in mold, so you know what to limit or avoid in your daily diet. How this meal plan is laid out This meal plan is laid out in an easy to understand way, so someone who is just starting out on a mold-free diet journey can understand. There are two aspects to following a mold-free diet:. By inhaling spoiled food, you may inhale mold spores and cause yourself to have an allergic reaction. ; Foods Made with Mold. The Mold Elimination Plan will accompany the Mold IgE & IgG test result.. Below is a comprehensive list of foods that contain mold. They have survived millions and millions of years before us and will always have the upper hand – they can evolve faster than we can and therefore will always outlive us. Some of the foods you eat may include mold and cause an allergic reaction. The diet containing mold may cause severe allergic reactions in these patients as these patients are more sensitive to mycotoxins s compared to a normal patient. The following foods are made with mold: Mold Elimination Plan, which emphasizes how to eradicate mold from your environment and lists sources of foods that are mold containing and need to be eliminated from your diet. You will only introduce one allergy food per every three days. Phase Two of the Mold Elimination Diet. PBJ and glass of milk (the milk has a casein protein, which magnifies allergies. ; Avoid foods that have become moldy. In the process of ridding such items from a person’s eating habits, the body will gain considerable health and well-being. The Candida Diet discusses the exclusion of foods that contain sugars and other carbohydrates such as simple starches. Buttermilk 2. 1. In my recovery from toxic mold illness, no dietary changes have been more crucial to me than avoiding mold-containing foods. While there is no cure for the allergic rhinitis or other conditions caused by mold allergy, there are certain medications that will help in easing the symptoms. Avoid foods that are made with cultured molds. During this phase you slowly reintroduce foods on your allergy list. About 1,300 million years ago, long before humans ran the earth, fungi were the frontrunners of existence. Once I learned that numerous foods could harbor mold, and thus worsen my symptoms, I became extremely vigilant about keeping these foods out of my diet.