I appreciate it! Power Item. Lolth's Kiss - Inky Black Purple - Dice Set for D&D, Pathfinder, Tabletop RPG Games ClockworkArcana. There are no other rules. Lolth is the Spider Queen, the patron deity of the drow and a nasty customer you might have seen before as a major antagonist in multiple books. The players are on to this murder mystery of doppelgangers. One drow civilization, the Kryn Dynasty, turned against their former patron and everything she stands for so utterly that Lolth's few remaining drow priestesses rely primarily on goblinoid converts. A fiendishly clever back-stabbing is a good way to earn her favor, though getting stabbed in the back by someone else is a good way to lose it just as quickly. Don't forget that drow items lose their magic when in contact with direct sunlight for 1H. (also if you want in item for the clerics to already have, the spidersblessing bow/crossbow is cool, attunement, 5 charges daily, spend 2 charges to cause a spindly arrow to spin from the webby main cross of the bow and allows the casting of the web spell. The drow are famous for their magical creations. Super Sight. If you need help on these, I can provide you with some ideas from the top of my mind. As a bonus action, the matron can bestow the Spider Queen’s blessing on one ally she can see within 30 feet of her. Lolth is the Chaotic Evil patron goddess of the drow in Dungeons & Dragons - and actually called Lloth in the original drow novels. Lolth has a social Darwinist streak a mile wide -- her rules for the drow are basically: 1. Don't forget that drow items lose their magic when in contact with direct sunlight for 1H. Typical physical characteristics Drow characters are extremely intelligent, charismatic and dexterous, but share surface elves' comparative frailty and slight frames. I’m trying to find something a little more appropriate but still important enough to interest an evil god and their minions.Any ideas? Super Smell. But I was thinking of Nott’s painful smile when Jester used it on her. The tested subject must defeat a foe (be it rival drow or a monster) of equal or greater strength than the subject. Twisted by their own machinations, and those of the clergy of Lolth who create the magic items known as Fang Scarabs, Fangs of Lolth begin a transformation into a spiderlike form. She patterned her life and the lives of her worshipers on a regimen of chaotic acts and the veneration of spiders. Catch is Lolth can take anything inside the shard :). A PC had this in my last campaign. It might be a powerful magic item, a fabulous jewel, or even the zwy'il's hand. Subscribe to get the free product of the week! Cities are set up around the most powerful families claiming the greatest areas, this leaves the other drow with whatever land remains. Gluttony might cause mass famine, greed might sap the wealth from everyone within miles etc. Drizzt Do'Urden was a drow. My players are about to find (hopefully) a crypt with an item in it. The end result, the Sundering, left the noble eladrin race divided into eladrin, elves, and drow. One of the gems is the soul container of a demon lord. Sometimes though, the curious get more than they bargained for. The drow love magical items of all kinds and all powerful families give some enchanted items to those who service them. Armor or the Moon Dancer (5e Equipment) Armor  (Light), very rare (requires attunement by a follower of Eilistraee) Elistra marveled at the armor's beauty, the goddess's … They are differentiated by their black skin, pale hair and pale, almost-white hair and eyes. Wand of the Feral Dust Bunnies - Lolth's abandoned temples are overrun with feral dust bunnies. Lolth is a Demon Lord and a goddess worshiped by the drow (some myths propose that she was originally a goddess who was transformed into a demon). Such a rule-breaker will be swiftly and mercilessly punished, for being stupid enough to be caught and too w… Good drow are exceptionally rare, but not unheard of. Shape Shifter. Lolth "tests" her followers who achieve power, and she tests her priestesses and powerful matriarchs quite regularly. Many bards and rogues study ways to "trick" magic items into working without their usual requirements. Lolth is after the powerful Loom of Fate, posing as Lithe, she hires the players to escort her to elven cities to investigate the artifact and its whereabouts. Magic. Variant: Drow Magic Armor and Weapons Drow often wear magic armor and carry magic weapons that lose their enhancement bonuses permanently if they are exposed to sunlight for 1 hour or longer. Lolth demands results, and she is not fond of failure. The Test of Strength: Probably the least creative of Lolth's test. Super Hearing. Favorite Many bards and rogues study ways to “trick” magic items into working without their usual requirements. The key is how you pass the information about the staff to them, and how you fit lore, characters, factions and everything in. Magic items that emit faerie fire adorning buildings are a sign of prosperity. It is also worth noting that if a drow or group of drow are destructive enough to drow society, probably through the very behavior she encourages, she engineers said group's (or individual's) fall (be it death, eliminated by the priesthood, transformation into a drider, etc...). Great idea and great post. On a failed save, Lolth can see the current plane of existence that the Eye of Lolth is on using the effects of the Scrying Spell, and … One who is being tested by Lolth is called a "Zwy'il". The clerical issue with this is that get enough people worshipping a mortal and you might just get a new god anyway, placebo plus enchantment or no. Such a rule-breaker will be swiftly and mercilessly punished, for being stupid enough to be caught and too weak to kill or otherwise silence the spotter. Why would the PCs voluntarily carry such an item on their person? You can always invent some item which grants more power as user understands its importance/how to use or activate it, and you can make the one item a part of a set which by the time your party gathers a few of will level up and go through many sessions of adventures. Lolth’s Fickle Favor. A casual, friendly place for the lovers of DnD (D&D). Lolth is the Chaotic Evil patron goddess of the drow in Dungeons & Dragons. Because of her the drow spend three-quarters of their energy fighting each other instead of defending themselves, which is a really bad idea since they live in an underground city under constant threat of being assaulted by Illithids and Beholders. Would be interesting if she could also put things inside and whenever you put something in the thing already in would pop out as it could hold only one thing at a time. She is malicious in her dealings with others and coldly vicious in a fight, coveting the power of deities worshiped by the surface races. Outside interference in such tests are forbidden, but of course Lolth generally only takes action against those that interfere if the interfering individual(s) (who are typically sabotaging the Zwy'il) gets caught by someone other than Lolth herself. The Test of Doubt: Taking away hard earned power (such as removing spell casting abilities, giving negative levels, and even transformation into a drider or another creature). I wish they would have used it more. funny to think that Lolth, couldn't or wouldn't speak to you in your own lanaguge lol, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. lolth would probably have something spider related. From shop ClockworkArcana. Innate Spellcasting. Design Note:Please see Polymorph Fatiguefor a clear understanding of these cursed items. Lolth was created by Gary Gygax for the World of Greyhawk campaign setting, later appeared in the Forgotten Realms setting, and is now a member of the default pantheon of D&D gods. Thanks!! I got the idea here on reddit. Adding to suggestion of Vecna_Is_My_Co-Pilot below, you can make them find the legendary staff Arachnopolis (or other name) which has set number of charges and provides them with spells similar to those drow priestesses have (check the MM for them).