The work of the House of Lords Scrutinising the executive Select committee examples: In 2011 the Science and Technology Committee published a report on Behaviour change and ‘nudging’. They have a lack of resources relative to government (for example, the civil service is duty bound to support and enact government policy) ... - this takes place every Wednesday from 12-12.30pm. The main role of the Lords is to act as a check on the House of Commons by further examining legislation and providing extended scrutiny of the government. . The Bill would have created a smaller House of Lords in which a large majority of representatives would be elected by a system of proportional representation, but where a substantial minority of peers would be appointed more or less as they are now. Observations from The Minister for the Constitution and Devolution (Chloe Smith): The Government have no plans to abolish the House of Lords, which has a key role in scrutinising the Executive and as a revising Chamber; it is important that the way it is constituted reflects that role and the primacy of the House of Commons as the elected Chamber. The unelected and swollen House of Lords. House of Lords Appointment Committee recommends appointments, PM given right to appoint life peers under 1958 life peerages act ... Committee responsible for scrutinising the work of government. 6 It is useful to distinguish the impact of scrutiny on process from its impact on outcomes. What are the core tasks of select committees. The Blair government’s reform bequeathed the nation a supremely British irony. 7. Three examples from the session’s work are given below. The House has no influence on any bills relating to government finance and although it has the authority to stall any acts of parliament for up to a year, the Commons can cite the Parliament Act 1949 – an act introduced by Labour that effectively removed the delaying privileges of the Lords … The House of Lords played its part by scrutinising the bills in detail, proposing ... large number of changes, and ultimately agreeing to the bills. for the Government to ratify the treaty. Like the House of Commons, it meets in the Palace of Westminster. The House of Lords is the second chamber of the UK Parliament, and its work complements that of the House of Commons, sharing responsibility for new legislation and scrutinising the actions of government. The Institute for Government argues that the primary purpose of scrutinising government should be to improve its effectiveness in terms of processes and outcomes. A report of their findings is debated in the House of Lords and responded to by the government. The House of Lords is not able to prevent the Government from ratifying a treaty, but if it resolves against ratification the Government has to produce a further explanatory statement explaining why it considers the treaty should be ratified. In 2012, the coalition government introduced the House of Lords Reform Bill to the House of Commons. ... What is an example of a majority government fluctuating between dominant and non dominant. The House of Lords, also known as the House of Peers and domestically usually referred to simply as the Lords, is the upper house of the Parliament of the United Kingdom.Membership is granted by appointment or else by heredity or official function.