A. gangetica responded to A. compressus to form a concave curve at both densities (Figures 2(a) and 2(b)) that resulted in an equivalent yield ratio (EYR) of more than 0.50. These shallow species form short rhizomes and flat stolons. [15] found that the coconut yield was highest when A. compressus was used as ground cover under coconut plantations compared with other grass species used as ground cover. The relative crowding coefficient (RCC), which serves as an index of competition when two species are mixed in equal proportions, was determined using the following equation [20]: Carpetgrass grows well on extremely wet acid soils (ph 5-5.5) where many other grasses will not survive. Leaf area of A. gangetica decreased with increasing A. compressus proportions in the mixture as A. gangetica had the lowest leaf area in C75W25 at both densities. Axonopus compressus and Cyperus kylingia were harvested in a vegetable plot, Ladang 2 of Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia . The percentage of PAR penetrating was then calculated. Moreover, the relative yield and relative crowding coefficients also indicated A. compressus is a stronger competitor than A. gangetica at both densities in the full sunlight and high density in the shade. However, there are still quite a few St. Augustine grass problems that homeowners can find themselves confronted with. Axonopus produces dense mats reaching up to a total height of 6″ to 12″ inches. On most oil palm plantations in the far East, the cover that establishes itself is a mixture of the fern Nephrolepis biserrata with varying components of grasses such Paspalum conjugatum and Axonopus compressus [41, 42]. Under these conditions, A. compressus was more efficient in competing against A. gangetica than against other A. compressus plants. Price from: RM1.00/sq ft (minimum order: 1,500 pcs) The RYT value at 72 plants m−2 in the shade was greater than 1.0 suggesting that the two species made different demands on resources leading to better growth of A. compressus or that this crop mixture was less affected by interspecific competition than by intraspecific competition, facilitating over yielding (RYT >1). Plant height of A. gangetica was reduced in different proportions in the open. Axonopus compressus ( broadleaf carpetgrass ) is a grass. Axonopus compressus became extremely dense fast, thereby limiting the space available to the weed population and suppressing A. gangetica growth. Names of Axonopus Compressus in various languages of the world are also given. An RYT < 1 suggests mutual antagonism. Also, rapid growth by lateral spread of A. compressus through tillering seemed to be the reason for superiority of A. compressus in competition with A. gangetica. Ethnobotanical Uses [Others]: A good ground cover to prevent soil erosion, and used widely as a lawn grass in the tropical and subtropical area. 3m) Kitchen Full height ceramic tiles. Broadleaf carpet grass. Foliage generally reaches up to 15 cm high and flowering culms up to 30-45 cm high. The genus Axonopus means axle-stalkted, which refers to the spicate raceme that radiate around the upper part of rachis. Growth Habits: Axonopus compressus broadleaf carpetgrass Axonopus fissifolius common carpetgrass Axonopus furcatus big carpetgrass Axonopus micay pasto micael Axonopus purpusii Purpus' carpetgrass Axonopus scoparius carpetgrass Axonopus siccus . Variation between plant heights of A. compressus and A. gangetica in the shade was lower than in the full sunlight, because in the shade they were trying to achieve more light for growth. One experiment was conducted in a glasshouse under shade such that the rate of penetration of light was 40% and another one was conducted in full sunlight. Cowgrass (Axonopus Compressus) There are two type of Cow Grass. Among different noxious weed species, Asystasia gangetica is frequently found in oil palm plantations [5]. Cow Grass (Axonopus compressus (Sw.) P. Cowgrass (Axonopus Compressus) There are two type of Cow Grass. 3m) Bathroom 2, 3 & 4 Full height ceramic / Porcelain tiles (max. The RY of A. gangetica increased in a linear or nonlinear manner as its proportion in the mixture with A. compressus increased, but its RY was not equivalent to that of A. compressus when each comprised half the mixture. The local climate was hot, humid, and tropical with abundant rainfall throughout the year. Copyright © 2013 B. Samedani et al. Culms ascendent, 20-50 cm tall, solid, and laterally compressed. The RYT value at 72 plants m−2 was greater than 1.0 (Figure 2(c)). Overyielding has been associated with higher biomass density and light interception or greater demand for resources [28, 30, 31]. The RCC values of A. compressus in both densities, when grown in equal proportions, were more than RCCs of A. gangetica on them (Table 3). A. compressus produced more dry weight and leaf area when competing against A. gangetica than in monoculture at both densities in the full sunlight and at high density in the shade. It appears that A. compressus produces more dry weight per plant when competing against A. gangetica than in monoculture. The two-petalled variant has larger leaf blades than the three-petalled variant and has a darker green color. We provide services for supply and delivery all types landscape plants and materials. Anyway, RYT reduced in the following order: 280 plants m−2 in the open > 280 plants m−2 in the shade > 72 plants m−2 in the open. After planting, each poly bag was treated with 0.2% benomyl. Axonopus is a genus of plants in the grass family, known generally as carpet grass. A. gangetica at both densities in the open grew better in monoculture compared to C : W mixtures, indicating Asystasia gangetica was more affected by interspecific interactions. Therefore, we hypothesized that A. compressus might control weeds under oil palm canopy in Malaysia. In immature oil palm plantations, vacant space between palms creates opportunities for noxious weeds to grow ubiquitously. Foliage. The wide spacing of palms at planting exposes the newly-uncovered soil to intense rainfall resulting in soil erosion and nutrient and organic matter loss [12]. Moreover, A. compressus did not over yield at 72 plants m−2 in the shade at C25W7. By contrast, shoot dry weight of A. gangetica decreased with increasing A. compressus proportions in the mixture as A. gangetica had the lowest shoot dry weight in C75W25 at both densities in the open and shade. Description; Specification; H/p: Show contact number We are landscape plants supplier. Palms that grow where there is Imperata cylindrica are generally stunted and retarded in growth [2]. Rika et al. Cover crop and weed species shoot biomass data were converted to relative yield (RY) according to the following equations: Response of A. gangetica to A. compressus with normal density (72 plants m−2) under the shade was linear and less than expected, and Asystasia gangetica responded at 288 plants m−2 density to A. compressus under shade to form a concave curve. Rating Content; Positive: On Oct 11, 2011, alfu from Gainesville, FL wrote: When this tough native grass first appeared in a no-longer irrigated, sunbaked southern-exposed yard, its long runners, each terminating in an obnoxious, upward and outward-reaching inflorescence, made me think it was crabgrass -- and maybe it is. The competitive ability of A. compressus to overcome A. gangetica was studied using multiple-density, multiple-proportion replacements series under a glasshouse and full sunlight conditions in a poly bag for 10 weeks. They are sometimes rhizomatous and many are tolerant of periodic submersion.. Plant height of A. compressus was unaffected in different proportions. Replacement series curves of interaction of A. gangetica with A. compressus in the shade have been illustrated in Figures 2(c) and 2(d). The Relative crowding coefficient (RCC) values of A. compressus at both densities, when grown in equal proportions, were more than the RCCs of A. gangetica (Table 3). A. gangetica responded to A. compressus to form a concave curve at 288 plants m−2 density (Figure 2(d)) that resulted in an EYR of about 0.68. When competing for limited resources, the species with the greater RCC in the mixture is the strongest competitor [17]. Relative yield and total relative yield are variables that are frequently used to infer competitiveness between species [19]. The leaves, however,generally form a dense mat that seldom reaches a height of more than 15cm… Moreover, the highest shoot dry weights plant−1 across the different proportions was found at 288 plants m−2. TPH was reduced by 70% in TA (fertilized soil) and 40% in TC (unfertilized soil). Axonopus compressus is one of the native soft grass species in oil palm in Malaysia which can be used as a cover crop. Axonopus compressus Mez Common names Dorrington grass in English Louisiana grass in English Teppichgras in German alfombra in Spanish assonopo compresso in Italian blanket grass in English broadleaf carpet grass in English broadleaf carpetgrass in language. Response of A. gangetica to A. compressus at 72 and 288 plants m−2 in the shade resulted in a 0.56 and 0.68 EYR, respectively. The RYT value was less than 1 at 280 plants m−2 (Figure 2(b)). The greater (RCC) values of A. compressus than the RCCs of A. gangetica at both densities in the open and shade, when grown in equal proportions, confirms the aggressiveness of A. compressus against the A. gangetica in terms of shoot dry weight production. A. The highest A. gangetica shoot dry weight was obtained in the pure stand of A. gangetica (W100) and the lowest in C75W25 and C50W50 at 288 plants m−2. Axonopus compressus and Digitaria didactyla. Axonopus compressus is one of the native soft grass species in oil palm in Malaysia which can be used as a cover crop. Species The mean shoot dry weight per plant of A. gangetica decreased as the proportions of A. compressus increased. Further research into the A. compressus competitive ability with weeds is planned. When one plant of basil (Ocimum sanctum) was competing with three of weed species, plant height and fresh weight plant−1 of basil increased [29]. This is the most popular and common type of Carpet Grass and is native to sandy soils of places such as South America and Mexico. Axonopus compressus is a robust, stoloniferous grass with flowering stems that can be up to 45cm tall. These findings suggest that A. compressus responded plastically to competition, whereas A. gangetica did not. Took quite a undertaking to identify this pita weed invading a customers lawn. Axonopus sp., Digitaria sp., and Palspalum sp. However, A. compressus under shade uses most of its energy to achieve more light for growth, and hence, Axonopus compressus density should be higher under shade to increase its competitiveness with A. gangetica. Buffalo grass (Northern Australia), broadleaf carpet grass, cow grass (Singapore, South-East Asia), tropical carpet grass. Sign up here as a reviewer to help fast-track new submissions. Based on the present findings, it can be concluded that A. compressus is highly competitive against A. gangetica. However, my test drive never consists of putting out products on turf that is the least bit stressed. It appears that A. compressus was less efficient in competing against the A. gangetica in low density. 3.2.2. I have discovered that not much in the way of information has been helpful to control this broadleaved carpet grass variety. The RYT of mixture was equal to monoculture at 72 plants m−2 (Figure 2(a)). Call us 1-844-567-9909 1-844-567-9909 Due to its ability to withstand high temperatures and droughts, many homeowners choose St. Augustine grass for their yard. This meant that about one A. compressus plant equaled the shoot dry weight production of three A. gangetica plants compared to the total shoot dry weight production of each monoculture, and suggesting that a large population of A. gangetica is needed to suppress a smaller population of A. compressus. The flowering clumps of the species spike up to 24″ – 28″ inches. Top of page A. compressus has a creeping stem which roots at the nodes. Common name. Foliage. Because of its ability to do well in shade, it is also often found under fruit trees. Weed control in oil palm plantations contributes to 75% of the total cost of pest management. Before starting study, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) was measured using an illuminometer (Extech instruments, model 407026) on the soil surface of poly bags at full sunlight and glasshouse under shade. Soft grasses like A. compressus are also better at collecting loose fruits than broadleaf legume cover crops. It is concluded that although suppression of A. gangetica by A. compressus occurred under full sunlight, irrespective of plant density, this ability reduced under shade as A. compressus density decreased. Axonopus compressus (syn. Since density by proportion interaction was significant for shoot dry weight of A. compressus, every combination was analyzed separately (data not given). A native grass species for phytoremediation of hydrocarbon‐contaminated soil in Assam, India Sabitry Bordoloi ... plant biomass and height were significantly reduced. The occurrence of allelopathic interaction would have lowered the total yield in mixtures compared with monoculture [16]. As the proportion of A. gangetica in the mixtures increased in open, A. compressus yielded over the expected rate and produced a convex curve at 72 plants m−2 and a linear response with more than expected at 288 plants m−2, whereas A. gangetica yielded under the expected rate and had a concave curve at both densities in the open. Therefore, the objectives of the study were to examine the interference dynamics between Axonopus compressus and the Asystasia gangetica, in different light conditions. The eradication of very dense stands of A. gangetica in an oil palm plantation resulted in a 12% increase in fresh fruit bunch production [6]. is a robust creeping perennial grass that forms dense mats. Polythene grow bags (poly bags) measuring 30 cm × 20 cm × 25 cm were used for growing the plants. In General, plant heights of A. compressus were lower than A. gangetica in monoculture (Table 1). Axonopus compressus is one of the native soft grass species in oil palm in Malaysia which can be used as a cover crop. A. compressus is one of the soft grass species that is widely used as ground cover to protect soil erosion, as turf grass for landscaping and for sports fields as well as to conserve soil moisture in Malaysia [14]. The competitive ability of A. compressus to overcome A. gangetica was studied using multiple-density, multiple-proportion replacements series under a glasshouse and full sunlight conditions in a poly bag for 10 weeks. A. compressus shoot dry weight remained unchanged from C100W0 to C50W50, hence, as proportions changed in this range both intra- and interspecific competition were counteracting each other. A. compressus was allowed to interact for 10 weeks after planting with A. gangetica. ... (Axonopus compressus) and narrowleaf carpetgrass (A. affinis). Axonopus compressus. By contrast, A. gangetica at both densities in the shade in C25W75 proportion had more shoot dry weight relative to monoculture. The specific epithet compressus means flattened sideways, pressed together. Carpet grass/QLD Blue Mix. A. gangetica produced the highest shoot biomass per plant in C25W75 proportion in both densities. A. compressus in monoculture (C100), C75 : W25 and C50 : W50 produced less shoot biomass per plant than in C25 : W75 at two different densities (Table 1). have the ability to prevent weed succession of noxious species simply because base land for the noxious weeds to colonise is less available [4]. Narrowleaf carpetgrass is the type most often used in lawns and the seeds are readily available. Common name. Finally, noxious weeds like Asystasia and Mikania can dominate in these areas because of their high tolerance to low soil fertility and shade from the palm canopy [13]. By using multiple densities, it is possible to compare monoculture stands, allowing determination of the relative extent of intra- and interspecific competition between the species [20]. S. R. Radosevich, J. S. Holt, and C. M. Ghersa, J. Thrives under heavy grazing, down to stubble height of 5‒5.7 cm. It is also known to be drought and cold tolerant. The De Wit competitiveness diagrams of the relative shoot dry weight (RY) of the A. compressus and A. gangetica is shown in Figures 2(a) and 2(b). var. All regressions were conducted using Sigma Plot version 11. Regression of RYs on weed proportions 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, and 1.0 were used to produce the replacement series diagrams to determine the competitiveness in the mixture as compared with the monoculture [18, 22, 23]. Soft grasses such as Axonopus sp., Digitaria sp., and Palspalum sp. Known speciality lawn products. It is likely allelopathy to be involved in the interaction of A. compressus and A. gangetica at 280 plants m−2 in the open and shade, because the RYT value of A. compressus with A. gangetica was < 1 for all proportions. Its low height with dense rounded leaves gives it a more orderly appearance and is thus more attractive than the three-petalled cow grass. At the same time A. compressus cuttings were planted in poly bags according to the required spatial arrangement. Other studies have also shown that more competitive species produce a higher relative yield when grown in mixtures, whereas the yield of weak competitors is lower in mixtures than in monoculture [27, 28]. To prevent seed heads, mow carpetgrass every five days to a height of 1 to 2 inches (2.5 to 5 cm.). Yeow et al. Plant height of A. gangetica decreased with increasing proportion of A. compressus in mixtures at 288 plants m−2 but was unaffected at 72 plants m−2 in the shade. Both the experiments were carried out in a randomized complete block design with four replications. Worldwide coverage of oil palm plantations is 13 million ha of which about 5.3 million ha lies in Indonesia and 4.2 million ha in Malaysia [1]. Shading has been shown to drastically reduce plant growth [32]. Comparatively Axonopus compressus was better in survival as well as maintenance in terms of its limited height and weight. The relative crowding coefficient (RCC) value demonstrates the aggressiveness of one species towards another. Z. Gao, S. P. Wang, X. G. Han, B. D. Patton, and P. E. Nyren, “Competition between, S. Singh and M. Singh, “Interactions of basil (, E. Vojtech, M. Loreau, S. Yachi, E. M. Spehn, and A. Hector, “Light partitioning in experimental grass communities,”, E. M. Spehn, J. Joshi, B. Schmid, M. Diemer, and C. Körner, “Above-ground resource use increases with plant species richness in experimental grassland ecosystems,”, S. Benvenuti, M. Macchia, and A. Stefani, “Effects of shade on reproduction and some morphological characteristics of, A. S. Collins, C. A. Fast growth result in a superior plant [36]. Blanket grass (Axonopus compressus (Sw.) P. A convex curve for one species and a concave curve for the other species in the series indicate that the species are competing for a common resource. Carpetgrass Seed - Use carpetgrass seed for lawns in wet soil areas in lower South. Shoot dry weight, plant height, and leaf area of, Relative crowding coefficient in interaction between, Department of Crop Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia, Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia, Department of Land Management, Faculty of Agriculture, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia, http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PDABG454.pdf, Means within column for each density followed by the same letter are not significantly different at, A. C. Soh, T. Y. Wong, C. C. Hor, P. S. Tan, and P. S. Chew, “Oil palm,” in. Took quite a few St. Augustine grass problems that homeowners can find themselves with. The mean shoot dry weights plant−1 across the different proportions agent a solid to... The area covered by oil palm in Malaysia which can be used as a cover crop to produce allelochemicals affect... 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