Since Cooler is a super strong hitter he pairs well with the Phy Cooler as one rotation and agl meta cooler with the teq transforming frieza with an int meta cooler for ki and maybe the agl or teq golden frieza for defense. I'm waiting for Supreme Oppai of time to dokkan. Iâm trying to tackle this guy so I can up my phy cooler. ... Game Cards List Categories Drops Schedule Inactive Extreme Z. Heinous Attack Cooler (Final Form) 3285. Increases attack by 30% for TEQ, INT, and STR types +2 ki and +2000 attack when hp is 30% or below This wraps up my guide on the best Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle characters. New Form and Resolve Android #16. Buy Dokkan accounts from reputable Dokkan Account sellers via secure Dokkan marketplace. Last 2 you'd probably be forced into EZA FP Frieza + PHY Cooler. 42. Other. But I am using him on his own team, I've seen him on a movie bosses or transformation boost team experiment around. Reverse Teq transforming frieza if you want an infinite stacker, use that frieza on one rotation and Teq GF on the other with Str coolers in each. If you're cautious, don't transform either cooler for a few turns after they're able so that Teq frieza can stack a bit. LEVEL 10 LINKS 100% RAINBOW STAR TRANSFORMING TEQ MAJIN VEGETA! Other. Cooler leads to powerful categories, and in his base form is quite the useful support Card. However, F2P Mono TEQ has other great options for leaders in the forms of The Power of a God Unleashed - Super Saiyan God SS Vegeta, Extreme Z-Awakened Heading for a Showdown - Super Saiyan 3 Goku (Angel), Getting Butterflies - Bulma, and ⦠Quiz. He gets an extra attack and a further bonus up to 150% ATK & DEF when paired together with at least 2 extra Dragon Ball Heroes allies on his team. S. TEQ: SR: Dokkan Awaken "Overflowing Resolve" Goku (JP only) Yes. My team currently consists of: Int golden frieza (angel) Teq dokkan golden frieza Str Majin vegeta Int Metal cooler (grudge version, only level 80 ssr) Agl event piccolo rainbow Phy cooler (turns into the terrifying pressure version/is this version) Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle is a Gacha game by Namco Bandai released on both iOS and Android. (DBZ: Dokkan Battle) DaTruthDT. Find all the Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Game information & More at DBZ Space! vallakhi000. In this form Cooler is able to fight on par with base Goku. Int Meta cooler, Phy Cooler, and probably Cooler Army to round it out. With very few weaknesses, Cooler enters Dokkan with a wide array of combat abilities that make him an incredibly intimidating force. Top views. 10 days ago by. His leader skill provides the "Frieza Race" category with a god-like boost (170%! Product Key Free : Microsoft Office 2019 â Serial Number (3/2020) Free Product Key Microsoft office 365 â Active lifetime(3/2020) Where to buy the Xbox Series X: Get inventory restock updates for Amazon, Microsoft, Best Buy, Newegg , Target (DBZ: Dokkan Battle) DaTruthDT. VIRTUAL DOKKAN ULTIMATE CLASH 25 | Dokkan Battle: 2020-11-10: SUPER SAIYAN 3 GOTENKS DOKKANFEST BOSS BATTLE | Dokkan Battle: 2020-11-10: METAL COOLER y VEGETA & GOKU llegan MAÑANA! ADIOS para SIEMPRE, JIREN! ... ð Dokkan - Broly TEQ LR + Vegeta EVO + Goku EVO 1200+ Stones - FRESH Battle. 100% RAINBOW STAR AGL ANGEL FRIEZA! Who is the newest LR in Dokkan? Cheap, safe and 24/7 service. Game Cards List Categories Drops Schedule Inactive Extreme Z. Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle is a free-to-play mobile game based on the Dragon Ball franchise. $39.99. FAST 'N FREE. Play this game to review Other. In this form Cooler is able to fight on par with base Goku. Cooler from the get go starts with a very high Buff, while also giving a universal Support Buff for his allies on rotation. vallakhi000. 13. 1/80 "Terrifying Conquerors" Category Ki +2 and HP, ATK & DEF +30%: Death Flash - Raises DEF and causes supreme damage to enemy Details: 10 Billion Power Warriors!" 1959. Watch Queue Queue. Having an Endless Evolution of the Warrior Race - Super Saiyan Broly as a guest will maximize the Teamâs stats, as he gives the highest percentage boost of any Card that leads the category. Dokkan Battle DRAFT. Edit. Edit. However, where Cooler gets crazy is once players use his Active Skill to unleash this Cardâs insane ATK Buff. Meta-Cooler's Dokkan Fest. 1. Save. Preview this quiz on Quizizz. This form is referred to as Cooler's 3rd form in the Collectible Card Game, while it is named his Fourth Form in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2. â I chose this date because it is the 1 Year Anniversary of Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission being released in the United States of America! Yeah. 2795. 1598. K - Professional development. dulldrohl posted... Ugh, this is gonna f*** with my transforming Cooler stones... Looks like there's going to be a F2P base form Cumber, too. 1452. | DB Legends: 2020-11-09: 5ª DRAGON BALL de PORUNGA de la THANK YOU CELEBRATION (set 1) | Dokkan Battle: 2020-11-09 JPN Analysis. 17. TEQ FF Cooler is pretty damn good. Find all the Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Game information & More at DBZ Space! ... Game Cards List Categories Drops Schedule Inactive Extreme Z. Proudest in the Universe Cooler (Final Form) 2414. ð iOS - Dokkan - Cooler STR with 2000+ Dragon Stones - Fresh Rank 1 Battle. 1070. FAST 'N FREE ð Android - Dokkan - Gogeta AGL + Broly PHY 2000+ Dragon Stones - GLOB Battle. K - Professional development. 1/80: Extreme TEQ Type Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +70%: Golden Supernova - Raises ATK and causes immense damage to enemy Details You can farm his SR copies with the Frieza dokkan event using portal keys All in all You can use this team: Agl Cooler lead Teq F2P Cooler EZA Int GF Teq Undokkaned Transza/dokkaned Transza FP Frieza Same. Find the cards, build your team, create a graph to see how they link - Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Game ". Played 2 times. Watch Queue Queue This DB anime action puzzle game features beautiful 2D illustrated visuals and animations set in a DRAGON BALL world where the timeline has been thrown into chaos, where DB characters from the past and present come face to face in new and exciting battles! Karoly â Transcended Fate: TEQ: UR > NA: 40: 9,756: 8,095: 4,163: Kibito â Letter of the Law: STR: SR > SSR: 12: 7,128: 5,205: 3,969: Kibito Kai â Unforeseen Fusion 2408. Step 1: Find the character you want. No. Find all the Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Game information & More at DBZ Space! 2754. 52 "Legendary Super Saiyan" Super Saiyan Goku: S. TEQ: SSR: Dokkan Awaken "Message from Another World" Angel Goku ... "Endless Horror" Meta Cooler: TEQ: SR "Fight! Buy now! âWell obviously teq ultimate gohan has the best effects,â an idiot might say. DRAFT. 42. $29.99. based on the Dragon Ball franchise. 840. Find all the Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Game information & More at DBZ Space! This form is referred to as Cooler's 3rd form in the Collectible Card Game, while it is named his Fourth Form in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2. â I chose this date because it is the 1 Year Anniversary of Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission being released in the United States of America! Teq Cooler (F2P)/Str Cooler Undokkaned Transza/Dokkaned Transza As for Transza, why didn't you have him maxed out? Played 2 times. It's annoying too since they'll probably link super well and Golden Cooler's best team may be whatever the new Cooler's team is. 10 days ago by. A mysterious force has gathered the Dragon Balls and has made a major wish - for all the fighters in space/time to gather to see who the strongest is. Dokkan Battle. Evil Scorn Cooler. DRAGON BALL Z DOKKAN BATTLE is the one of the best DRAGON BALL mobile game experiences available. I beg to differ; Str Ultimate Gohan raises his atk infinitely so he has infinite APT. Another Turles is an excellent alternative as well, giving the ⦠This is a free tool that helps you find the best linking partner for any character you want, so that you can build your team. 96 "Dastardly Space Pirate" Chilled: TEQ: SR "Lone Warrior's Last Battle" No. TEQ 1st Form Frieza (the one that transforms, but you'll want to reverse Dokkan him so he can continuously stack DEF). As you all know, cooler lowers atk and def, str ultimate gohan raises atk, and teq ultimate gohan stacks atk and def. For Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle on the iOS (iPhone/iPad), a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Final form cooler farmable no more ? SUMMONED: TheLizard25: Cell (TEQ)X2 (DOKKANED) SSJ3 Vegeta (DOKKANED) SSGSS GokuX3 (DOKKANED) SSJ3 GokuX2 (DOKKANED) SSGSS VegetaX2 (DOKKANED) SSJ Rage Trunks (DOKKANED) SSJ4 Vegeta (DOKKANED) Super Vegito (AGL) ⦠This video is unavailable. ), is revealed to have intense hard-hitting and regenerative abilities, and his Super Attack animations are considered superior to the animation in the movie he appeared in. Just wanted to throw that out there for everyone to know - FF Cooler, while not being the absolute best non-Dokkan Fest-exclusive tUR that we have gotten so far, is still an excellent unit. å½¢æ
]Leader skill: Extreme TEQ Type Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +100%Super Attack: Raises ATK and causes immense damage to enemyPassive Skill: ATK & DEF ⦠100% average accuracy. NOTE: I will not add Masked Saiyan, and Tapion (Hirudegarn) since they technically aren't Dokkan Festival Exclusives. October 10, 2020 THE WORST FRIEZA?? When Extreme Z-Awakened, Answers Found in Training - Super Saiyan Goku/Super Saiyan Gohan (Youth) is the best Free To Play TEQ leader. 1869. 1865. HE'S JUST WORSE COOLER? Find all the Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Game information & More at DBZ Space!