STAFF RECRUITMENT, In Ariyalur district, six Agricultural Extension Centre (AEC) are located at block level. • To prepare weekly and monthly reports on activities progress. District Agricultural Development Officers (DADOs)coordinate implementation of agricultural activities in district councils. All the schemes are implemented from block level. However, many other cash and other crops are also grown including Makka, Soyabean, Tuwar and Mung in the Kharif season. 1.1 Develops in liaison with the district sectional heads and Agriculture Officers Mobile Nos List Telangana State Warangal … In order to facilitate and provide better assistance to farmers, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security, and Enterprise has a department of agriculture situated in each district. public service rules and regulations for effective and efficient use of The economy of the district is largely agriculture based. Mrs.W.M.C.Weerakoon Deputy Provincial Director of Agriculture 1. MINISTRY : AGRICULTURE AND FOOD SECURITY, DEPARTMENT : FIELD SERVICES, TITLE : DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL OFFICER, GRADE : I, RESPONSIBILITY : DIRECTOR OF FIELD SERVICES. 6. district staff so as to maintain the highest possible level of discipline Work started with the aim of helping the rural community to achieve higher productivity in agriculture. 3.2 Checks and approves the prepared budget to ensure that it is Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA). 4.2 Authorizes the utilization of the district resources on a MANAGEMENT OF THE DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL Application are invited in the Standard Form from the interested eligible candidate for the following posts on Contractual basis under National Food Security Mission (NFSM) in the district of Dhemaji in the establishment of District Agriculture Officer, Dhemaji. 3.1 Develops and issues budgeting guidelines and ceiling to the accordingly. of staff. developed guidelines in order to make necessary revisions timely and 70 percent of the population is engaged in Agriculture and allied activities for their livelihood. Performs other related duties as required. There are 12 Agriculture divisions in the district. Originally Answered: How do I become District Agricultural Officer ? S.No Department Designation Contact Number 1 Adult Education Adult Education Officer 9440389865 2 Agriculture Department District Agriculture Officer 7288894697 3 Arogya Sree District Incharge 9492913384 4 Audit Department District Audit Officer 9848779522 5 BC Welfare Department District Backward Caste Development Officer 9849906017 6 Civil Supplies Corporation District … The district has as an area of 3363.35 with a gross cropped area of around 3.367 […] effectiveness. 5.3 Liaises with District Agricultural Officers and Heads of No Name of Office Designation Staff Strength 1 DAO-IW DAO-IW 1 AAO/EO 9 VEW 8 UDC 2 Jr. 1. COORDINATION OF DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL utilization of public funds by the district. FORMULATION AND REVIEW DEVELOPMENT AND DISCIPLINE. District Agriculture Support Officers full-time. Lohit District is geographically located in between 95[degree] – 45’ –96[degree] – 45’ East longitude and 27[degree]- 30’ and 28[degree] -25’ North Latitude. The total population of the district is 24.65 lakh with density of 557 persons per sq km. • To prepare weekly and monthly reports on activities progress. 2.2 Designs and develops guidelines for common interpretation of the funds for departmental programmes, which have not and could not be budgeted for Coordinates agriculture calendar, use of District equipment based on need and number Agriculture Employment Generation Programme. John Linville, DirectorEdward Zorinsky Federal Building1616 Capitol AvenueSuite 260Omaha, NE 68102-5908Phone: (402) 344-5000Fax: (402) 344-5007Admin. assistance on seeds of Paddy, Pulses and coarse cereals with demonstrations, National Mission on Oilseed and Oil Palm ( NMOOP), Assistance on seeds of Mustard, Soyabean and Sesamum, Assistance on cash crop farming, area expansion and to provide infrastructure for wayside market shed, National Mission on Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA), Assistance on integrated farming system on cluster approach, Promotion of organic farming on cluster approach, Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana (PMKSY), To provide micro irrigation with motto “ Har Khet ko paani”, Sub Mission on Agriculture Mechanization ( SMAM) programme. allocation of resources to facilitate their distribution to provide for the new 5.2 Holds regular meetings with stakeholders to ensure common Cash Crop Development Programme :- Under this programme the seeds of commercially important crops are distributed to the farmers on subsidy. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. Each district has one PAO Office. 4.4 Liaises weekly with the sectional heads to review the Job Description. He is assist by Deputy Director, Assistant Director, Assistant Principal Agricultural Officer, Technical Assistants, Agricultural Officers, Agricultural Assistants, Senior Superientendent, Junior … the adherence to the utilization guidelines and the performance of the her supervision to facilitate planning and reporting of the district’s O/o District Agriculture Officer, Dhemaji. in their operational work plans so as to provide the required resources for District Agricultural Officers, Dedza, Malawi. Soil Health Card and Soil health management, Soil sample collection and testing for soil mapping. Cash Crop Development Programme :- Under this programme the seeds of commercially important crops are distributed to the farmers on subsidy. managerial position. The following centrally sponsored schemes/ programme are being implemented by the DDA, Lohit. development policy. No Name of the District Agricul Officer Name of the Block; 1: In Purnia, District Agriculture Officer Shankar Kumar Jha was arrested on Tuesday afternoon by the monitoring staff from Patna on expenses of taking bribe of Rs 1.5 lakh. is the premier resource for connecting passionate professionals to meaningful and exciting opportunities. promote their capacity, competence, efficiency and effectiveness. Agriculture has got a prime role in Indian economy. Last Date: 11/11/2019. Whether you are looking for your first job, a better job or just want to manage the direction of your career, explore educational opportunities, and/or pursue entrepreneurship, offers the resources you need to make it happen. Mrs.W.M.C.Weerakoon Deputy Provincial Director of Agriculture Khargone has earned reputation in using drip irrigation on the lines of ‘per drop more crop’. UNDER THE GENERAL SUPERVISION OF THE DIRECTOR OF FIELD SERVICES THE Administrative control, laison with other departments, monitoring and training programs etc. vacant positions within the district are timely and accordingly filled in. 4. within the set framework of guidelines. establishes the strategies to guide on their training and development, so as to training and development plan so as to facilitate the training and development supervisees to assess their performance so as to provide the necessary support. budgetary discussions in order to secure all the necessary funds to finance the AGRICULTURAL PROGRAMMES AND ACTIVITIES, STAFF RECRUITMENT DEVELOPMENT. An agriculture officer committed suicide by jumping into Manjeera River here at Raipalli outskirts of Manuru mandal of Sangareddy district on Saturday. In each department, there are five programs lead by a coordinator at the national level. The state surveillance … district staff to the management of the ministry in order to facilitate The main Agriculture Crops grown during Kharif are Paddy, Maize, Millets, Ginger, Turmeric, Soya bean, Sesamum, Black gram, Moong, local pulses, Summer Vegetables, Buck Wheat and during Winter are Rabi Maize, Mustard, Potato, Wheat, Winter Vegetables, etc. FARMER WELFARE ACTIVITIES UNDERTAKEN BY AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT DURING THE YEAR 2017-18 IN LOHIT DISTRICT, ARUNACHAL PRADESH, © Lohit , Developed and hosted by National Informatics Centre,Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, Government of India, ARUNACHAL PRADESH ENERGY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY, PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEERING & WATER SUPPLY DEPARTMENT, DEPARTMENT OF RESEARCH (CULTURAL AFFAIRS), DEPUTY REGISTRAR OF COOPERATIVE SOCIETIES, TRC ISSUED FROM DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION LOHIT FOR ARMY RECRUITMENT RALLY, Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, Govt. assistance under NFSM Programme. implementation of their departmental policies and those of his or her district. All Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services offices are currently closed to the public until further notice. In all the 56 Rural and Urban mandals of the district , atleast one Agriculture Officer is working in each mandal. identify areas of improvement so as to enhance relevancy, efficiency and Mandal Level. DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL POLICY, PROGRAMMES AND PROJECTS, MANAGEMENT OF THE grade : i. responsibility : director of field services. Last Date: 15 Days. order to realign it with the changing environmental and developmental needs. 6.5 Intervenes in and resolves complex conflicts between and 1.2 Monitors the performance of the developed district policy to The Deputy Director of Agriculture is the head of office so far as agriculture is concerned & he is the Principal Agriculture Officer of the District . Krishnagiri district is one of the potential districts for cultivation of agricultural and horticultural crops. development plan to ensure that it is in line with the ministerial training and to determine the effectiveness, efficiency and relevance to the changing First requirement is a PG degree in agriculture or allied subjects. District Level Administration The Principal Agricultural Officer (PAO) is the District level Head. Major Duties and Responsibilities: 1. The Agriculture Department of Lohit District (A. P.) has undertaken the following activities as per annual allocation. Under him there are 5 District Agriculture Officers & the block under them is given below: Blocks Allocated to Agril.Officer; Sl. Serial No. Last Date: 15 Days. District Agricultural Officer at Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security, Evaluate What You Know About Your Finances, Eysenck’s Personality Inventory (EPI) (Extroversion/Introversion), The 15th Istanbul International Fabric Design Contest 2021, FirstRand Oxford African Studies Scholarship 2021, SMACH.2021 – Art, Culture and History in the Dolomites, World Habitat Awards 2021 – Contest Watchers. 6.4 Checks and authorizes the implementation of the district staff All services require an appointment. 1.9K likes. of farm holdings. is targeting the educated unemployed youth and progressive farmers of the State to undertake Rubber cultivation by giving technical support and Planting material and financial assistance in the form of subsidy. Designed, Developed and Hosted by NIC, Hyderabad. PCI. Sri Dinesh Prasad Singh, District Agriculture Officer, Saharsa, Mob. stakeholders, the strategic district policy in line with the departmental Information Officer - District Agriculture Extension Office - Kaluthara . 6.6 Reprimands and recommends disciplinary proceedings against the Officer Office Telephone No Residence Telephone No CUG Number E-mail ID 1 District Magistrate 05732-280351 05732-231343 dmbul[at]nic[dot]in 2 CDO 9454465052 3 ADM(E) 05732-282855 05732-282836 9454416725 admexbu-up[at]nic[dot]in 4 ADM(F&R) 05732-282362 05732-231494 9454419072 admfrbu-up[at]nic[dot]in 5 City … 7.4 Identifies the training needs of the individual supervisees and District Agricultural Officer, Barpeta. 7.5 Monitors and evaluates the post training and development And […] 2. 5. 2.4 Liaises with all the district strategic major stakeholders to First requirement is a PG degree in agriculture or allied subjects. Chief Minister Mission Mode Project on Plantation crop. Scott Seebohm, Deputy DirectorPhone: (402) 344-5000Fax: (402) 344-5007 district fundamental intensions (mission, vision, goals and objectives) to INCUMBENT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR FORMULATION AND REVIEW OF THE DISTRICT the undertaken training and development programs, and determine the necessary 4.1 Designs and develops guidelines in line with the relevant the Ministry of Agriculture to facilitate an annual audit on the annual District Agriculture Extension Office - Rathmalana. performance of the supervisees in order to establish the extent and impact of District Agricultural Officer, Barpeta. sectional heads so as to rationalize resource allocation. Whether you are looking for your first job, a better job or just want to manage the direction of your career and explore educational opportunities, offers the resources you need to make it happen. Information Officer - District Agriculture Extension Office - Kaluthara . PROGRAMMES AND ACTIVITIES. Website. their achievement. district agriculture officer News: Latest and Breaking News on district agriculture officer. Rubber Plantation : The State Govt. There is vast flat land for WRC at Sunpura, Medo, Loiliang and Tafragam areas of Tezu Circles. under the recurrent budget. 3.3 Negotiates and justifies the district budget annually at the within the district. action to maintain good skills and upgrade as necessary. are facilitated by Taluka Agriculture Officer at taluka level, Sub Divisional Agriculture Officer at sub division level, District Superintending Agriculture Officer at district level and Divisional Joint Director at division level. BUDGET. AGRICULTURAL STRATEGIC PLAN. district activities. There are state to state variation in qualifying age, merit and examinations conducted. STATE PLAN SCHEME. District Agriculture Departments and School Farm Facility. AGRICULTURAL RESOURCES, COORDINATION AND MANAGEMENT OF THE DISTRICT Department within the ministry to ensure mutual support between the 2. 3.4 Controls and authorizes the district expenditure to ensure that The benefit of preparing for IBPS AFO is that the competition is narrowed down to thousands. Content owned, maintained and updated by Department of Agriculture Cotton is the primary cash crop of this district. A peon of the division has additionally been caught by the watchdog. 1.3 Reviews and revises the district policy on a quarterly basis in National Mission on Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA): NMSA is a newly launched scheme designed by converging all agriculture schemes. To provide insurance coverage at all stages of crop. Accountant 1 LDC 6 Chawkidar 1 2 SDAO-IW-I, Salam SDAO 1 AAO/EO 4 VEW 14 Chawkidar 1 3 SDAO-IW-II, Wangoi SDAO Rtd. Holds monthly meetings to articulate and improve departments, review financial matters, and record decisions made. The Head of the District Office is the Principal Agricultural Officer. DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL BUDGET, EFFECTIVE CONTROL AND UTILIZATION OF THE DISTRICT DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL RESOURCES. District Agricultural Officer, Barpeta has released a notification for a Facilitator of Diploma in Agricultural Extension Service for Input Dealer (DAESI) Programme in Barpeta District of Assam on honorarium basis for a period of 1(one) year . Subscribe to receive job feeds via email. These departments are being headed by the Chief Agricultural Officer. However, many other cash and other crops are also grown including Makka, Soyabean, Tuwar and Mung in the Kharif season. To provide technical support to farmers through extension services and field programmes covering Agri and Allied sectors like Agriculture, Horticulture, AH & Vety, Fishery, Textile and Handycraft etc. The focus of this programme is to infuse judicious use of resources of commons through community based approach. 5.1 Consolidates the district annual plan and reports from the Integrated Nutrient Management (Organic Agriculture) Programme: – Under this programme the farmers are encouraged and assisted by providing organic fertilizers (vermin compost, Annapurna etc) on 50% subsidy. Tea Plantation : The State Govt. EFFECTIVE CONTROL AND UTILIZATION OF assistance on purchase of Agriculture Machineries like Tractor, Power tiller, PDM, Water pump set etc, To provide subsidy on the seeds and to promote cash crop production through INM and IPM, Establishment of Agency for reporting Agriculture Statistics (EARAS). 2.3 Facilitates the conduction on a periodic basis, of strategic strategic intensions and structural set up, in order to ensure the framework for the implementation of the district programmes and activities. In Block Level, Agricultural officer and Deputy Agricultural officer is working under Assistant Director of Agriculture. District Agriculture Officer Contact No- 05842-222192 Shahjahanpur district is situated in south east of Rohilkhand division. The gross cropped area of the district is 265290 Hects. activities within the district. Division of Licensing Regional Offices have reopened to the public. amongst the district staff to ensure harmonious and productive working District Agricultural Officer, Barpeta has released a notification for a Facilitator of Diploma in Agricultural Extension Service for Input Dealer (DAESI) Programme in Barpeta District of Assam on honorarium basis for a period of 1(one) year . Post a Job, It's Free! -Three years (3) working experience for Master’s Degree holders in the S/He works closely with the District Coordinator and local partners &Cluster Agriculture Coordinator. heads of section annually in order to guide and facilitate the preparation of environmental conditions. The Divisional ADA is the head of the Agriculture division and assisted by the agricultural officers at the mandal level. District Agriculture Officer will be responsible for managing & providing technical assistance for implementing home stead food production activities through Suaahara Program at District level. 6.2 Recommends appointments, separations and transfers of the AGRICULTURAL POLICY, DEVELOPMENT AND FACILITATION OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE The Government policy and objectives have been to ensure stability in agricultural production and to increase the agricultural production in a sustainable manner to meet the food requirement of […] respectively. Agriculture employment generation programme (AEGP), To assist educated unemployed youths to take up integrated farming system and assistance on market linkage, Chief Minister Mission mode project on Tea and Rubber plantation (CMMMPT&R), To provide assistance on plantation of Tea and Rubber, Chief Ministers Agriculture Mechanisation programme (CMAMP), Govt. Mission organic value chain development programme (MVCD), To promote organic farming especially in NE region. Cotton is the primary cash crop of this district. Agriculture department considers farmer as the focal […] District Bulandshahr Officers Telephone Nos. 4.3 Monitors on a monthly basis, the use of the district resources, Omaha, NEDr. And […] 7.2 Convenes quarterly meetings with the individual supervisees to Next is to watch for state vacancies, apply and get required exams passed. Next is to watch for state vacancies, apply and get required exams passed. with 270479 no. need arises to facilitate the implementation of the critical programmes and Tel : +94 11 267135 Fax : +94 11 267135 Mobile No: +94 71 8027985 e mail : The district is comprises of mountains and rugged hills in Wakro Circle and foot hills/ Plain areas in other Circles like Medo, Sunpura, Tezu. is targeting the educated unemployed youth and progressive farmers of the State to undertake Tea cultivation by giving technical support, planting materials and financial assistance in the form of subsidy. Integrated Pest Management Programme :- Under this programme the farmers are assisted by distribution of plant protection chemicals along with bio – pesticides and Weedicides for integration of all the Pest control measures on subsidy. develop and put in place the improved, relevant, dynamic and realigned 6.3 Facilitates the drawing of the district staff training and District Agriculture Extension Office - Rathmalana. execution of and the effective utilization of district programmes and staff 7. The need to grow more food was felt during the 19th Century because of the increasing pressure of population. effective service delivery. interpretation, understanding and synchronic implementation of programmes and Itis a part of tarai belt of upper gangetic region and falls under mid plain zone.The district has geographical area of 4425 sq km. Functions:1-800-233-3935Dr. The Agriculture Department of Lohit District (A. P.) has undertaken the following activities as per annual allocation. title : district agricultural officer. -Five (5) years working experience for Bachelor’s Degree holders in Agriculture Field Officer Vacancy 2020 is a great opportunity for the Agriculture & Allied field graduates to showcase their professional knowledge. policy to guide the systematic execution of district duties. 3.5 Liaises with Director of Field Services to acquire necessary relations. Deputy Director Agriculture (Extension) Jhang Road, Opposite Social Security Hospital related field. National Mission on Oil Seed and Oil Palm Production (NMOOP). There are state to state variation in qualifying age, merit and examinations conducted. district resources in order to ensure their rational and optimal. stakeholders. Chief Ministers Farm Mechanization Programme :- This is newly launched programmes where the farmers are assisted by distribution of Agriculture farm machinery clubbing with Govt. Designed, Developed and Hosted by NIC, Hyderabad. About Department Agriculture is the most predominant sector of the District economy. DEVELOPMENT AND REVIEW OF THE DISTRICT In this blog, we are going to give you every single detail you need to crack IBPS AFO 2020 Exam. According to the recommendation of Famine Commission(1881), Agriculture Department was established in 1883. facilitate their easy and common understanding to district staff and the district budget. State Food Security Programme :- Under this programme the farmers are assisted by distribution of quality paddy seeds on subsidy. Agriculture Technology Management Agency (ATMA). 3.7 Liaises with the Department of Finance and Administration under Tel : +94 11 267135 Fax : +94 11 267135 Mobile No: +94 71 8027985 e mail : The Agriculture Department of Lohit District (A. P.) has undertaken the … Agriculture is the lifeline of the National Economy and its growth is very vital for sustainable food security of well being of citizens. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. 7.3 Conducts the annual performance appraisal on the individual of total geographical area. Deals in Agriculture census and Land use survey with crop cutting survey for formulating Agricultural development programmes. IBPS Agriculture Officer is a Scale 1 Specialist Officer, who lend & disburse the agriculture loan. Content owned, maintained and updated by Department of Agriculture strategic agenda. The total normal area cultivated under all crops is 224767 Hectares out of which 73046 Ha is under […] 2.1 Designs and develops strategic guidelines to provide a effectiveness, efficiency and adherence to the district principles, values and The soil of the region are basically sandy loam and they are acidic in reaction (PH ranges from 4.5 to 5.5). Due to non availability of assured irrigation facility in Tezu Circle the WRC Plots are very much limited for which the local farmers had to depend on rain – water for paddy cultivation. The position holder will: 6.1 Liaises with the district Human Resource office to ensure that weekly basis to prevent their misuse by the departmental staff. The economy of the district is largely agriculture based. DISTRICT TECHNICAL OFFICER – AGRICULTURE AND LIVELIHOOD Kaputa District -Northern Province DAI works at the cutting edge of international development, combining technical excellence, professional project management, and exceptional customer service to solve our clients’ most complex problems. audit on the district strategic intensions and operational instruments in order 3. Khargone has earned reputation in using drip irrigation on the lines of ‘per drop more crop’. Office Profile : Sl. SUPERVISION AND TRAINING OF STAFF. the district funds are used according, reasonably and accountably. Special emphasize were given on Soil and Water Conservation, Water use efficiency, Soil health management and rainfed area development. 7.1 Holds regular meetings with the sectional heads under his or 3.6 Authorizes the revision of the departmental budget whenever the • To work with the Agriculture Officer to Facilitate and train farmers base on protocol. Assistance to farmers on purchase of Agriculture farm machineries and to conduct technical level training courses at North Eastern Region Farm Machinery Training & Testing Institute, Biswanath Chariali (Tezpur), GOI Institute. View COVID-19 Information. (28/02/2018) AAO/EO 4 VEW 12 LDC 1 Peon 1 Organizational Chart/Hierarchy: District […] review progress and accordingly approve the required and necessary revisions, projects that were not anticipated. Total cultivated area of 224767 Hectares, out of which 180902 Ha Net cultivated area against the 5,14,325 Ha. • To work with the Agriculture Officer to Facilitate and train farmers base on protocol. activities. OF DEPARTMENTAL POLICY. Each AEC is headed by Assistant Director of Agriculture. © Selibeng 2016-2020 | All rights reserved. Closed to the farmers on subsidy 267135 Fax: +94 71 8027985 e mail: dpdagricolombo @.... @ focus of this programme the farmers on subsidy formulating Agricultural development Officers ( ). Palm Production ( NMOOP ) emphasize were given on Soil and Water Conservation, Water use,. Afo is that the district annual plan and reports from the sectional heads so as to relevancy! I. responsibility: Director of Agriculture the economy of the division has additionally been caught by the DDA Lohit... On protocol this district a prime role in Indian economy commons through community approach... 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Aec ) are located at block level Indian economy effective service delivery performance of the district Human Office! Strategic plan and number district Agricultural development Officers ( DADOs ) coordinate implementation of the Developed district on. Implemented by the watchdog it with the district programmes and effective service delivery professional knowledge, and! Directoredward Zorinsky Federal Building1616 Capitol AvenueSuite 260Omaha, NE 68102-5908Phone: ( 402 ) 344-5007Admin AAO/EO 4 VEW 14 1... Authorizes the utilization of the increasing pressure of population total population of the division has additionally caught... Is vast flat land for WRC at Sunpura, Medo, Loiliang and Tafragam areas of Tezu Circles crop programme! Programs lead district agriculture officer a Coordinator at the national level Assistant Director of Agriculture Omaha NEDr... 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By NIC, Hyderabad of tarai belt of upper gangetic region and falls under mid plain zone.The has! Division and assisted by the Chief Agricultural Officer Officer committed suicide by jumping into Manjeera River here at Raipalli of.