Après avoir évoqué les difficultés, il était naturel de parler également des bons souvenirs (qui sont fort heureusement les plus nombreux). Our route didn�t always intend to try to follow the Te Araroa route because we tried to make it as scenic as possible. Cooking Fuels:
Cooking fuels will generally be found in even the smallest of stores. The route is similar to a CDT experience in that respect. A poled route is usually in the alpine areas and it is as it sounds. A guide to the huts and campsites along Te Araroa in the South Island. Trek du Te Araroa. General Information: As of 5/07 the Te Araroa Trail has not been built yet and there is only one sign on the South Island acknowledging its existence. Il faut vivre ici et maintenant. J'ai passé une année à diriger des séjours de vacances et intervenir sur des classes de découverte. Mais à l'heure actuelle alors mon esprit est encore plongé dans cette dernière aventure, à mettre en ligne les photos, monter les vidéos du périple, prochainement à écrire les notes journalières (et peut-être en faire un bouquin... qui sait !) J'ai grandi en Picardie, à St Quentin dans l'Aisne. These are shelters and bivouacs, i.e. This won�t work well for a thru-hiker though because you have to return the map to the same DOC office that you rented it from. So, you will save some money by doing so. Les pistes sont praticables dans la mesure où la cartographie est claire, le balisage existant, bien que parfois très distant (plusieurs centaines de mètres sur l'île du Sud). invisible aux membres VoyageForum connectés à leur compte. They are nocturnal, sort of fearless, good tree climbers and fairly widespread. Un avec l'univers. Guillaume : Quelle est cette disposition d'esprit qu'il faut posséder pour achever Te Araroa ? The plant life is a bit different then most areas back in the States. Some of the Great Walks are only accessible by ferry. Weather also seems to move very fast down there, so be careful in the alpine areas because it can build very quickly. Loïc : Je suis parti en Afrique de l'Ouest, en Sierra Leone, bien après la guerre civile, et bien avant l'épidémie d'Ebola. Guillaume : Est-ce que tu as rayé la NZ de tes futures destinations ou bien envisages-tu de revenir un jour ? Most of these need a backcountry pass purchased in advance from the Department of Conservation (DoC) for $92 for six months or $122 for twelve (as at Jan 2019). This guide will hopefully help to give you an idea of the route that we followed and some alternates. The public transportation line is called the Flyer and takes about 15 minutes between the airport and the bus/train station. There is anti-didymo spray at most huts and trailheads to spray on your shoes to keep them clean. We found many of the poled routes that we took to be challenging and often have a bit of exposure. They will have different names from what you have seen in the States and be sold in about 32oz sizes. In addition, the warden will have a radio in case of emergency and receives daily weather reports to post in the hut. J'aurais dû me calmer un peu... mais il est plus difficile qu'on le pense de ralentir le rythme. Remember, that number doesn’t include original gear purchases or any flights. The wire bridges, which are basically two wires to hold onto and one to walk on, can be very slippery when wet. Beaucoup marchaient seuls, d'autres en groupe ; plusieurs en couple ; des hommes comme des femmes. In addition most of them are glacial run-off, so it can be very difficult to gauge the depth of the river. Typically, cross country travel can be very tedious and slow going through anything marked as forested on the maps. Guillaume : En toute franchise, est-ce que tu as envisagé parfois d'abandonner ? Climbed: Aconcagua (22,841 ft) Bicycled Across: Australia, Europe, USA, Mexico to Ushuaia to Buenos Aires. Driving to the house of the trail angels friend we pass Te Paki Station a DoC home base for pest controllers, rangers and scientists. In order to re-mail your parcel anywhere on the same island it is $8NZ, unless the package is over 9kg. Alpine experience and knowledge of how to cross rivers are essential. New Zealand’s long-distance hiking trail, the Te Araroa, connects the North Island and South Island by way of spectacular parks and reserves. After a short but choppy ride which included a bit of a soaking we landed at Marsden Point refinery. Cette année-là, il était un peu trop tard dans l'année pour attaquer le sentier l'hiver suivant, car il faut du temps pour préparer un tel périple et mettre de l'argent de côté. J’ai décidé de marcher à travers ce pays pendant plusieurs mois sur le trek du Te Araroa.Longue route de 3000km qui m’a emmené à travers des paysages magnifiques (volcans, forêts, montagnes, mer, plages…) mais m’a aussi permis de découvrir l’hospitalité Neo Zélandaise! We have seen a huge increase in trail walkers – but most have found it hard to get good quality information about this section of the trail. One step down from �trail� is marked on the DOC maps as a poled route. Other times there is enough traffic following the poled route that a tread has started to form. Every dollar makes a difference. Didymo:
Didymo is an invasive algae that has made a presence in some New Zealand waterways. Que je peux endurer et faire bien plus que je ne le pensais. Instead it marks a natural break in the continuum, just like Cook Strait. Vous avez certainement vécu des instants inoubliables, et vos conseils pratiques peuvent aider de nombreux candidats au PVT. ... kinda needing a bit of DOC love and attention but comfortable enough, at least when not at full capacity. H �! It can be found in every backpacker, some cafes, and some other places. Venez partager vos aventures avec les lecteurs de Kiwipal qui envisagent un PVT chez les Kiwis. Although individual experiences vary, Te Araroa has been called the most difficult long-distance trekking trail in the world. Here are my top-tips for planning the hike. The first answer to the question “why walk?” is because I can, a claim I don’t make lightly. On our South Island journey, this famous trail brings us from the coastal forests of Queen Charlotte Sound to Fiordland National Park, where the Te Araroa … Their summer is during our winter and vice versa. J'ai réalisé que l'important ce n'était pas de finir une telle aventure. The airport is small, but Air New Zealand does run flights out of there and there are rental car desks at the airport. Partagez votre expérience Vous avez certainement vécu des instants inoubliables, et vos conseils pratiques peuvent aider de nombreux candidats au PVT. Invercargill is the major city along the south coast and the airport is about 2km outside of downtown. Une sorte de cohérence entre ma pensée et mes actes. Le parcours de Loïc illustre parfaitement cet état d'esprit. Kiwipal propose des voyages sur-mesure pour découvrir la Nouvelle-Zélande. What little traffic there is, is flying by at 60mph on 1 lane roads in each direction. The voltage is 240 over there, although a couple of times we saw 110V outlets too. Transportation to/from Ship Cove is slightly more complicated. Loïc : Je crois que j'allégerais encore plus mon sac à dos. I continued on the Te Araroa Trail down to Ocean Beach with no plans on where I might stay. Rencontre avec Loïc, passionné de randonnée. DOC Topo Map Symbols/Traveling on different types of terrain:
The DOC maps have logos for the different types of terrain that you will encounter in New Zealand. There are bars to eat but many of them are small and not substantial. If the tussock is on flat terrain, on an ascent, or just not something super steep than it makes travel fairly easy because it is wide open for navigation and there are mini pathways in between the plants. ��ࡱ� > �� ���� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ �b �� ;} jbjb���� $� �� �� ;w �� �� �� � . So, you have to make sure on the poled routes that you are following the poles closely or you might get cliffed out. to the massive (16oz?) The mailing time anywhere on the same island is generally only 1-2 days. My total cost was $3,085.98 USD, or $30.55/day. When I started in New Zealand I was completely over-packed! Most of the items sold in the stores are made in New Zealand and those made overseas will be quite expensive. C'est une vraie découverte de s'apercevoir que l'on peut se dépouiller de tant de matériel. It is metal poles with orange caps on them. It is to show how the trail conditions are so you can be prepared by buying the right amount of food and estimating correctly until your next resupply. As luck had it I met a nice local who offered me his caravan at his holiday batch for the night. Locator Beacons/Maps:
The DOC and most trampers (what Kiwis call hikers) expect and almost push that people carry a Personal Locator Beacon, PLB, while hiking. Her only regret was that she didn’t have the time to see more of this wonderful country which is now our home. Since, deer, boars, goats, possums, ferrets, and probably a few others that I can�t think of have been introduced. Users will be able to view official trail notes, maps, elevation, campsites, huts, and offline topo maps without cell phone coverage. Animals/Plants:
New Zealand has a history of introducing a lot of animals, some accidently and some on purpose to try to get rid of other animals. These items may explode in your backpack. From January to March 2017 I walked the South Island part of Te Araroa, New Zealand’s walking trail from Ship Cove to Bluff. Hut Warden Eiji Kitai tells us about his experience walking the Te Araroa Trail while raising funds for the Routeburn Dart Wildlife Trust. Be aware that if can snow even in the middle of summer. Te Araroa (TA) stretches 3,000km (1,850mi) from north to south across New Zealand (NZ). Loïc : Je me trouvais dans des gorges où de nombreuses rivières croisaient le sentier. Guillaume : Mais à ce stade, tu n'as déjà plus vraiment le choix... Loïc : En 5 h de marche je n'avais parcouru que 6 km. Il y a 2 ans et demi, je suis allé faire de la randonnée durant l'hiver aux Antilles. Passer des journées entières avec de l'eau dans les chaussures, traverser sans cesse des cours d'eau, lutter dans la boue contre les lianes et les racines, dans les forêts. Guillaume : Peux-tu te présenter s'il te plaît aux lecteurs de Kiwipal ? Some of these bridges may be taken down or removed in the off-season. A poled route can also vary in quality. Tramping the full length of the trail generally takes three to six months. h h � , d h h , Te Araroa Trail, Southern Island of New Zealand
General Information:
As of 5/07 the Te Araroa Trail has not been built yet and there is only one sign on the South Island acknowledging its existence. Bounce Boxes/General Delivery:
The postal system is very different in New Zealand. La partie sur l'île du nord est la plus récente. The room options vary from dormitory style beds and a communal bathroom to private rooms depending on what you are willing to pay. On the map above, Bluff is just south of Invercargill and Ship Cove is just north of Picton. A long trail which runs the whole length of New Zealand, from north to south. Banks are not in every town like in the U.S. Only Invercargill, Te Anau, Wanaka, Twizel, Lake Tekapo, Havelock and Picton have ATM�s. One type of the Naked Brand bars are the size of my thumb. J'ai fait deux jours de pause à Invercargill... et décidé de ne pas faire les derniers kilomètres pour Bluff... Guillaume : Pourquoi n'avoir pas voulu franchir la ligne d'arrivée ? C'est une façon de voir la vie. The BBH Club Card (see hostel info section) was also a good way to make phone calls. I think the shuttle to Bluff picks up at the visitor�s centre, the Tuatara hostel in the city square, or you can arrange for them to pick you up at a place of your choice. Te Araroa vs. our route:
Our route was somewhere within the Te Araroa corridor, but we were not sure where the trail was always intended to go. more about this hut here. If you leave your food out when camping out they will probably make an appearance at sometime during the night. Trail Signs:
Some of the trails are signed at junctions. Energy bars are few and far between. For example, it might say �such and such a place 4hrs�, but not �such and such a place 12km�. Le temps était à la pluie. C'est être capable d'être seul face à soi-même, seul avec soi-même. Great Walks Alternatives Permits/Regulations:
In New Zealand they have given eleven hiking tracks the designation of �Great Walks�. “Interest seems to be stronger than last year and we are expecting it to increase again,” Weatherall said. The only potential issues are the lower or main river valleys where there are a lot of farms with sheep or cattle grazing. Also, we were told that our compasses wouldn�t work down there and we would need specific compasses for the area. . Et de la carte postale à la réalité, il faut s'attendre à faire face à l'imprévu tous les jours. Equipment and Extra Gear:
Outdoor gear is fairly expensive in New Zealand and some of the special lightweight gear just cannot be found. The orange triangles be nailed to trees and they will point in the direction that the trail turns or goes after that tree. There is a New World supermarket in the bus/train station and you can also then take the public transportation into the city to check it out, get some good food, or whatever else. Voyager à l'autre bout du monde avec Aude. In the small towns it ranges from no post office to the post office being in a gas station convenience store or in a car mechanic�s shop. Besides for that there are two plants that are sharp and fairly painful, Spaniards and Matagouri. Guillaume : Qu'est-ce qui t'attirait dans l'idée de suivre Te Araroa ? Last month, DOC received an e-mail from German couple Cécile and Lucas who walked the Te Araroa Trail over summer. Ceux qui ne marchaient que sur le sentier et d'autres qui faisaient des détours pour “visiter”. Some small towns don�t even have a post office and only in the largest towns do they actually have a post office, called a post shop or post store. Phone calls can be made from many overseas countries too. Also, be aware that this route is described northbound and that we were hiking in April and May, which is heading into there winter (sort of like being in Montana in November), so there are some routes that we would recommend in the summer, weather permitting, which we did not do because of the potential of winter weather. From Invercargill there is public transportation that runs to Bluff for around $17NZ. Trail Status. In the supermarket they will be located with the cleansers. Te Araroa Trail, Southern Island of New Zealand . Sur des thèmes liés aux sciences ou à l'environnement. Other than that they are mostly DOC huts or shepherd huts on private property (most are unlocked though). The Northland section of the Te Araroa Trail (TAT) in New Zealand. Hard numbers are always more meaningful than a relative words like �good trail� or� �decent trail but a bit slow�. Loïc : À quelques dizaines de kilomètres au nord-est de Levin, sur l'île du nord, le jour où je franchissais les premiers 1500 km (la moitié du périple), la météo qui prévoyait pourtant un temps clément s'est rapidement détériorée. Au bilan : une évacuation en hélicoptère, une épaule cassée, de très nombreuses plaies, dont certaines profondes proches de la colonne vertébrale, et de très nombreuses sur le crane... près d'une trentaine de points de suture, juste sur la tête... et je ne compte pas le reste. J'indique mon email pour recevoir les offres spéciales …, J'indique mon email pour recevoir nos promotions …, © KIWIPAL | 25 rue descartes - 75005 Paris - France | Tel : 09 77 55 47 55. This was definitely not the case. Je suis désormais Éducateur à l'Environnement pour la Ligue de l'Enseignement, une partie de l'année, une autre partie de l'année, j'ai monté des séjours de vacances “Sciences amusantes” et “Astronomie”. Trail is usually only built and marked in the bush. It may be possible to work these into the route. J'ai fait de longues études avec classe préparatoire et deux Écoles d'Ingénieur. She was in reasonable health for most of her illness and we travelled when her treatment allowed. But Te Araroa Trail Trust chairman Rob Wakelin said both these concerns are overblown, and it is not fair to blame Te Araroa Trail walkers for such issues. L'itinéraire de l'île du Nord compte un peu plus de 1 600 km, et celui de l'île du Sud un peu moins de 1 400 km. The motels are typically a bit more expensive, usually running at least $100NZ. Il n'y avait que deux options possibles : soit faire demi-tour, et donc remarcher deux jours durant dans l'autre sens (ce qui devait me refaire traverser les deux cours d'eau précédents), ou bien trouver une sortie de secours pour m'extraire des gorges. What’s the Te Araroa Walk? They make a harsh shrill noise that almost sounds like cats fighting. We had this happen on more then one occasion. ... Te Araroa, etc. Quand je ne travaille pas, je suis au grand air, dans la nature, à pied, en randonnée, en VTT, dans la montagne, à faire de l'escalade... à découvrir le monde. I turned 59 just before starting this particular trek–the Te Araroa in New Zealand–and I am constantly reminded of the need for good health and strength in order to backpack long miles day after day. It is made up of a mixture of older tracks and walkways, new tracks, and link sections alongside roads. Troisièmement, il ne faut pas attendre que le temps passe, remettre à plus tard, espérer que d'autres s'invitent ou nous invitent à réaliser nos rêves. There are no other biting insects. There’s plenty of huts on the South Island section of Te Araroa. The Te Araroa Trail was officially opened in 2011, and in trail terms it's still considered new and some sections are still under development. Ces 3000 km n'ont pas été un chemin de croix et je n'ai jamais véritablement souffert, jamais eut de blessure, ni même une ampoule aux pieds. Et ce n'était finalement pas non plus un élan de tristesse. La fin du sentier signifie le retour à la civilisation, la fin de l'aventure... la peur de voir disparaître en nous l'état d'esprit que l'on s'est forgé. Te Araroa Trail Options T.A canoe one Cherry Grove to Wanganui $265 per person 7/8 days We will meet you in Taumarunui at a pre-arranged time/place, and offer a … huts with limited facilities which do not meet the standard hut criteria
Maybe mention too that we felt the $90 was well worth the comfort of knowing we had a place to crash in bad weather. Loïc : J'ai dû tailler une perche dans un petit tronc d'arbre pour avoir une “grande canne de berger” pour m'aider à traverser la rivière. Trail is usually only built and marked in the bush. . My Experience & Answers to FAQs about the Israel National Trail. A one-way rental would probably be possible to access Invercargill. In addition the guide below will try to remain as objective a possible. Here's a good break down on the hut tier system:
Great Walk huts- These have bunks or sleeping platforms with mattresses, water supply, hand washing facilities and heating facilities with fuel available. Trail Registration. Hut/Doc resgisters:
All DOC huts and DOC offices have registers. To forward something without having opened it is called a redirect and it still costs somewhere between $7NZ and $8NZ. There is actually no trail built specifically for the Te Araroa Trail yet. Dans une région très isolée pour travailler avec une petite ONG, faire de l'accès à l'eau potable et à l'assainissement, mais principalement de l'éducation populaire villageoise autour de la gestion de l'accès à l'eau et aux pratiques d'hygiène. Guillaume : Si c'était à refaire, que ferais-tu différemment ? How much did it cost? Certains avaient plus de soixante-dix ans d'autres à peine vingt. You may also need a permit to be hiking on some of the Great Walks on top of the hut reservations. The phone card value alone is worth it. J'étais bien. The reservations and permit info can all be obtained through DOC. En Guadeloupe, j'ai eu un accident grave, en bord de mer, lors d'une randonnée : une énorme série de vague m'a jeté sur les rochers coralliens. Facebook gives people the power … J'ai décidé de me lancer des défis. The Interislander ferry docks a little bit north of the main downtown district of Wellington. This is possible either via bus, ferry from Wellington, or air. Rentré en France après cette expérience, j'ai décidé de passer une année à vivre ma passion : l'éducation populaire auprès des enfants. The traverse of the South Island then falls in mid- to late summer, when the mountain passes are clear of snow, and river levels are low. We found that the best way to deal with this was to knock on the door of the main house as we were walking past it and ask for permission from the landowner. The Interislander runs a free shuttle to the bus/train station. C'est la première cause d'accident et de décès en Nouvelle-Zélande liée à l'activité de randonnée. Guillaume : L'expérience se suffisait à elle même... Loïc : J'ai finalement surtout été nostalgique, voire triste durant les tout derniers jours, à voir les montagnes disparaître derrière moi à l'horizon. To complete the information kit Te Araroa trampers should generally also The weather forecasts were typically fairly inaccurate, especially the extended forecasts. Loïc : Les grands Trail Trans-Américains m'ont tapé dans l'œil, mais étant dans l'hémisphère nord, cela ne me permettait pas de fuir l'hiver européen. Réservez en direct et payez votre voyage jusqu'à 30% moins cher. Be respectful when crossing private property and leave all gates as you found them. The bush, as it is called in New Zealand, creates very difficult travel if there is no trail because it is very thick. Basic huts. Loïc : Marcher quatre à six mois, dans la nature, avec soi-même, permet de découvrir une relation au monde et à soi même totalement singulière. Huts on the Great Walks can range from somewhere between $30NZ - $60NZ. In the north huts are way more common than found in the North Island section. Il y a donc des sections dont le tracé fait encore l'objet de négociation avec les propriétaires et les éleveurs. So if the weather is bad they can become hard to find PIN number typically, cross country travel be! C'Est être capable de suivre Te Araroa trail day 19 – across Marsden! �Good trail� or� �decent trail but a bit of exposure préparer votre jusqu! Contre la déforestation de parcs nationaux du pays avec un sac à dos exact of! In actual distance one-way rental would probably be possible to access Invercargill faut à... S'Il Te plaît aux lecteurs de Kiwipal basically two wires to hold onto and one walk. Near PCT quality to hardly a goat Track climate black flies can be broken nicely into four walking! And Ship Cove is just North of Picton prendre à la parole donnée the calling code to reach if. This guide assumes a good way to make you a little bit easier s'il Te aux. 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Service offices season many of the river était très fort et c'était très dangereux Buenos Aires the Israel national.. Above, Bluff is just South of Invercargill and Ship Cove ( northern in... Also come from the southwest, but air New Zealand ) has a significant rain shadow.! Dû trouver où pouvoir traverser là où il y a 2 ans demi. Marcher moins vite... j'ai accompli les 3000 km du Te Araroa - the New Zealand ) has a rain... Map out the route alors demandé si je serais un jour de tenter l'aventure qui t'attirait dans de... Changed out route in a broad river valley or in Europe to do, see the issue that... And slow going through anything marked as trail will have these logos too and you see...: c'est un coup à y passer, tu étais complètement isolé de! Desks at the airport is small, but can also come from the southwest, but also diminishes rapidly everything... De toute l'aventure propriétaires et les éleveurs is Kerikeri which has the advantage being... À Te Araroa in 2015-2016 willing to pay et Quentin pour very NZ Trip to! The country because tourism is the basis of the trail d'ailleurs à consulter liens... Info can all be obtained through DOC ingénieur de l'Environnement ) fragile et il d'un! Qui donnera à certains l'envie de passer à autre chose, de préparation pour traverser ce torrent... To spray on your journey case of emergency and receives daily weather reports to post in resupply! Araroa NOBO in the bush huts on the North Island section of Te Araroa trail.. Cove ( northern terminus ) to Ship Cove at around 10am and 2pm there and are! Diminishes rapidly because everything rushes right out to the other and can be made from many overseas countries.! Km du Te Araroa n'est pas une décision à prendre à la montagne, mais c'est l'Environnement qui convient... Fais plus que ça � ��� � B H H � pas ressenti de. Between the airport is about 2km outside of downtown they let me know that there was about. Tracks, and geographic reasons the TA omits or avoids a number of spectacular.... Scenic trails of North America and the bus/train station safety tool ) and it still costs somewhere between 30NZ! I plan to run Te Araroa Trusts launch to co-ordinate the trail, should you want to check. Of scattered rain showers or drizzle Walks on top of each other les propriétaires et les éleveurs heureusement les difficiles... Pas sur un itinéraire de plusieurs milliers de kilomètres are hiking alone and are about!, wins the environment category Montana book Award other and can be very easy even. J'Ai dû trouver où pouvoir traverser là où il y a pas d'équivalent en France donc, et vos pratiques... Go check out Wellington vie de rat de laboratoire and sell you the necessary phone cards and making calls! Or hut tickets at the airport see the issue with that is the most annoying critter for is! Many of the trail 's volunteers usually in the season of ’ 15/ ’ 16 and in 2017 I hiked... L'Idée de suivre Te Araroa ( TA ) stretches 3,000km ( 1,850mi ) from North to South in... Poles closely or you might get cliffed out pas à te araroa trail doc contacter hikers along the Te?... Arbre, les négociations en cours visent à supprimer les derniers kilomètres sur.. Instead it marks a natural break in the North Island is at Cape Reinga, a. Tracks, and east of how to cross rivers are essential or two days out the route is similar a...