Hope this helps :). This site is using cookies under cookie policy . Ib3'XILUIHAE%+% !jr/[V&$&)t@DK&32-%&pxW +PBQO,"&BgL;TXdrpO~4Y$N!vK->$GW](>G Something that is persistent remains over time; this is a key characteristic of DDT, which also happens to be a pollutant/pesticide. Teens with access to part-time jobs often select what they perceive as better alternatives (e.g., community service, volunteer work, unpaid internships, and academics) that have nonfinancial benefits. In paragraph 12, how does the phrase well head north again, in other words, to the land of sensible people impact the passage? In sentence 7 (reproduced below), the writer is considering deleting the underlined text. Based on the context of the presented proposal, we can give such a definition:Reverence is a feeling of deep respect or awe, in this case for nature. Should the sentence be kept or deleted? (5) Confirmation, bias has been found to affect the decisions of doctors, judges, and jurors. So we're gonna consider the function of that sentence, and we would lose anything as a reader from it being gone. You could include: Um and whether the author should make the deletion, we have to decide. compose a thesis statement that you might use for an essay arguing your position on why the truism is worth defending. This is why it is possible to describe the relationship with either option (A) or (B). So first we need to know in order for the information to flow correctly. The College Board. A correlation coefficient of 0.00 means that there is no relationship between two variables. Lang & Comp | English - Quizizz The messenger jumped on a horse and __ to where the army was fighting. B) Kept, because it explains why Westerns are now less popular than Zombie films are. hbbd``b`Q@"0 A,g $*A@BFm5 V=Hd $ZA5L. . the rocks are composed of different materials depending on when they formed. individuals who are negatively affected by smartphone usage. These materials are part of a College Board program. It contributes to the interpretation of the findings by discussing whether: (1) The measurement used is appropriate for the research conducted. B) Kept, because it provides an additional example of a community stakeholder with whom transportation planners work. Okay. Our brains are aroused each time our phones buzz because of the. B. C. And D. So each of them expressed an opinion on the question and follow up following reasoning. It's the racetrack. Writing and Language Test: The Format (article) | Khan Academy To generate objective knowledge about any area it is important to use the scientific method. The dependent variable is a variable that could change due to the independent variable. PDF Unit 2 - Structuring Argument Name - MR. RESTAD Should the writer keep or delete this sentence? What is the passage or the broader context saying and what is the function of the underlying portion? <> What was Trevor Noah alluding when he states, There were mixed kids in South Africa nine months after the first Dutch boats hit the Beach in Table Bay. And then off then we can understand that Calloway um spend time at the racetrack. PDF SAT 2015 Practice Test #1 | SAT Suite of Assessments - The College Board . So this is about development for development questions we have to consider context. City university is eager to attract new students. Get 5 free video unlocks on our app with code GOMOBILE. 23 And so if we look at our topic sentence, we says, we see the, 24 it says, though, these conservation methods can be costly. Subjects who have lower current GPAs have higher anxiety scores. This textbook answer is only visible when subscribed! The writer is advised to keep the underlined text because it provides support for the sentence claim. This sets the stage for the significance of the Yard's transformation during World War I, as it was a key player in the war effort. Okay. Keep it, because it provides logical support for the claim made in sentence 2 that lack of sleep causes serious health and business issues. In this case, City University carried out a scientific investigation to verify that its students were happy throughout the time in the university. the rocks contain iron that points in the direction the rocks move away from the ridge. Benefits. Which of the following best describes why DDT is classified as a Persistent Organic Pollutant? Okay. 13. the rocks contain iron that points in different directions depending on earth's polarity. (4) Research has repeatedly demonstrated just how prevalent this phenomenon is in the world. (This is for College Board) The writer is considering deleting sentence Calloway's successes. the rocks contain iron that points in different directions depending on earth's polarity. The writer is advised to Keep it, because it provides support for the sentences claim that forest kindergartens are popular in Europe. Instead, the text comes from a third-person narrator, or told by an external force or character. And then off then we can understand that Calloway um spend time at the racetrack. Kennedy's transformation and display of sayings such as higher the hair closer to heaven celebrated the daily experiences of salon patrons, reinforcing the self-esteem of stylist. D. Delete it, because it interrupts the logical flow of the sentence with details, E. Delete it, because it does not provide an effective transition from the first part. Questions for the lle. %PDF-1.7 According to the student are the learn on the different ways are; Animation video to the easily describe the concept and the remember to the easy in the task. So first we need to know in order for the information to flow correctly. (7) In a classic experiment, students who watched their schools compete in a football game subsequently, remembered the adversarys team performing worse than their own: confirmation bias caused the students, who, already believed in their own schools superiority, to interpret what they had seen as support for their preexisting, beliefs. and patrons alike and getting everyone talking. We stop, stop, underline, or question utilizing a comma, a period, an interjection point or a question mark. A. The writer is considering deleting the underlined portion of sentence 3 (reproduced below), adjusting the capitalization as needed. Mhm. The A. C. T. Practice tests five we're told that the writer is considering making a deletion. 16 It should seem like this is pretty much on topic. Support your answer with DDT is able to persist in an environment (as a pollutant) in part due to a phenomenon known as biological magnification. For example, Dr. Aguilera used a 5-point scale to measure the student's anxiety levels; there is a possibility of central tendency bias occurring. S7r|L*a* p:-~h2>#0:G\Ip>:i$y53@Rp@|%?6C~+9~JCBxCbxm\[24(s}X'oBl2:WFRf6v"u1jps@YK?CY38}U6G'6!k Forest kindergartens have been popular in Europe for decadesGermany, for instance, has over 1,000 such schoolsbut only a handful currently exist in the United States. The writer is considering deleting sentence 13 (reproduced below). The So the information uh that Calloway spent time at the racetrack doesn't make sense. Explanation for Question 6 From the Writing Section on the Official Sat Practice Test 1. (3) Confirmation bias, which describes the human, tendency to interpret new information in a way that supports our preexisting beliefs, makes people tend to accept. help plz. what you admired about the person or learnt from the person's visit. I liked people laughing at me. Here is how delete questions are constructed: The writer is considering deleting the underlined sentence. what proportion of the available motorcycles of this type can she afford? dr. aguilera conducts psychological research that examines factors associated with college student academic performance. 10 And we can see that in our topic sentence here, 11 as it is, it tells us that the, the yogurt is well worth the 12 effort. C. Keep it, because it provides important context regarding the types of. 8$9?K6|[bw) pV+c;J'."3~[q#fkDckiMZ0Si. The writer is considering deleting the underlined independent - BRAINLY A. A. He ___ the messages to a messenger and __ 'Quick! consumers feeding on producers, higher-level consumers feeding on lower-level consumers, etc.). A. Marlow says that an uncivilized place "has a fascinationof the abomination. For instance, in paragraph five, a shift occurs when Peyton Farquhar closes his eyes right before he is to be hung. What is the passage or the broader context saying and what is the function of the underlying portion? We want to know if the if we should delete the underlying portion. (7) Dissatisfied with these studies small number of, participants, the Boston researchers aimed for a large sampling of language users for a. of the sentence to the rest of the paragraph. stakes situation would be when jurors are deliberating a defendants fate. The dependent variable is how they puppies perform each day. experiments involving what direction dots are moving in or the average size of a number series. Yes, because it does not provide a transition from the previous paragraph. what change have they observed in her? Studen will automatically choose an expert for you. Subjects with lower anxiety scores have higher current GPAs, or; b. Now question six is asking us if we should delete the topic sentence of 2 this paragraph, which says, though, these conservation methods can be time costly and time 3 consuming. He criticized the journey because at that time the Nautilus was stuck in the ice and could no longer move forward. C) Deleted, because it blurs the paragraph's main focus with a loosely related detail. O8f=;q$G!d/F!&N@I, r-#. In straightforward terms, punctuation marks are an image to make and support significance inside a sentence or to split it up. Through this text, we can see that the phrase "It is as if a great earthen pot has dropped from an unreachable rafter'' represents a comparison with the doubts that the narrator presents. 3. A team of programmers is trying to determine the efficiency of a piece of code. 4 And so if we read on in this paragraph, we can see all the 5 benefits of Greek yogurt, right? Which of the following quotes from Heart of Darkness contains sarcasm? neither black nor white but they were called Colored people, Thoreau states, When an acorn and a chestnut fall side by side bothobey their own laws (3). SOLVED:The writer is considering deleting the underlined sentence The writer. Educator app for information that confirms what they already believe and reject information that undermines those beliefs. Cohort effects may contribute to a possible bias over the result of the research. Should the sentence be kept . 181 0 obj <> endobj And finally Choice D. Is incorrect as well because um other information also tells us how far Calloway came in his life. They are well worth the effort. Add/Delete Questions on SAT Writing: 6 Steps to Answer - PrepScholar is this business journal interpreting the probability correctly? Za`og Fi6U?A As a result, the student is the learn on the different in the way. You should present a cogent argument based on your critical analysis of the questions posed, using appropriate psychological terminology. Complete the following outline by identifying from whose perspective each part of An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge is told. No, because it sets up the argument in the paragraph for the benefits of Greek yogurt. h jwn0x'H;Lf%mmnsnkmO Keep it, because it provides support for the sentences claim that forest kindergartens are popular in Europe. 20 Right? Can someone please describe Riley West in Girl in Pieces, I know he is a drug-addicted musician but what else? ", In paragraph 16 Malala Yousafzai creates an analogy . 14 In sentence 3 reproduced below the writer is considering deleting In sentence 10 (reproduced below), the writer is considering deleting the underlined parenthetical text. The writer is considering deleting the underlined sentence. His messages ___ the army what to Yeah. Provide two examples from different sources that support this idea and explain how each example supports this observation. In some sense, Bierce presents readers with an unreliable third-person narrator. View full document. the university officials designed a survey asking about student happiness and sent the survey via e-mail to 25 percent of city university students with equal distributions of students in each class (first-year students. remembered the adversarys team performing worse than their own: who already believed in their own schools superiority, to interpret what they had seen as support for their. The writer is considering deleting the underlined sentence. The writer is considering deleting the underlined portion of sentence 7 (reproduced below). sentence 3 (reproduced below), adjusting the capitalization as needed. The negative sign shows the relationship, while the statistical significance (p < .01 or p < .05) shows whether there is a relationship or not. (9) Here, too, subjects interpretations were found to be affected by decisions they had already made about what they were being, (10) Confirmation bias does admittedly have its uses: it can, for example, increase the efficiency with which we, process information and also protect us against information that might be damaging to our self-esteem. It is a form of bias, when it is not controlled. Yeah. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. endstream endobj startxref The writer is considering deleting the underlined independent clause in sentence 7 (reproduced below), In a classic experiment, students who watched their schools compete in a football game subsequently. 21 We're talking about ways that we address environmental problems, 22 um, how we can stop polluting the environment and the waterways. This means you have to revisit each story and tell rather the narrator or Farquhar is telling the story and explain how in the notes on perspective box. The teacher is the teach to the students. Using the given answer choices A. For the investigation, they used an instrument that evaluates satisfaction. the rocks are composed of different materials depending on when they formed. (C) No, because the information explains the reference to the racetrack,which might otherwise puzzle readers. They are: Academic performance is the current GPA as reported by the research subjects. Should the writer keep or delete the underlined text? The closer a correlation coefficient to 0, the less likely do the variables have a relationship with one another. So this sentence is not directly relevant to this purpose for this purpose. Now question six is asking us if we should delete the topic sentence of 2 this paragraph, which says, though, these conservation methods can be time costly and time 3 consuming. So the information uh that Calloway spent time at the racetrack doesn't make sense. arts, politics, science, sports) Please subscribe to view the answer, The writer is considering deleting the following clause from the preceding sentence (placing a period after the word racetrackwhere he walked . In sentence 7 (reproduced below), the writer wants to provide another piece of relevant evidence to elaborate on the claim made in the previous sentence about how subsequent research seemed to confirm the Nemesis theory. The same goes for people; for those reachingthe same goal as another, it is much better to do it under your qualities and your own way.The purpose of this passage was for Thoreau to inform his audience on his viewson the government and its negative affects on civilization. The 30th percentile for the motorcycle is $11920, It should be noted that $25,000 is considered an outlier because it is greater than $24792. The data is recorded in the table below. Okay. 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