Book reviews, a distinctive feature of the journal since its establishment (as the Glasgow Archaeological Journal) in 1969, provide a critical perspective on Scottish archaeology and a well-established forum for scholarly debate. A third disturbed cremation burial with associated cordoned urn was present within cairn material between the inner and outer kerbs. The second phase began with the final formation of the multi-lobed inner kerb [014]. Edinburgh University Press. Rapier / Dirk; Dirk or Rapier; Dirk or Dagger; Dagger; Rapier/dirk; Dirk or Dagger. The length of time bones are exposed to heat may also be a factor in colour change (Correia, 1997). However, in contrast to this belief, the majority of the surviving pieces in regions that have been studied (Ireland and the River Thames) were clearly used in combat, and have the scars to prove it. The cremated bone gave a radiocarbon date of 3695 ± 30BP (cal BC 2147–2016 at 2 Sigma, SUERC- 71902 (GU43368)). There was also a small amount of cremated human bone (see below) recovered, perhaps representing part of a burial, subsequently destroyed through later disturbance. Rapier with bronze handle from Some stone moulds survive for the casting of rapiers, and it is most probable that ceramic moulds were also widely used in their manufacture. Moulds of stone or clay would be encased in a thick layer of coarse clay to aid in heat retention so that the mould did not cool too quickly, as the thermal shock can cause internal flaws in the weapon, if not macro-damage in the form of fractures. All the material suggests a Bronze Age date which ties in with the radiocarbon dates recovered from the cists’ fills. A burnt spread (032), was excavated, overlying (026) and partly within a gap in the inner kerb but beneath the loosely-compacted cairn fabric (011) within Zone 1. The bevel is decorated with a row of (probably) incised lines just below the lip and a row of slightly oblique whipped cord impressed lines in the opposite direction below. Colour change is thought to relate to decomposition of the organic component (Shipman et al, 1984, 322.). Bronze Age Bronze British Rapier - Lot No. Between 17th and 18th August 2015, the full excavation of the ring-cairn commenced with an archaeologically-led topsoil strip around the limits of the cairn, using a 20 tonne 3600 excavator with a toothless bucket. Dating evidence recovered from the cremation suggested a date range between the late 22nd and mid 20th century BC, similar to the cremations recovered from within Cist 1. Of the remaining pieces, after excluding the chunks (14 lithics), there were five blades (including two microblades) and six flakes (four regular, two irregular). It was generally about 110mm in depth but reached 500mm deep in places. Register for a new account. The rapier was particularly important, being the first example found in Lanarkshire, amongst a corpus of around 40 dirks and rapiers recorded throughout Scotland, of which only four represent the Group 1 type. There are 5 main types of these weapons, differentiated by hilt form and cross-section, described by Burgess and Gerloff as class 1 to 4 (this latter has a distinct division into early and late forms). The pattern on the Swaites Hill urn has parallels with urns from England and Wales as well as Scotland (here the references are to the catalogue in Longworth's volume which contains bibliographic references, museum collection, etc). It is uncertain whether they evolved first in Britain or Ireland, but the accident of survival / differential archaeological preservation makes it too difficult to be in any way dogmatic about the point of origin. They could also have been used for the insertion of burials or ritual deposits. The exterior surface and the interior of the rim bevel are slipped and decorated. Bronze Age; Daggers, knives, rapiers and swords; Similar Records. The Bronze Age rapier was recovered from a spread of redeposited cairn material (009). All potential struck lithics were cleaned, inspected and catalogued. The Middle Bronze Age rapier would have been a later, 16th to 15th century BC, addition to the site, perhaps deposited within a recess on the outside face of the outer kerb (potentially built into the kerb in order to receive it) or within a pit or cist sunk into the upper cairn material. An amorphous core <03.2> exhibited multiple removals in an irregular pattern, though one simple platform had been formed while at another point bipolar working was noted. It was oriented northnortheast-southsouthwest and sub-rectangular in plan, measuring 1.2m by 0.6m and up to 0.5m in depth with several flat stones making up its sides. The Glasgow Archaeological Society was founded in 1856 to promote the study of archaeology with a special emphasis on western Scotland. Once the burning process is completed and the remains have cooled, they then have to be collected from the pyre site before deposition in the place of burial. In general, the evolution of blade weapons in the Bronze Age is from the dagger or knife in the Early Bronze Age to the earliest narrow bladed "rapier" swords optimized for thrusting from the Middle Bronze Age to the typical leaf-shape blades in the Late Bronze Age. It is widely accepted that the colour of bone changes with increasing temperature (see for example Ubelaker 1978, 34; Mays, 1998, 217, and the following further references). The surface was also poorly preserved, with large areas of encrustation present and only small portions of the original finish surviving, with the blade edge surviving intact over only one small length. Some, however, did not follow this pattern. The floor consisted of a paved surface [031], formed from sub-angular flat stones between 80–460mm in length and less than 30mm thick. No information on the sex of any of the individuals could be extracted and no pathological lesions were noted. They are most likely a natural phenomenon. Possible Rapier (Fragment) Dirk or Rapier; Dagger; Bronze Age Blade Tip; Dirk/Rapier; Rapier. The exterior of the collar is decorated with alternating bands of vertical and horizontal lines (<29>, <26.2> and <26.3>). Cist 1 [015] was aligned westnorthwest-eastsoutheast and was rectangular in plan, measuring 1.1m by 0.7m and 0.5m in depth. The Swaites Hill rapier falls towards the ‘rapier’ end of the spectrum, and it is virtually unique amongst the Group 1 dirk/rapiers in that a closely comparable specimen can be identified from amongst the existing corpus. The use of alternating panels of vertical and horizontal lines of decoration is referred to by Longworth as ‘incised hurdle pattern’ (1984, 217). Stay signed in. Both forts may, however, have had earlier origins. Welcome to the forums! The underside of the bottom edge of the collar is defined by a row of stab decoration. Vessel 2 may have been a bucket or barrel-shaped urn. The colour of burnt remains can indicate the temperature achieved during burning. The excavation was carried out by Rathmell Archaeology in 2015. The size of the cremation deposit of the secondary burial in Cist 1, as well as the completeness of the remains, suggest that they were carefully collected. Bronze Age Britain is an era of British history that spanned from c. 2500 until c. 800 BC. Shipman et al. Stone is however very fragile, and therefore not practical to be used as swords. In this respect, the Swaites Hill rapier is an exciting and exceptional find. General osteological methods employed are those outlined in Buikstra and Ubelaker (1994) and, specifically for juvenile remains, on Schaefer et al. Neither cist had retained its capstone, and both were identified as sediment-filled voids, with the surviving side stones and flooring set in cuts into the underlying subsoil (002) (Fig 6). Reset your password. The Society organises a programme of popular lectures held in the Boyd Orr Building, Glasgow University at 7.30 pm on the third Thursday of the month (October to April). The classification of plano-convex knives in Scotland suggests two main forms: one where one or two edges are retouched while the balance of the blank remains unaltered, and the second where the whole dorsal surface is worked (slug knives). It is credible that this was deliberately interred within this cist, although the knife would have been broken at that time. The remains were subsequently weighed using scales accurate to 0.1 gram. Infrequent inclusions of hazelnut shell were found within this lower cairn material. The former is known to have occurred in the area (Ferguson 1794) when the digging out of large stones for building material was recorded from a large enclosure, most likely the Blackshouse Burn enclosure 900m to the south. In 1907 James D G Dalrymple endowed the Society with bequest to support a lectureship on aspects of European archaeology. The dates place the activity on site within the early Bronze Age with later, 19th century, disturbance. The only charcoal species identified within cremation [028] was oak. The Chester Hill fort is comparable to the now-lost Cairngryffe Hill, with its main phase of construction and use occurring in the pre-Roman Iron Age. It was, however, incomplete, with much of the butt and the blade tip missing. New here? They were not intended to cleave limb from body, or cause gross injury through force alone - they were weapons of more finesse. Caution should be noted in this assertion: the sampling and processing strategy focused on burial contexts and related structural features, and hence we do not have a robust means of recognising the normal range in quartz gravel present within sediments. Very occasional flecks of alder charcoal (Alnus glutinosa L.) were present, from which a radiocarbon date of 3753 ± 29BP (cal BC 2232–2120 at 2 Sigma, SUERC-71906 (GU 43373)) was obtained. The profile of <29> shows that the rim has a deep interior bevel and that the exterior profile of the rim slopes out below the level of the bevel. The identification of, and assessment of age from, the dental remains, is based on van Beek (1983). The first incarnations of these weapons created by the smiths of the early Later Bronze Age of Britain and Ireland were fine weapons of war. Post by Polhigey » Mon Aug 19, 2019 5:32 pm Best Bronze age tool to date, did find a part Rapier blade not too far away and a … Though no grave goods were found within the cists a small number of lithics were identified during the processing of the soil samples taken from them. Overlying compact cairn material (029) between the outer and inner kerbs in Zone 4 was the remains of a disturbed cremation burial (017) (marked on Fig 4). The results are given in Table 3 and have been calibrated to calendar dates. This would suggest that there was no fixed point or stage for the final use of a cist and that knowledge of their. The Bronze Age rapier was recovered from a spread of redeposited cairn material (009). Another example is provided by Olcote Cairn on Lewis, an 8m diameter kerbed cairn that contained within its fabric an earlier kerb, 6.5m in diameter (Curtis & Curtis 1995, Neighbour 1996). Four of the group had been recovered in Scotland prior to 2015: two from Dumfries and Galloway (Lower Nunton and Glentrool), and two from Perthshire (Pitcaithly and Friarton). Both individuals from Cist 1 were of similar adolescent age, although that from the secondary burial was probably slightly older. The total weight of charcoal recovered was 26.6g. While the dislocation of this object from its original burial environment in unfortunate, the recovery of Bronze Age rapiers during controlled archaeological excavation remains an extremely rare occurrence. Of note was the infrequent but regular appearance of well-rounded (i.e. It is likely to belong to the Acton Park 2, Taunton (Cemmaes) or Pennard metalwork assemblage, corresponding to Needham’s (1997) Period 5, c. 1500-1150BC. Hungary. The lines are sharply incised and roughly 0.5mm wide. Bronze Age Rapier Excavation instead showed that the lower cairn material and the cists and features beneath remained untouched. Swaites Hill 320m OD (NGR NS 95177 41374) sits to the north of Tinto Hill within a loop of the River Clyde, with commanding views of the river to the north, east and south (Fig 1). Wells found that black colouring occurs with temperatures of less than 800°C, while temperatures above 800°C produced calcined bone, which ranged in colour from bluish-grey to white. The fabric is fine clay with roughly 60% of well crushed angular fragments which has fired hard and is red with a grey core (Fig 8). Variation was also noted in Zone 2, where smaller stones were used to create a recess, measuring some 1.15m by 0.55m in plan, in the outer side of the kerb's circumference. Bronze Age Knife £ 625.00. The Group 1 rapiers are predominantly found in Ireland, but additional concentrations have been noted in the River Thames and the northern Fenland area around Norfolk. (1992), as adapted to working practice through consideration of Ballin (2000). These included a chert flake within Cist 1 and a broken chert blade and flake within Cist 2. Six radiocarbon age determinations were obtained from samples of charred plant material and cremated bone. Charcoal was present in all 19 samples, though very fragmentary in eight, with material suitable for species identification only present in 11 (Table 2). Both cists also contained lithic material, possibly waste: this included chert and flint chunks, outnumbered by small chunks of quartz and quartz gravel. The hilting arrangement of latest in this class begins to have similarities with the earliest of the leaf-shaped swords of the following Late Bronze Age, known as Ballintober swords. It is a loan from Middle French espee rapiere, first recorded in 1474. The latter is more typical of kerbed cairns. The Socketed Bronze Sickles of the British Isles; with special reference to an unpublished specimen from Norwich. Again, any evidence which may have elucidated the circumstances of the rapier's deposition was destroyed by later disturbance. The authors would like to thank Cloburn Quarry Developments for funding this project and for their support throughout. The primary burial in Cist 1 was incomplete, as was the third, disturbed cremation from the cairn. A further layer of cairn material (029) that exhibited marked differentiation from (011) and (018) was situated between the outer and inner kerbs, [012] and [014]. Respecting the integrity of the context and find numbers, each bone fragment was then examined and sorted according to anatomical area and the results recorded on an Excel spreadsheet. Excavations at Blackshouse Burn in the 1980s found a worn and abraded sherd of Beaker pottery (dated to 2600–1800 BC), thought to have been incorporated amongst midden material (Lelong & Pollard 1998b). A radiocarbon date of 190 ± 29 BP (1728–1812 cal. Barry Molloy. Around the cairn, and indeed in the general landscape, many large boulders were present. When the stones forming outer kerb [012] were lifted, two different contexts were revealed. Given the amount of redeposited material (009) occurring around the cairn, at a rough guess the cairn may originally have stood at about 1m in height, although the removal of stone from the site may have reduced this considerably. The site, now a clay quarry owned by Forterra, is close to Whittlesey, Cambridgeshire and sits astride a prehistoric watercourse inside the Flag Fen basin. None of the remaining seven contexts exceeded 1g in charcoal. The topsoil (001) consisted of very dark brown sandy silt with high organic content. Stay signed in. The discovery of a Middle Bronze Age rapier within re-deposited cairn material hints at even more complexity; however, the full picture was sadly obscured by eighteenth to nineteenth century disturbance. In terms of metalwork, knife daggers are the most common find (ibid, 175). <26.8> is a small sherd from the bottom edge of the collar; <26.18> a basal fragment from the wall and interior surface of a flat base. This proud possession has its ancestry millenia before recorded history in these islands, many centuries before the legendary Achilles and Hector are said to have fought before the walls of Troy. The upper cairn material (011) formed a circular shape 14m in diameter and between 200–460mm thick beneath the re-deposited material. The Dalrymple Curators utilise the bequest to support an annual series of lectures by eminent archaeologists. Although there are some slight differences in the reported results, in the main, the higher the temperature, the lighter the colour. The weapons themselves are typically quite light, but comparatively robust pieces, and were most often wedged into an organic handle (horn being the most common surviving material), further secured by means of rivets which gripped the hilt tight around the base of the blade and also limited movement. (2008) indicated that at less than 200°C: there was a gradual darkening in colour, at 300°C there was a shift to black, above 300°C colour changed from black to tan to grey, with the lightest colour occurring between 800°C to 1000°C. The removal of topsoil revealed an exposed spread of stone which gave the appearance of a large sub-circular cairn measuring 22m in diameter (Fig 4). By positioning the cairn slightly off the summit, views would have been partially obscured from the north, but it would have been visible from the south and southeast. Bronze Age; Daggers, knives, rapiers and swords; Similar Records. Ubelaker (1978, 35) suggests that curved lateral splintering and marked warping can be indicative of the body being burnt while still ‘fresh’, i.e., soon after death, and this was probably the case at Swaites Hill. For clarity of description and ease of understanding, the extent of the cairn was divided into four zones (Zones 1–4), each separated by baulks which were removed at a late stage of the excavations (see Fig 3). The rapier sword was found locally near a site which had been inhabited for a period of at least 5,000 years, dating back from the Neolithic period to the present day. Of the miscellaneous deposits, ageing indicators from bone fragments recovered from between the stones in Cist 1 suggest that they could either have belonged to the primary or secondary burials, both of which were assessed to be from adolescents, or could comprise fragments from each. Code: AA268. The 3,500-year-old … The site has produced large quantities of Bronze Age metalwork, including a rapier and sword in 1969, and more recently the discovery of nine pristinely preserved log boats in 2011. Before bronze, stone (flint, obsidian f.e.) Every sword is a unique piece. Forgotten your password? The quartz may have been deposited deliberately, though the possibility that it entered the cists via natural means cannot be ruled out. Register for a new account. This is the grooved rapier from Isleham, Cambridgeshire (Burgess & Gerloff 1981, Cat. Home; Eligibility of Finds; News; The primary fills of the cist ((034) and (036)) were dark brown silty clays with fragments of charcoal derived from alder (Alnus glutinosa L.) and hazel (Corylus avellana L.) as well as a marked quantity of cremated human bone. Only one lithic, flint chunk <22>, exhibited evidence of heat alteration or burning. It was unclear if the cremation was incorporated into the compact cairn material and subsequently crushed by upper cairn material (011) or incorporated into the cairn at a later date and destroyed during modern disturbance. The excavation at Testwood Lake of the oldest bridge in England presented archaeologists with an interesting challenge The timbers were found during the excavation of a temporary lagoon which would be flooded with water two weeks after they were found. Sold. Rathmell Archaeology Ltd carried out the excavation of a disturbed kerbed cairn at Swaites Hill, Cloburn Quarry, South Lanarkshire. There was also one chert platform rejuvenation flake <014> showing management of cores. The surrounding area has abundant prehistoric archaeology (Fig 2), with three scheduled monuments located within 2km of the site: these include the enclosures at Blackhouse Burn (1) (Canmore ID 47640) and Meadowflatt (2) (Canmore ID: 47641); and the fort at Chester Hill (3) (Canmore ID: 47463). Largest offer of handmade swords from the Bronze age to the Roman Empire. The bank (007) consisted of a dark brown sandy silt with frequent medium to large stones and frequent small root inclusions. The outer kerb [012] was of fairly uniform construction with, unlike most kerb cairns, both an outer and inner face. These demonstrated a certain amount of complexity, with three cremation burials contained within the cists and another disturbed cremation burial with an associated cordoned urn identified beneath the cairn material. Re: Bronze Age Tool. Scottish Archaeological Journal publishes work which furthers the study of the archaeology of Scotland and neighbouring regions from the earliest prehistory to the present. This type of complexity and phasing with regards to earlier activities was also seen in the nearby, now-quarried Cairngryffe Hill ring-cairn, where internal rings of stone kerbs or postholes demarcated different areas beneath the cairn material (Lelong & Pollard 1998a). It is possible that some of the large boulders located close to the cairn were once placed in the recesses in the outer kerb, though this arrangement is unlikely to have formed a stone circle as at Cairnwell. Drive, Glasgow, G76 7TD. ) the individuals could be extracted and no pathological lesions were noted the. Further Archaeological sites in the Bronze Age rapier Complete with Rivets dating to about 800.... The original deposit has been lost century, disturbance Gordon, three cremation burials and two urns also. Cist and that knowledge of their may merely reflect a late manifestation of a mottled clay silt with fragments... Lectures by eminent archaeologists as disturbed, it is possible that some of the rapier may have! Centre ( SUERC ), recent volumes of the highest point mainland Europe to Britain ( left ) Inizan. Endowed the Society provides research grants to members of the bottom edge of the upper cairn material ( 009.! 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