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The first season has 11 episodes with a running time of 21-26 minutes each. Sneak Peek of "Secrets of Sulphur Springs" Season 3 Released Raven Baxter's Mother Tanya Returns in the Season Finale of Eugene Cordero to Return as Series Regular for "Loki" Season And Griffin didnt really understand. Griffin thinks it means that Daisy should go look in Harpers home. Back in 1930, Harper paces in Daisys room when she gets an idea, taking out some paper and a pencil and writing a note. shows. 266. The camera zooms in on the year dials on the radio and they suddenly start spinning. She bumps into Ben, who seems to recognize her, but doesnt believe what hes seeing. Shes been saving up to open an upscale restaurant and says she would go into business with Ben and Sarah as a 50/50 partner, allowing her to open her restaurant inside the hotel. Disney Channel. His eyebrows raise when the letter tells him that shes been pretending to be Daisy. Fun Fact: Sulphur Springs is a fictional Louisiana town, but the series was filmed in New Orleans. Harper believes that Grace is haunting the hotel because it was stolen from the family, with herself and Topher being the rightful owners. Harper comes into Griffin's home to tell his dad that Griffin has been hurt by the tree house. Kyliegh Curran can't spill all the beans about what Friday's Secrets of Sulphur Springs Season 1 finale (Disney Channel, 8/7c) has in store for fans because she does co-star on a show with . 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.GIPQqH{flex:none;flex-grow:0;order:0}.TLWrjM .JNgJbf{display:inline-block;flex-grow:0;font:var(--errorTextFont,var(--font_8));line-height:1;order:1;word-break:break-word} And if the radio in the living room is the same one that becomes part of the time traveling bunker, did Griffin, Harper and Savannah just go far enough back in time that it hasnt been invented yet and theyre stuck? Theres no choice now.. He hands them a copy of the deed Elijah signed, but the terms of the sale are now different. Set in the fictional Louisiana town of Sulphur Springs, the series follows 12-year-old Griffin Campbell (Preston Oliver, "Chicago Fire") whose world has been upended by his father, Ben (Josh Braaten, "American Horror Story"). They tell her that this whole time their parents have been feeling guilty about her disappearance and has been causing problems even after 30 years. Elijah crumples the paper, in defeat and says he has to go get their things in order. That evening, Harper goes to the springs and puts her hand in the water. Harper goes into her room and starts looking at her art, which features lots of water and lily pads. SECRETS OF SULPHUR SPRINGS Time After Time Harper travels back in time to the date her father died in hopes of trying to change the outcome. This is especially impressive because the series doesnt underestimate its audience. They ask her to come back to the present time but she refuses. They go to check the bunker and Savannah drops her mask on the ground. Great plan Savannah, Griffin, and Harper! Where did the time traveling radios come from? @-moz-document url-prefix(){:invalid{box-shadow:none}:-moz-submit-invalid,:-moz-ui-invalid{box-shadow:none}}@keyframes kYZz2Z{0%{animation-timing-function:ease-out;transform:rotate(180deg)}45%{transform:rotate(198deg)}55%{transform:rotate(234deg)}to{transform:rotate(540deg)}}@keyframes wlf4P4{to{opacity:1;transform:rotate(115deg)}}.bkIuWA.xXaCpo{--display:flex;align-items:center;display:var(--display);justify-content:center}.d1WWt1{animation:kYZz2Z 1s linear infinite;height:72px;margin-left:-18px;overflow:hidden;position:absolute;transform-origin:100% 50%;width:36px}.d1WWt1:after,.d1WWt1:before{animation:wlf4P4 .5s linear infinite alternate;border:3px solid currentColor;border-color:currentColor transparent transparent currentColor;border-radius:50%;bottom:0;content:"";left:0;position:absolute;right:-100%;top:0;transform:rotate(-45deg)}.d1WWt1:before{color:#7fccf7}.d1WWt1:after{color:#3899ec;opacity:0} Back home, Sam works on sketches for his time machine when a car pulls up and Judge Walker gets out with an offer to buy the farm and springs, leaving the family with the house and the ability to stay on the property. Kyliegh Curran cant spill all the beans about what Fridays Secrets of Sulphur Springs Season 1 finale (Disney Channel, 8/7c) has in store for fans because she does co-star on a show with secretiveness in the title. Oh, I am so excited for the finale, she tells TVLine. Upstairs, The Tremont looks the same as it did before, so Harpers dad clearly didnt buy it. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); I was very happy that they gave me the opportunity to bring that up in the series, especially since its a very heavy topic, and since this show is directed towards kids, they had to be a little sensitive with the topic, Curran reveals. Post navigation Universal Warning Passholders That Parks Will Be Busy During the Next Few Weeks Due to Spring Break In 1960, Savannahs mother is looking for her and she asks Sam to help. Perfect way to tie in this weeks fun box. The mirror fogs up and the word No appears. Harper tells Daisy that the future will be altered if she gives her the deed, which could mean that she never exists. Their reunion is cut short when the sheriff arrives and notifies Elijah that they have 48 hours to vacate the premises, that the house is now owned by Judge Walker. Harper tries to talk to Grace through the mirror, hoping to get some guidance on what she should do. They head down into the bunker. settings. He leaves with a threatening warning that it just takes one bad season for a farmer to lose everything. Season 2 of Secrets of Sulphur Springs was announced on April 23, 2021. And now, sit back and enjoy the spine-chilling recap of the rest of season two. He trips on his way to The Tremont and the stone goes flying in the woods. Griffin and Daisy race to the hatch to swap places with Harper in 1930, but the hatch wont open. Thats weird, Griffin replies, wondering if his dads dream was introducing him to the memories that he and Harper altered by time traveling. Griffin follows the ghostly footprints to the basement where he finds Harper, who tells him everything she just learned about her dad. 1. Griffin believes the ghost is Daisys mother Grace and she asks the mirror where they can find the stone. Sitting down to dinner with Elijah and Sam, Daisys dad announces that he is considering selling the farm so that the kids can go back to school, which upsets Sam. After learning the evil presence will ruin their lives . Sam take off for the town and Harper and Savannah chase after him. TheTVDB . She included a photo of Sam in her letter, asking if it could be Daisys younger brother all grown up. It doesnt matter anyway because the stone is now in the hands of Wyatt and Zoey, who search for more at the springs. Griffin tells her about the crack in the blue stone and that it gets worse each time they use it. During the reception, Wyatt and Zoey see a girl who looks just like Savannah and believe its one of Tophers tricks. You dont always know what to do. The cookie settings on this website are set to "allow cookies" to give you the best browsing experience possible. She pulls out a picture that was found in the walls while doing some renovations on The Tremont that shows a girl who looks just like Harper, dated 1930. The Flash's Candice Patton Wraps Filming as Iris West-Allen Plus, When Will the Series Finale, Young Sheldon Just Torpedoed Mary and George's Marriage Will Big, Did The Flash Rob Us of Flashbacks? She blocked out that memory. It glows on the ground where it lands and water begins to bubble up around it. The twins go inside and Topher heads home, leaving Harper and Griffin alone together. The door swings open and slams shut. games. Secrets of Sulphur Springs: Created by Tracey Thomson. Going into the 1960s, there are going to be quite a few racist bumps along the road for Harper., Curran adds that as soon as I saw that in the script, I was like, Good. February 7, 2022 11:15am. By Andie Hagemann. When he arrives he sees a red tin can with a letter in it. This is not at all the first time Ive dealt with the subject of racism. It's so bitter sweet! As they talk, the electric Sander Ben was using turns on all by itself and almost hits Bennet. When she leaves, Griffin tells Harper about the fire and she tells him about her fiery visions. Harper is very artistic, and I love art and have quite a few sketch books. This can be the springboard though for more of these types of series in the future we hope. Topher is up late watching a scary movie that features a glowing orb. Disney surprised Secrets of Sulphur Springs fans by premiering the entire second season today on Disney+ and DisneyNow. Im a huge Stranger Things fan, and I binged the first season three times. They find that the radio has been set to 2024 and Savannah believes Griffin went to the future to find Sam, but Harper realizes they wont be coming back as she picks up pieces of the broken blue stone. Staring at a truck thats abandoned and rusted in 2020, it looks brand-new now. If you continue to use this website without changing your cookie settings or you click "Accept" below then you are consenting to this. Harper brings the paperwork to Elijah and tells him about her premonition. Harper heads to the basement and is using the radio. Did the man in the rocking chair create the time traveling radio? S2 E7 25m. Hearing a noise upstairs, they quietly sneak up and find a Black man in a rocking chair looking out the window. Heres a recap of the explosive season finale, which also confirms that theres another season coming because it all ends with a cliffhanger. The series will air its finale on Friday, March 12th, and during this "last episode" big news . Savannah, is it you?, Zoey asks. Finally it all makes sense, Harper says. Secrets Of Sulphur Springs is also available on Disney+ and DisneyNOW. You guys are really the dream team. Is Abishola Going There? "The Last of Us," Season Finale Premiere. Savannah is the first one to exit the hatch, feeling the shock. Upstairs, the kids look at a website they created and see comments from guests staying there saying they hope to see a ghost. Earlier this month, the Disney Channel debuted a brand new live-action series "Secrets Of Sulphur Springs" and Disney is doing something a little different with the release schedule for Disney+. He slowly turns his head to look at them and they run away scared. The twins and Topher have set some traps to make guests think The Tremont is haunted. Ben has come to the realization that The Tremont is haunted, talking to the ghost about how much they just want to reopen the hotel. Stream It Or Skip It: 'Secrets Of Sulphur Springs' On Disney Channel, Where Two Teens Try To Solve A 30-Year Mystery At An Abandoned Resort By Joel Keller Twitter If you thought all the surprises were over think again! But shes a little bit adventurous for me. He asks her to come sit with him and be quiet and it starts rocking again. You DO NOT want to miss it. If you like TVLine, you'll LOVE our email news alerts! In season three of "Secrets of Sulphur Springs," a new ghost checks into room 205 and starts wreaking havoc around The Tremont. It wasnt a car accident. She remembers that she was in a canoe with her dad at the lake and it went over. The credits start to roll and if you stay all the way through them, theres one additional shot of the outside of the farmhouse. Welcome back to #secretsofsulphursprings weekly review! Harper agrees but says they should sleep on it. . You remind me so much of my daughter, he tells her. It's definitely a Disney Channel favorite! Griffin and Harper admit to Savannah they are from the future and tells Savannah that her friend Ben is his dad. If you enjoyed this post please give it a like, leave a comments, share it or pin it! He recently became a member of the Television Critics Association (TCA). Jess tells the twins that her name is Mrs. Barker and she comes to the coffee shop all the time. The 8 episode season premiered on January 14, 2022, and concluded on February 25, 2022. The Secrets of Sulphur Springs episode Time After Time is going air on March 12th and hopefully tie up all of the story in a nice neat bow for us. When he asks if her parents ever told her not to get in carswith strangers, she tells him shes not a stranger and her family knows his wife Jess. .LHrbPP{background:#fff;border-radius:24px;color:#116dff;cursor:pointer;font-family:Helvetica,Arial,,meiryo, pro w3,hiragino kaku gothic pro,sans-serif;font-size:14px;height:0;left:50%;margin-left:-94px;opacity:0;padding:0 24px 0 24px;pointer-events:none;position:absolute;top:60px;width:0;z-index:9999}.LHrbPP:focus{border:2px solid;height:40px;opacity:1;pointer-events:auto;width:auto} The ribbon cutting ceremony takes place outside, with Jess, Sarah, and Ben all speaking about how their families came together to restor the Sulphur Springs landmark. They hug each other goodbye. Viewers must be enjoying that sci-fi feeling because Secrets of Sulphur Springs is the No. The Secrets of Sulphur Springs is a new paranormal series for kids and families on Disney Plus. The following episodes of Secrets of Sulphur Springs are listed in the order of their original airing. Search. Tomorrow night is the season finale of The Secrets of Sulphur Springs on Disney at 8pm EST. Think the surprises are over.think again. 25 Stay tuned for more news and details about the new season of this thrilling Disney Channel mystery series. .itemDepth02233374943__root{-archetype:paintBox;cursor:pointer;display:block;text-decoration:none}.itemDepth02233374943__root.itemDepth02233374943--isCurrentPage,.itemDepth02233374943__root.itemDepth02233374943--isCurrentPage .itemDepth02233374943__label,.itemDepth02233374943__root.itemDepth02233374943--isHovered,.itemDepth02233374943__root.itemDepth02233374943--isHovered .itemDepth02233374943__label{transition:all .08s 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Latest News, Breaking News, Entertainment, Gaming, Technology News. Arriving at her house, she starts calling for her dad before she even enters. Just then, a box gets knocked over on the shelf and Savannah pops out. (Disney/Brian Roedel)KYLIEGH CURRAN, PRESTON OLIVER, (Disney/Brian Roedel)LANDON GORDON, MADELEINE MCGRAW, (Disney/Brian Roedel)JOSH BRAATEN, PRESTON OLIVER, (Disney/Brian Roedel)PRESTON OLIVER, LANDON GORDON, MADELEINE MCGRAW. She sits on the floor and looks at the picture she made of her dad with her at the lake and then looks at her painted boots, which also have lily pads on them. DALLAS As one of the young stars of Disney's "Secrets of Sulphur Springs," Johari Washington continues to leave his mark in history. In a social media post, some of the stars of the films including Boo Boo Stewart and Sarah Jeffery are teasing that there will be a huge reveal on March 12th. Griffin finds Harper in the woods back in 2011 and tells her theyre not moving, but also tells her he noticed the year had been changed to 2011 on the radio, the year her dad died. Set in the fictional Louisiana town of Sulphur Springs . Shes nervous about going to school and Griffin tells her to just stay quiet and not talk to anyone, but her first class is history and theres a pop quiz on World War II, a major event that hasnt happened yet in her lifetime. Griffin finds Zoey and Wyatt in their room with a rocking chair, which they moved from their parents room to keep an eye on it. Filter by flair. 'Secrets of Sulphur Springs' Season 3 Trailer Shows There's Something 'Wicked' in Room 205 (EXCLUSIVE VIDEO) The Tremont hotel in Sulphur Springs is back and open for business, as "Secrets of Sulphur Springs" heads to Disney Channel and Disney+ screens for What are we going to do? When they return to The Tremont, they see Jess car there and Harper thinks its the perfect time to break the news. Thats the end of season 2. Griffin gives Savannah a Mardi Gras mask to hide her face when they go back downstairs. They head to Shady Acres Assisted Living Memory Care Home to see Mrs. Barker and are turned away because its after visiting hours, but they see Mrs. Barker in the community hall and rush to her. Harper and Griffen race upstairs and Wyatt, Zoey, and Topher are staring at it too. I hope the kids who are six to 11 years old who are watching havent experienced it, but its also good that we didnt sugarcoat racism that has happened in the past and still goes on today., 'Everything Everywhere All At Once' Continues Awards Season, Paul Mescal Wants to Keep Making Independent Films: 'Indie, Michael B. Jordan and Jonathan Majors Plan to Collaborate Like, Everything You Need to Know About Cordyceps Supplements in 2023, TVLine is a part of Penske Media Corporation. The twins go downstairs to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, leaving Griffin alone with the rocking chair, which begins to move again. Click on the picture below to see a quick video of us making our . The following is a list of episodes in the third season of the Disney Channel live-action series, Secrets of Sulphur Springs. Episodes. Secrets of Sulphur Springs: Season Two Renewal for Disney Mystery Series April 24, 2021; Bunk'd: Season Five Premiere Paired with Secrets of Sulphur Springs Debut on Disney Channel December 12, 2020 . Check out my latest video: Discord: Twitter: this video, . You can listen to each one below through Spotify. Episodes will still broadcast on Disney Channelon Fridays, but since the full eight-episode season is now available, weve decided to offer a truncated recap of the rest of the season. In season three of ' Secrets of . "Give it a chance. We think its someone else, Zoey tells him. Daisy thinks Harper will give it to her, but she says she says she cant. Disney Channel's new series Secrets of Sulphur Springs, which at one point was set up at Disney+, is getting a second window on the global streaming . By Zach Johnson. Harry, Hermione, it was good to see you again, she tells them. 28. all; season 2; Shorts; Games; season 2. Well, were going to see more from Harper, Savannah and Griffin in the finale, and its going to be intense.