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Hi Margaret so there are 2 10 stitch repeats, how many sts are outside the repeats? June 7, 2018 @ 3:33 pm. Learn twelve ways to make side edges of a knitted project nice and tidy. Here are some of the most basic russian symbols you will find. October 24, 2016 @ December 3, 2020 @ It has been interpreted from Russian and I think some of the instructions are a little iffy. So Im also unsure about what I do with the centre stitch when I haveG to turn around and work purl??? How would I follow the Valentino Drops design dog sweater chart? It states to repeat yoke chart 2, 8 times for the 6 month size. Row 2 dots Hi Im sorry, I dont either! November 1, 2020 @ For round 3, there are two increase sts at either end of the front section, so would I still be knitting 20 sts before I get the lace chart? September 24, 2018 @ Hi Nancy nope, no cabling in the even rounds, just knits and purls. October 18, 2020 @ Its a pattern from DROPS design called Little Hedda. August 3, 2019 @ July 3, 2016 @ 7:55 am, Love this resource. Is their a universal decrease that does this? Nope, but the decreases may be written in the pattern? It says to repeat chart 6 times. 9 Exciting free knitting pattern for mens raglan sweater. Do I just read each row left to right? alexaludeman Hi Natalie you got it! Of course, there are always exceptions to this rule, and when both sides of the work are charted, you will work the RS rows from right to left, and the WS rows from left to right, making sure to check the key so you understand how stitches are worked on the RS vs the WS of the work. debrakay January 8, 2021 @ 12:45 pm. I found this lovely pattern of leaves and would very much like to add this to a baby blanket that I've knitted for my sister due in a month (so kinda urgentish) However, try as I might, with Google and knitting sites, for the life of me I can't figure out what the symbols mean as they seem to be a bit different to the norm. When knitting in the round charts are always read from right to left. I have a chart that has big blank spaces between the motifs. Edit to add: on google translate there is an option to use a Cyrillic keyboard. ~ Em, Linda It transforms three stitches into a single stitch. April 6, 2021 @ Rita Fishel Hi Ellen I think something must be wrong if the stitch count doesnt work. Hi, I, too want to learn this pattern and I have found a fabulous video on YouTube that shows how to knit. For even-numbered rows, continue in pattern (for garter stitch, knit; for stockinette, purl; for reverse stockinette, knit). Am I understanding this correctly?? January 3, 2015 @ My question is on the WS do I start with the first 21 sts of the ws cable and then do 4 repeats of the 30 st pattern or do I do 4 repeats and then the 21 sts? Thank you in advance! In order of appearance top to bottom: (+)Edge stitch (not further specified) Knit Purl The circle is a yarn over Ssk K2tog I'm pretty sure this is a k3tog Big bullet points are garter stitch M1 (it specifies for a purl stitch, I don't remember which direction . 6:18 am. slm: slip marker. 9:27 am. October 28, 2020 @ Then it says to continue in this manner all the way to end of chart. It is a mosaic knitting chart. They are probably leaning decreases, usually a circle is a yarn over. So I slipped the next stitch on the left needle to the right, then knit the next two left needle stitches together, then slipped the 2nd stitch on the right needle over the first stitch on the right needle. ennkaycee Each horizontal row of a knitting chart corresponds to a row of knitting. Have you tried contacting the designer? I get that. February 26, 2015 @ (Unless there are increases to balance them out), YOs and other increases work the opposite way, they take up a square in the chart but dont actually use a stitch, Oana Faye. My confusion comes in the work panel as set, does this mean to work row one on the chart right to left? Alexa Ludeman Here's my best shot, I'm 100% sure on almost all of this though. My main problem is that the print on the chart is tiny so unable to read it have tried magnifying glass & magnifying ruler with no success.Does anyone have any tips? Im so lost. The text is in Russian but the illustrations are helpful in deciphering certain symbols! Emily Wessel October 11, 2019 @ 12:31 pm. I casted on 60 stitches and the chart has 6 rows. 6:14 pm, Thank you, I thought I was being thick, lol x, marnen STEP 1. 9:27 am. December 5, 2018 @ 5:41 am. 10:40 am. I want to follow written directions for cable. November 18, 2020 @ Hi Karen Im not sure what the question is? Hi Jacqui Im not sure how to help, because I dont know what pattern youre working from? As I am left handed, should I read the RS rows left to right instead or do you think it will matter? by Ragga Eirksdttir), that is knit in the round. 3:23 pm, Hi Nancy sorry about that, there is an error in the Marshland chart, the second M1 should be one stitch over so there is a knit between the m1s, Nancy Im going to start it working the entire thing in the flat, putting the thumb stitches in a bit of spare yarn and then taking it up once done. So glad to hear the tutorial was useful, charts become more useful and intuitive the more you practice with them. After the increases, I end up with 308 stitches (which can be divided by the final 28 stitch row). January 13, 2018 @ Yes, some of us REALLY do hate charts, and yes we can do them if we really really really try (but why should we, when we hate them so, we like to enjoy our knitting) and if we are prepared to spend hours on them (Im not). Or once I repeat this section, I should always have just the right amount of stitches to repeat it fully while also finishing the edge? I am left handed. October 22, 2017 @ Emily Wessel Thank you Alex. Emily Wessel Thank you for taking the time to make a sample swatch. July 30, 2021 @ When I do row 2, should I begin with Chart B or Chart A? alexaludeman April 30, 2015 @ Knitting shawl from chart. Then push the needle down to pull the strand so that it forms a V-shape. its accuracy or the outcome of its use. alexaludeman I worked the right side starting with the Right cable chart. Welcome to the new home of the International Glossary of Knitting Terms. TRIED OTHER DISHCLOTH SIMPLE DESIGN OR NAME AND ONLY THING I CANT FIGURE OUT IS HOW MANY TO CAST ON HOPE YA CAN HELP, alexaludeman Hi, I need some help with a knitting chart regarding the knit and purl stitches. February 25, 2021 @ Never having knit from a chart before, I am confused. Hello. alexaludeman Hopefully the chart notes will give you some clues? Hi. First embraced as a functional, post-surf boot and then a global symbol of provocation and laidback luxury, the Classic Boot has influenced new . Kristin Alexa Ludeman Always refer to the pattern key for variations in the knit symbols. August 31, 2016 @ 8:26 am, I have been reading all your info on reading a chart in knitting. You might want to try contacting the designer of the pattern, or maybe popping into your LYS (they usually know whats up), Becky You may want to contact the designer? January 15, 2017 @ alexaludeman Hi Wilhelmien every knitting chart is different, so I cant say for certain what the symbol you are referring to means. Hi Lana yep. 6:31 pm. 12:42 pm. 10:40 am. Do you mean the extra stitch to go after knitting into stitch A (so its between a and b) or after knitting into stitch B? Alexa Ludeman November 12, 2019 @ Good question, just skip them. So no need for you to answer :D, Elsje Illustrated explanation of Russian knitting symbols. Hi Rachael Its hard to say without seeing the pattern, but it looks like you are going to purl all sts and yos except maybe the pattern repeat? Hi, Im not sure whats happening with the chart youre working from! 9:34 am. As you can see from the antler cable below, c4b and c4f cable 4 back and front are worked over 4 stitches. DeaG 2:01 pm. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. December 16, 2016 @ Once youve reviewed the key and chart notes, and determined whether all rows are shown, or just the right-side rows, you can get started knitting from the chart. alexaludeman In the repeat section you have 8 stitches on the chart. 5:19 am. March 8, 2016 @ In an email interview, Kuznetsov drew a distinction between the arch and statues aggrandizing Lenin and other "Russian . I get the feeling that I would switch some directional stitches as I have encountered that issue before, especially with the M1s. Kr Im knitting a lacy cowl in the round and the pattern is on a chart. Thanking you in advance for your help!, Emily Wessel If 1, 3, and 5 are on the RS for the chart I think they should be for you as well. September 22, 2019 @ This was so helpful! February 23, 2021 @ Do I start back at row 1 ? I know that this must be a repeating pattern. National Anthem: The State Anthem of the Russian Federation. Should I still start at the bottom right knitting right to left and purling left to right on the even rows? August 18, 2015 @ No matter whether you use Continental or English knitting style, you will have to remember to work stitches differently. I know I read the chart from right to left (its in rows). Thank you. Hi Emily! The chart shown for a stitch/pattern called Triangle rib on the does not show even rows/ws rows and there is no instructions for ws rows in the key except for this: l knitwise in odd rows, purlwise in even rows; = purlwise in odd rows, knitwise in even rows. Also, why is it showing me A.8 above A.2 which is section Im working on? 12:04 pm, Hello this is really helpful but I do have one question: if you are knitting in the round (rather than rows worked back and forth flat) do you work each round in the same direction (ie right to left)? Thank you, and keep up the fine designs! It would be pretty out of the ordinary to have 2 different symbols mean the same thing. 4:26 pm, I purchased Jones Cardigan. OL I have six edge stitches then a ten stitch repeat pattern. March 1, 2017 @ Hi sorry, i dont really know. Commonly, stitch and row repeats are indicated by heavy lines (or boxes) in the chart. alexaludeman Daniele I am knitting a lace sweater, Jody Long Lena Bolero. The chart has dark colored lines for each size, 2 lines each. So just as you did the first time you worked chart B rows 1-24, youll keep the centreline in place. On the second row do I do the reverse? Russian symbols with illustrations for . June 17, 2016 @ Crochet Im guessing it has something to do with the symbol that is keyed to sl1, k2tog, psso. Alexa Ludeman Russian symbols with illustrations for bobbles. What do I do on the even number rows? Website 20092023Craft Yarn Council. Do you just skip those because you havent increased yet? For the knitters attempting the knit, just a few tips after continuous tearing out of rows and starting over last night. Thanks for any help you cangive me. Because knitting is a matter of individual abilities Then youll work the centreline stitch, and work the chart once more, with another 3 repeats of the pattern (the section between the vertical lines). Hi Judith it sounds like those are maybe non-stitches? I am trying to complete a scarf pattern from Interweave., Cindy I dont understand the increase instructions however. Thank you for making it so clear. Can these chart symbols be used internationally? 9:25 am. How do I purl on right side and knit on wrong side? The good news is it is not hard at all. Edith ? April 30, 2015 @ MaryAnn McGee Heres a question Im not certain about. Either way, charts for colourwork patterns will generally illustrate every round (or row). July 7, 2020 @ 7:00 pm. Kate Scott round 3&4 the same? Hi Freda Sorry, Im not sure what to do without seeing the pattern. Hi, Ive knit many items with seemingly complex patterns and Ive always been able to figure them out until now. I would guess that row 1, WS should be read from left to right, and then the following row (row 2, RS), would be read from right to left. alexaludeman Hi Rosie your pattern should have instructions on the issue. November 17, 2017 @ I am doing a sweater and cannot understand this chart. At what point do I turn the work to continue on the RS? Does that mean I do the chart 5 times or 6 (the first one and then 5 repeats) . alexaludeman Do you mean there are 2 knit sts and a yarn over within the repeat? Has been deleted. 12:26 pm. March 22, 2016 @ 4:04 am. Elsje January 21, 2018 @ 1:31 pm. Do you know what I might be doing incorrectly? This is a collection of knitting terms from various languages. alexaludeman Hi! Kathy Im now on the wrong side and dont know if that would be the left or right cable chart. Hi Sherry Im not 100% sure this is what you are asking, but I think what you want to know is the approximate ratio of width to height in a stockinette stitch? See more ideas about knitting terms, knitting, knitting techniques. 2-st RC (RT) - Sl 1 st to cn and hold to back, k1, k1 from cn OR k2tog but do not drop sts from left needle, k1, drop both sts from left needle. November 28, 2016 @ Then native speaker knitters reviewed the terms and provided corrections and additions for their . There are also ways to colour or highlight digitally, if youre not able to print. Alexia Youre absolutely right. Hi I am working a fair isle flat pattern in a stockingnet. As with anything in knitting, these instructions are not set in stone. I have no clue what to do? alexaludeman Confused. March 9, 2017 @ Knit the stitch that was slipped in the previous row together wth its yarn over. February 8, 2021 @ Begin with the st before patt rep, work patt rep cont.,end with sts after rep. Dec 15, 2018 - Explore Mikki Smith's board "Russian knitting terms translated", followed by 193 people on Pinterest. After reading your explanation I feel empowered and confident I can handle a chart. April 5, 2021 @ Hi Penny Im sorry, Im not familiar with the kind of chart you are referring to. It should be in the chart notes where to start too! After a bit of practice, most knitters find working from charts much more intuitive, quick, and simple than working from line-by-line text instructions. For next time: if you use the photo and do an image search, you can often find the same pattern on a different site/in a different language. This 14-language collection was started on the ancient KnitList knitting mailing list. The pattern notes say nothing about it. 9:20 pm. Ive just finished the rib and need to increase in the next row. 2:27 pm. Could you please explain this instruction? If it helps you understand what Im on about, if I look at the chart for the Crazyheart, what do I knit on top of stitch 1 of row 16 when it comes to knitting row 17? Priscilla Knoble January 5, 2018 @ Thanks so much. 9:35 am. row 2: [ws] sl 3 pwise wyf, p 25. Keep practicing until you feel comfortable knitting the Eastern way. Here are some of them, along with my wild-ass guesses on what they might mean. WEB WALKING THROUGH RUSSIAN KNITTING AND CROCHET,,, STITCHING ON THE MUSEO DEL TESSUTOS 16TH CENTURY CAMICA, Charts for Embroidery, Crochet, or Knitting, I'll Be Watching You (Eyeball) Bolster Cushion. 12:47 am, I am new at charts and I have finished working the rows 1-24 of chart b of the rosebud shawl for the first time and I am starting on the second time. 1 thought on "Russian Lace knit chart" . 11:26 am, Samantha 6:32 am, Hi, I think I was too impatient! But beyond this practical function there is also a decorative element. 12:36 pm. 12:11 am, Maggie Petit 8:49 pm. November 9, 2016 @ Feel free to make minor adjustments that suit your own personal knitting style. That would be my first guess? alexaludeman Very confused by the lack of notation in this pattern! 9:37 am. Hi! Sorry, Im not much help without actually seeing the pattern, is it knit back and forth or in the round? The written directions for Row 3 of the Gothic lace is incorrect the repeat is missing a K1. So in Row 1, youll work the FIRST A as k1, then the rest as ssk, and the LAST B as k1, with the rest as k2tog. One special feature of cable charts are the symbols for cable turns. I understand the chart for the first 34 Rows . Regarding Kasbah Hat, Chart 2 indicates knit sts as emply outlined cells. Otherwise your best bet is to contact the designer. 8:19 am. knit 2 stitches together; single right-leaning decrease. April 29, 2017 @ Looking over the lace chart for the doily above, I suspect that straight vertical lines are knits, the little . When I have paid for a pattern that says it includes written instructions (when they mean a couple of words which obviously pained them to use as they are so sparingly used) but does not include any full instructions for the item to be knitted but rather a horrible chart, it is misleading and very very annoying. Hello! 1:50 pm, Susan Beeson When I teach knitting, I teach everyone the same, because knitting is 2 handed, like playing the piano. To right needle and begin pattern row on 3rd stitch? October 18, 2017 @ 4:25 am, My pattern say p2(2:3:4 2:2) p2tog (2(2:3:2:3;3) p2tog) 8 (8;6;8;8;8) times p2(2:3:4:2:2), Alexa Ludeman Sandra Best luck ~Em, Christina alexaludeman I have a chart for a shawl called Tipperary. Its all in 11 rib. I dont know how to do the pattern repeats. Luz Evans I am having the same issue as Mindy. November 11, 2015 @ alexaludeman January 28, 2019 @ Hi working on a lave pattern shawl and I am confused because my markers do not seem to stay in place. January 28, 2022 @ Thank you, Alexa Ludeman Includes more complex stitch patterns, using a combination of stitches. 9:50 am. (I though we were always knitting on right side and purling on wrong side) Thank you for your advice! They are usually inserted to clarify the motif, or because there are decreases etc. That would be the natural direction my knitting would follow. 7:06 pm. January 16, 2017 @ ): Every designers pattern writing and charting conventions are different, so I cant say for sure. November 4, 2020 @ 7:10 pm, Hi Shelley I think the only way to know is in the chart notes or the key and abbreviations for that particular pattern, since so many designers use different symbols, Denise Then on row 2 (if the pattern is in rows rather than rounds), you would work the chart from left to right. It looks like this: V/ across 2 stitches and in both cases it looks like the V is underlined. November 21, 2021 @ So if the stitch repeat is 10 stitches, and there are 4 stitches for the foundation cast on will be 18 stitches plus multiples of 10 to the width I want. antler mitten question about set up round: k1, PM, work chart does work chart mean to work rows 1 through 6 ? But row 85, the bold chart lines moves one st to the left, but the arrow is pointing left. Thank you! Thank you in advance for your help! June 17, 2020 @ Wanted to say thank you for all that you do for others. You work them in different ways when they occur at the start (or end) of the lace panel. July 14, 2020 @ The frustrating thing is that I dont know how to determine the number of stitches to cast on to begin with. 6:09 am. Downloadable Project and Yarn Weight Symbols, Downloadable Skill and Yarn Weight Symbols, Submitting a Project Idea Where to Start, Designer Guidelines: Once You've Received the Go Ahead, Make 1 (M1) knitwise on RS, make 1 (M1) purlwise on WS, Make 1 (M1) purlwise on RS, make 1 (M1) knitwise on WS, Sl 1 purlwise wyb on RS, sl 1 purlwise wyf on WS, Sl 1 purlwise wyf on RS, sl 1 purlwise wyb on WS, 1/1 RC (RT) - sl 1 st onto cn, hold in back, k1, k1 from cn OR k2tog but do not drop sts from left needle, k1, drop both sts from left needle, 1/1 LC (LT) - sl 1 st onto cn, hold in front, k1, k1 from cn OR with right needle behind left needle, knit 2nd st tbl, knit firrst st, drop both sts from left needle, 1/1 RPC - sl 1 st onto cn, hold in back, k1, p1 from cn, 1/1 LPC - sl 1 st onto cn, hold in front, p1, k1 from cn, 2/1 RC - sl 1 st onto cn, hold in back, k2, k1 from cn, 2/1 LC - sl 2 sts onto cn, hold in front, k1, k2 from cn, 2/1 RPC - sl 1 st onto cn, hold in back, k2, p1 from cn, 2/1 LPC - sl 2 sts onto cn, hold in front, p1, k2 from cn, 2/2 RC - sl 2 sts onto cn, hold in back, k2, k2 from cn, 2/2 LC - sl 2 sts onto cn, hold in front, k2, k2 from cn, 2/2 RPC - sl 2 sts onto cn, hold in back, k2, p2 from cn, 2/2 LPC - sl 2 sts onto cn, hold in front, p2, k2 from cn, 2/1/2 RPC - sl 2 sts onto first cn and hold in back, sl 1 st onto 2nd cn and hold in back, k2, p1 from 2nd cn, k2 from first cn, 2/1/2 LPC - sl 2 sts onto first cn and hold in front, sl 1 st onto 2nd cn and hold in back, k2, p1 from 2nd cn, k2 from first cn, 2-st RC (RT) - Sl 1 st to cn and hold to back, k1, k1 from cn OR k2tog but do not drop sts from left needle, k1, drop both sts from left needle, 2-st LC (LT) - Sl 1 st to cn and hold to front, k1, k1 from cn OR with right needle behind left needle, knit 2nd st tbl, knit first st, drop both sts from left needle, 2-st RPC - Sl 1 st to cn and hold to back, k1, p1 from cn, 2-st LPC - Sl 1 st to cn and hold to front, p1, k1 from cn, 3-st RC - Sl 1 st to cn and hold to back, k2, k1 from cn, 3-st LC - Sl 2 sts to cn and hold to front, k1, k2 from cn, 3-st RPC - Sl 1 st to cn, hold to back, k2, p1 from cn, 3-st LPC - Sl 2 sts to cn, hold to front, p1, k2 from cn, 4-st RC - Sl 2 sts to cn and hold to back, k2, k2 from cn, 4-st LC - Sl 2 sts to cn and hold to front, k2, k2 from cn, 4-st RPC - Sl 2 sts to cn and hold to back, k2, p2 from cn, 4-st LPC - Sl 2 sts to cn and hold to front, p2, k2 from cn, 5-st RPC - Sl 2 sts to cn, hold to back, sl 1 st to second cn, hold to back, k2, p1 from 2nd cn, k2 from first cn, 5-st LPC - Sl 2 sts to cn, hold to front, sl 1 st to second cn, hold to back, k2, p1 from back cn, k2 from front cn. Be sure to review the chart key before you cast on! Recent marches such as the Women's March on Jan. 21 and the March for Science on Saturday have brought knitting into the international spotlight and lured newcomers to a symbol of activism that . All Rights Reserved. 1:48 pm. December 26, 2014 @ p2, k3 Hi, Im struggling with the WS instructions of a pattern, the RS are charted so fine with the these. Im reading a chart and um, the repeating pattern is 25 stitches.however, there are 120 stitches around what do i do?? likewise I couldn't find the translation of the russian knitting symbols.I hope the russian sites make on thier site a translation.. like what the portugese site have. (And Rows 2 and 3 are 2 knit/purl stitches.) Decrease for the crown of the head on a 12 stitch decrease. is reverse stockinette (purl on right side, knit on wrong side). Help??!!? Of course, there are increases, so now there are 11 sts outside the rpt. It means you are going to make 1 stitch in that colour. A Adyana Ive bought your marshland sweater pattern and am having a bit of a time figuring out how to go about the yoke. I found that I didnt have enough stitches to complete the entire repeat section and then full execute the edge section as well. and I cantouch find a reference for it in the legend or in the book. Hi! Emily Wessel But every designer choses their own chart conventions, so theres no way for me to know 100% how your specific chart is meant to be read without seeing it. Wonderful tutorial !! August 15, 2021 @ Row 1 requires following Chart A to the mid-back, then following Chart B, which mirrors Chart A. Does that mean the first row is the wrong side and I read it left to right? Usually you would want to start at the bottom right and go right to left. October 22, 2020 @ How do you read the chart if you work the chart, k1, work the chart if the two sides of the chart are slightly different when you knit the 2nd chart side. June 8, 2015 @ 10:25 am. Im reading a cable chart that has different charts across the front some are eight repeats some are for repeat patterns and some are six row repeats so how do you manage a 6 repeat with an 8 repeat and a for repeat so you dont make a mistake? German - Estonian, Saksa-Eesti Silmuskudumise Snastik; Knitting Fog. Move your left hand so that your left index finger gets under the strand stretched between the needle and your left hand. 6:30 am, Usually when asked to chain 7 you skip 7 stitches in the row below and place the next stitch in stitch 8 . Janet Marquardt So for the next round you are knitting to 1 stitch before the k2tog of the last charted round (or 2 stitches before that if you are working round 19). September 9, 2016 @ 10:34 pm, Hi Faye-the cast on doesnt count as part of your chart, the first row will be the one after the cast on and that row can be either a RS or WS row, the pattern will tell you, CLD October 12, 2014 @ I have a chart that says T&P at the end of a short row. read instructions symbol . Alright, I don't speak Russian but based on familiar symbols and the picture I feel pretty confident about a few of them = slip, slip knit (or your preferred left leaning decrease), The one at the tip of the leaf that looks like a rake = centred double decrease, = purl, I think? Useful charts i have found for translating russian knitting chart symbols into english. July 13, 2016 @ My question is on the pattern I am working it is in both written and chart and on the chart Ive come to Work even in pattern as established until piece measures 18 in . alexaludeman 10:59 am. November 27, 2018 @ w&t. (wrap and turn) slip next st from LH to RH needle, take yarn between needles to other side of work, slip st back to LH needle, take yarn between needles to its starting point, then turn. Help! 3:38 pm. I recently ordered a book online of various Japanese knitting motifs and patterns. 4:02 am. Hi Nadine Do you work your knitting left to right as well? I cant see what youre seeing, so I dont know what the pattern writer intended. You answered all my questions. 12:47 pm. Laura Abbr. Heres one for a lace doily. November 6, 2014 @ Do you have any suggestions for translating the Russian symbols? Hi It sounds like something has gone wrong, you should definitely have enough to complete the chart. 3:46 pm. October 26, 2019 @ January 22, 2017 @ March 29, 2015 @ The text is in Russian but the illustrations are helpful in deciphering certain symbols! March 9, 2017 @ Please explain .. on one row there is a yo followed on the next row by a black solid box. 8:45 pm. Deb Rhodes 9:16 pm. Roberta, Renee 2:59 pm, Hey. Knitting School with Explanation of German Chart Symbols; Habu Textiles. I have finished the right hand Norwegian mitten. Im assuming that when I turn the work to work the wrong side rows that I also change the charts order. June 17, 2020 @ It looks like it depends which size you are knitting? No. There is a 7 stitch repeat over 15 rows. If you missed that tutorial, youll find it right here. Alexa Ludeman 7:11 pm. This site is a work in progress and a passion project. 9:33 am. I am knitting the Strange Brew Marshlands sweater. If you feel that the yarn is too loose and is hard to control, wrap it around your left little finger. Emily Wessel February 6, 2018 @ September 29, 2015 @ February 4, 2018 @ If the chart shows BOTH right side and wrong side rows, you will work the RS rows from RIGHT to LEFT, and the WS rows from LEFT to RIGHT. pat Plus the majority of charts using Russian symbols on line have been pirated, with no links to the original books master key page that associated each symbol with a technique. Apollo Eras I can follow charts fairly well, but I am a little confused with this piece of the pattern. A famed statue of Hans Christian Andersen's Little Mermaid, one of Copenhagen's biggest tourist draws, has been vandalised with the colours of the Russian flag. Good luck! February 17, 2019 @ I wouldnt write it out I would simply knit following the chart. Hello! Required fields are marked *. Not all patterns follow these guidelines, but most do. This type of finely knit, down-hair lace shawl originated in the Orenburg area about 250 years ago, in the 18th century. August 31, 2015 @ 12:59 am. No we dont find it fun, we dont want to be challenged we just want to knit the think we want to knit. Thanks for setting up this page its really helpful! I am struggling with Ann Budd & Anne Hansons Top-Down India Print Henley. Often, an empty square means to knit the stitch, and generally, a yarn-over will be represented by an O in the square. 2:24 pm. The pattern states to work chart b twice and chart a twice around. November 12, 2019 @ August 16, 2021 @ 7:41 am, I am knitting a fair isle vest and I am a little confused as to how I follow the chart when I start the decreases for the armhole.