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Even many experienced pet owners would not try to take on an otter. There are many exotic pets that people fantasize about owningbaby penguins, panda bears, dragonsbut they are often shocked to hear that some people can and do legally keep exotic pets like fennec foxes, wild cats, and marmosets. Reuters Hi I'm looking to buy a otter I want to know how much they go for. It is the most common type trapped and sold as pets. August 20, 2021. Keeping an otter as a pet has become fashionable in some countries for some time. If the water is not sufficiently well cleaned, it can lead to the quick death of the otter. Living in captivity is simply not a good life for an otter. If you believe your state should be on this list, check with your local state department. They can cause damage to your home and hurt other animals in your family. This has spread to the opening of various hedgehog and even owl cafs. Plus I would never just have one. Many zoos and aquariums have volunteer programs that allow you to work with otters and other animals. However, they will probably warn you against going down the route of otter husbandry, for the reasons I have outlined in this guide. Question: How much does a pet otter cost? You'll also need access to plenty of fish. They prefer flat stones that are as wide as a large orange. Otters are considered to be wildlife, so you will need to follow the state guidelines for ownership. Emergency Vet Prices: How Much Does an Emergency Vet Visit Cost? They are mustelids which means they belong to the same family as weasels, minks and badgers, but form a part of the subfamily Lutrinae. Toys are expensive. Yes, otters can be trained using positive reinforcement techniques. There is little similar evidence to suggest otters want to do the same. (2018). Otters are usually kept outdoors because they emit an odor. Pet owners must provide proper care, including a secure enclosure, appropriate food and water, and veterinary care. I guess if someone owns a exotic pet then theyd really need to keep it in a space like theyre natural environment and take really good care of it, not just like its a dog or cat. Retrieved from. Abigailramirez434@yahoo.com on January 01, 2018: Can I buy a baby otter. Question: Are otters legal in Pennsylvania? 25 million cats and dogs are euthanized in the US each year. For many, ferrets make a viable alternative. However, some US states may allow you to own exotic pet species such as otters. They have exotic pet stores with meerkats in rabbit cages. If you want to interact with otters, consider visiting a zoo or aquarium or volunteering with a wildlife rehabilitation center. However, owning an otter requires a permit, which can be obtained from the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission. They bite and they have glands to produce a vile smell , people get those removed , its cruel. If you want to read similar articles to Can You Have an Otter as a Pet?, we recommend you visit our What you need to know category. Additionally, if you live near a river, lake, or other natural body of water, you may be able to spot otters in the wild. If you still want to own this aquatic creature, the biggest obstacle you will face is this: Where can you find one? As such, captive otters need ample space to move around, including a deep enough freshwater source in which to swim, bathe, and socialize. The local authority's regulations will need to be assessed before it could even be considered. Great job on this article, Melissa! Conservationists may need to keep an otter in captivity for protection, post-rescue or for research purposes. Thank you for taking the time to look at our personalised otter ceramic money box. Question: Are otters legal to keep as pets in Georgia? Many Asian countries have taken measures to protect them through bans and regulation.. In Japan, pet fads appear with a certain regularity. You can supplement the diet with monkey nuts, soft-boiled eggs, crayfish and insects, introduced at irregular intervals with a scatter method. This species is not for beginners. Unless you are an expert or biologist or zoologist, you should not own an exotic pet. However, this is a highly regulated process and requires meeting strict requirements for the care and housing of the animal. Rage at the cruelty of man. Enjoy an otter stuffed animal They love water so it is best if you have a body of water nearby for them to frolic in. Not needing to be walked or taken out for exercise is a big plus for many people. They need plenty of space and care., An otters enclosure needs to be large enough for them to get exercise and forage. They werent always domesticated they were rescued or ripped away from thier habitat as well for generations. Here are some pros and cons to consider: Pros: -Otters are very playful and active, which can make them fun pets. As with all wild animals, otters are likely to react to humans in unexpected ways, and they can turn aggressive when they feel threatened. The answer is no. Scent and Body Odour The otters emit an odour and that is the reason they are kept outdoors. Supporting conservation efforts and avoiding products that contribute to habitat destruction can help protect these animals. More on each of these later. Can otters be released into the wild after being in captivity? This requires a fence which is not climbable and has a horizontal ledge at the top. Health and safety risks: Otters can carry diseases that can be transmitted to humans and pets, and their sharp claws and teeth can cause injury. Click to attach a photo related to your comment. The bad news is that this leaves them vulnerable to poachers, who hunt them for their velvety fur. If you are bit by an otter, you'll need to treat the wound immediately. Uncovering the Price: How Much Does a Canadian Marble Fox Cost? The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. Tremble with Tarka as the sounds of the otter hounds come down the valley. An otters diet can vary in captivity. This is the smallest. Otters make loud whistling or screeching noises. Can you pet otters? When you see cute baby otters interacting with their keeperssuch as those in the videos hereremember that these are often socialized babies that have not yet undergone maturation. Being A Pet Is Not Good For an Otter If you love animals, then please do not keep otters as pets! Otters are not ferrets; they are not animals that should be kept with the intention of cuddling them. Retrieved from, Smith, C. (2017). Average Lifespan, What Do Parakeets Like to Eat? Otters are so adorable, I can understand why we would want to have them as a pet, but it's not right. However, Asian small-clawed otters, despite being the otter species best suited for captivity, are not commonly kept, even in the exotic pet-keeping community. The name otter derives from the Old English word otor which, alongside other Indo-European cognates, ultimately stems from the root word *wdr, which, you guessed it, gives us the modern word water. What is the Difference Between a Donkey, a Mule and an Ass? The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has previously released a general, but not exhaustive, guideline to keeping otters in captivity[4]. Don't even get us started on baby otter pups. Have a secondary pond/enclosure that I keep stocked with fish,frogs, and other native species that I would let my baby out in daily and go swimming with it. Yes, some otter species are endangered. 5 Step Pacman Frog Care: Are they good pets? From a legal standpoint, owning an otter can be trickier than a skunk, but it is possible. They have an oil, waterproof coat and webbed feet, which makes them good swimmers. Otters are carnivores and primarily eat fish, shellfish, and other aquatic creatures. However, a recent uptick of otter attacks has caused distress to many fish owners across the island. While sea and river otters are deemed federally illegal due to the Marine Mammal Protection Act, Asian small-clawed otters are not covered by the same level of protection. Question: Are otters illegal in western Australia? Slightly less fun, but much more gruesome, fact: Male otters have been known to forcibly penetrate baby seals while holding their heads underwater until they drown. 4. If i found a fox or coyote i would raise it. Answer: You purchase otters from a breeder or broker. She did nothing wrong shes a vet giving you advice on a animal that people love and right now have are popular. Interestingly, however, otters can be legally obtained for private ownership. Note: All information comes from online resources and personal knowledge. While otters can form bonds with humans, they still retain their natural instincts and behaviors. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. As a result, these pets are often abandoned. Gonna go out on a limb and say that's where the otter encounters take place. If left untrained, they can leave many droppings around the house. Serfass, T., Evans, S. S., & Polechla, P. (2015). Their ideal temperature is 75 to 85 degrees. As a pet, otter ownership can be difficult for a variety of reasons, but owning one is not an easy choice. Otters play an important role in their ecosystems. Their unpleasant smell can permeate a home if they live indoors. I tend to state that theres no such thing as a good or bad petit depends on what youre looking for in an animal. Plumbing fixture you fuck an otter as a pet linear unit australia OTTERS as PETS Reason It's a BAD Thought. Otters mostly eat fish and planktons, but they also feed on the ground with small birds, snails, frogs, or other amphibians. Below is a basic care guide. Answer: I would guess no, but it might depend on the animal and your particular talent in animal training. Only one species of otters is not considered federally illegal in the US, which is the Asian small-clawed otter (Aonyx cinereus). Trained professionals can provide the care and rehabilitation necessary to ensure the otter can be released back into the wild. They can be very destructive when they dont get what they want., Strong odor. Otter. Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on December 21, 2016: People in Japan are notorious for doing whatever they want and making it work. many native mammals have large home-ranges and need to kept in large outdoor enclosures. Native birds are also federally protected. That includes all game animals, birds and furbearers, including bear, beaver, coyote, deer,. In the wild, they feed on mostly invertebrates and occasionally frogs. How much do scorpions costs? It is very difficult to find anyone who sincerely recommends keeping an otter as a pet. Aggression in otters is also something important to consider. Instead of citing specific sizes, I would recommend simply imagining what you would deem an acceptable length and width for a very energetic and playful carnivore that will spend most, if not all, of its life in the enclosure. Question: Specifically what is required to own an otter in North Carolina and what type of otter(s) can you have? While otters are popularized by their appearance in movies and TV shows, many people are unaware that these animals can actually be kept as pets. It's scary to think of what it'll be like in just 5-10 more years. Aggression when stressed. Can you have a pet otter in australia. Otters like to climb and dig, so your enclosure will need a top and to be dug into the ground. I understand how people strongly oppose having otters as pets. Animals and mostly exotic ones are not our toys or our means to make money.