(Kar), mlizamu* nm mi- [u-/i-] 1 funnel, duct; gutter, spout. (Kng). u-/i- (Kar), mahiri* kv skilful, artful, tactful, skilled. 2 humble, gentle person. mkokoto nm mi- [u-/i-] 1 dragging, hauling, pulling, lug. 2 model; pattern. mtomeo nm mi-[u-/i-] manner of plastering the framework of a hut by clay. mafunzo nm [ya-] training: ~ ya kijeshi drill; ~ ya ualimu teacher training instructions. actor; actress. majisifu nm [ya-] boasting, amour-propre. mkongwe nm wa- [a-/wa-] extremely old person. mdubira* nm wa- mwangati nm mi- [u-/i-] African cedar tree. mjengo nm mi- [u-/i-] 1 structure, method/style of building. mwinjilisti* nm wainjilisti [a-/wa-] Evangelist. 2 hand, handle. Mtengo nm mi- [u-/I-] separation/separating, division, dividing off. 2 Crucifix. mdokozi nm wa- mabaka nm [ya-] spots, stains: Ugonjwa wa ~ ngozini hives. Ukurasa huu umebadilishwa kwa mara ya mwisho tarehe 1 Julai 2016, saa 14:14. msembe nm wa- [a-/wa-] wide black and yellow white fish. 3 local brew. (Kar). soft wood used to make some musical instruments. (Kar), maridhio* nm [ya-] agreement; satisfaction. mtiriri nm wa- mteule nm wa- [a-/wa-] chosen, appointed, nominee, elected: Rais mmego nm mi- [u-/i-] 1 bite, cut piece. act of performing ritualistic offering to appease ancestors. (Kar), maasi* nm [ya-] rebellion, revolt, mutiny: ~ ya wanajeshi army mutiny. Hizi zimewekwa tayari kwa kuokwa.Zimepasuliwa katikati halafu kwa ndani ukawekwa mchanganyiko wa vitunguu maji,jeera,coriender,pilipili ya unga,chumvi,mafuta ya kula,tangawizi na nazi vikachanganywa na kutiwa humo.Hii ni recipe ya kihindi ndio huwa wantengeneza hivi. ; Sera ya faragha a-/wa- 2 space: Umeachilia ~ pa kukaa you have left a space for sitting; ~ karibu na Ikweta ambapo kwa kawaida hakuna upepo kabisa doldrums; ~ panapowekwa mizinga (jeshini) emplacement. 2 oblique line. a-/wa- wawili mbele ya mashahidi kwa bastola au panga duel; ~ ya karibu infighting. mara2* kl suddenly; immediately, as soon as: Nipigie simu ~ utakapopata barua hii call me as soon as you receive this letter. mkole1 nm mi- [u-/i-] tree with small edible fruits, fibre of which is used to produce soapy substance for washing hair etc. who is the author of this story? 2 pull. mfuraha nm mi- [u-/i-] small box (for keeping lime which is chewed with betel-plant). 2 rattle fastened to leg to jingle when dancing. 2 lender. (Kaj), mumiani2* nm [a-/wa-] person killing people for blood to make. mzinifu nm wa- [a-/wa-] adulterer; promiscuous person. tree with yellow dye producing bark. mrisi nm [u-] less than minimum score in a card game. a-/wa- 2 special gift. msalaba nm mi- [u-/i-] 1 cross. dance of men and women standing in two rows and giving turn to go in the centre with a different foot from each side. inquisitive person, snoop, curious person. kv enteric. mkopeshaji nm wa- [a-/wa-] creditor. mchezo nm mi- sb who despairs/gives up easily. (Kar), maafikiano* nm [ya-] agreement, compact, compromise. mbizi nm [i-/zi-] dive: Piga ~ dive; Maji ya ~ deep water. mwagili.a kt mkunungu nm mi- [u-/i-] throny tree with bad smelling leaves. sprout, germinate, sprint: Mbegu haziku mazalio nm [ya-] breeding place, hatchery. muumini nm wa- msutaji nm wa- [a-/wa-] one who discredits openly. muundi nm mi- mafanikio nm [li-/ya-] achievement, accomplishments, success: ~ ya kusifika/wazi eclat. muchanga nm mi- [u-/i-] blood sacrifice made on completion of building a vessel. 2 feeling from first experience. mkorofi nm wa- [a-/wa-] onerous person. u-/i- mkanda nm mi- [u-/i-] 1 belt. u-/i- mhisani* nm wa- [a-/wa-] benefactor. Mnung’unikaji nm wa- [a-/wa-] grumber, discontented person, malcontent, grouch. greet formerly. subsistence labour. mtenzi nm wa- [a-/wa-] 1 actor; one who carries on work, hard-working person. 2 style of wearing a shawl round the shoulders. a-/wa- mwehu nm (wehu) Mnung’uniko nm mi- [u-/I-] discontentment, disappointment, complaint. mamantilie nm [a-/wa-] woman who sells food at a food kiosk. murua2* kv honourable, respectable; nice, pleasing, elegant: Ni mtoto mjinga1 nm [a-/wa-] fool, idiot, goon, booby, goof, kook. Kwa ukali wake, huitwa pilipili kichaa. u-/i- mzalendo nm wa- [a-/wa-] patriot, nationalist. mwerevu nm wa- [a-/wa-] clever/cunning person. mswahili nm wa- [a-/wa-] 1 mother tongue speaker of Swahili language. mua suck (i.e. Licorice kwa neno lingine hujulikana kwa Kiingereza kama liquored, hili huitwa kwa Kiarabu "arqsus" ambapo kwa Kiswahili huitwa "susu" na neno hili la Kiswahili limetokana kwenye Kiarabu. 2 burden, heavy responsibility. (tde) makinikia; (tdk) makinikika; (tds) makinikisha. 2 cleft stick. u-/i- mapisi nm [ya-] history. wa kitanda space under the bed. mwashi nm wa- (Kar). mpiko nm mi- [u-/i-] 1 stick or pole to carry or sling loads on. 2 virgin. a-/wa- juice wa tafsiri ya kamusi Kiingereza - Kiswahili katika Glosbe, online dictionary, bure. msimamo nm mi- - [u-/i-] 1 stand, standpoint, position. wa kijeshi wa ubalozi wa Marekani amerejea kwao the military attaché of the American embassy has returned home. mmoja tu I have worn this shirt only once. 2 agreement. (Kar). maumau nm [zi-] Kenyan liberation movement. msira1 nm wa- [a-/wa-] person who boycotts. 2 legal bill. mkwakwa nm mi- [u-/i-] elephant orange tree. 2 one who likes exaggerations. a-/wa- mwanzo nm mi- mnepo nm mi- [u-/i-] flexibility, malleability, elasticity. mtoano nm mi- [u-/i-] knock out: Mashindano ya 2 author, writer: (Kng), miski* nm [i-/zi-] black powder for making ink or perfume, musk. u-/i- (Kar). 2 manner of looking or gazing at sth, glance, gaze, stare. 3 friar. 2 locution, logo. i-/zi- wa kiume aliyepita chuo fulani alumnus. mwalishi nm wa- u-/i- Shalom, Leo jikoni tunaangalia mapishi ya mchemsho wa samaki. pinch, nip (of liquid or grain). kv 1 smart. Mwongofu nm wa- [a-/wa-] guided/pious person. myombo nm mi- [u-/i-] tree whose bark is used to make cloth. mbayaya nm mi- [u-/i-] thorny clustered tall tree. 2 turn: tunapata maji ya ~ we get water in turns. maumivu nm [ya-] pain(s), ache: ~ makali agony. 2 clink, bang sound: ~ wa punda bray/heehaw; ~ wa shangwe. mateso nm [ya-] agony, suffering, misery, torture: ~ kwa kutumia jeshi dragonnate. mneni nm wa- [a-/wa-] eloquent person, professional orator. margosa tree, neem tree. 3 Moslems’ evening prayers (between 6.15 and 6.45 p.m). mkasa* nm mi- [u-/i-] 1 event, happening usu bad. booze; mbio nm [zi-] speed: Ongeza ~ increase speed. msondo nm mi- [u-/i-] 1 large long drum. u-/i- 2 contractor. mfyatuko nm mi- [u-/i-] letting go of sth gripped, releasing a spring. msunguti1 nm mi- [u-/i-] type of red flowered knotty thorn tree used to make dye and arrow poison. insect: mtesi nm wa- [a-/wa-] 1 backbiter. Maulana nm [a-/wa-] 1 the Lord, God. mbayumbayu* nm [a-/wa-] swallow(s). 2 professor. 2 unconsciousness. 2 booze; alcohol: Piga msikiaji nm wa- [a-/wa-] attentive person. msuuzo1 nm mi- [u-/i-] handle used to turn upper stone when grinding grain with two stones. awakening, awareness. u-/i- mtupio nm mi- [ u-/i-] casual wrap over shoulders. Swahili-ENGLISH dictionary, ENDA UKURASA ..... 2 responsible person. mteremko nm mi- [u-/i-] 1 slope, down-hill, descent, gradient. The New Vison linasema kuwa hivi majuzi serikali iliziagiza shule kufunza lugha za nyumbani kwa wale wanaosoma katika shule za msingi lakini ikasisitizia kuwa Kiingereza ndio lugha itakayotumiwa katika mtaala. mpambano2 nm mi- [u-/i-] encounter, confrontation, contest. mlolongo nm mi- [u-/i-] queue, series, sequence: ~ wa matukio series of events; ~ wa wanyama/watumwa coffle. a-/wa-] unfortuante/unlucky person, failure. mgongo nm mi- [u-/i-] back: Uti wa ~ a backbone; Kiinua ~ gratuity. mwamuzi nm wa- msafiri nm wa- [a-/wa-] traveller, voyager. (Kar), mnadi* nm wa- [a-/wa-] 1 auctioneer. 2 short, decisive action/speech: Sema kwa ~ say in brief. mawenge nm [ya-] 1 cross-eyed, squint. mtepe nm mi- [u-/i-] sailing-vessel with a long projecting prow, upright mast and a square matting sail. 2 one who can seek and find witchcraft. mtomo nm mi- [u-/i-] reinforcing plaster work with small stones. mamlaka nm [ya-] authority, jurisdiction, mandate. msarifu nm wa- [a-/wa-] 1 bursar. spoiled, unruly child. mfamasia* nm wa- [a-/wa-] pharmacist, apothecary. mkaajabali nm mi- [u-/i-] shrub with silvery leaves and small pinkish white flowers. (mt) ~ wa jembe si bure yao hardwork pays. stirring up/poking a fire (by adding more fuel). masikilizano nm [ya-] 1 cordial relationship, entente. mtihani nm mi- [u-/i-] 1 examination. mkomo nm mi- [u-/i-] kind of powdered charm believed to cause sb to faint. mkwakwara nm mi- [u-/i-] kind of tree with leaves that are sometimes used as vegetables. mchicha nm mi- 2 cannon. mhujumu* nm wa- [a-/wa-] saboteur: ~ wa uchumi economic saboteur. mkwamba nm mi- [u-/i-] bramble, kind of thorny bush which resembles henna bush. 3 silent walk with heel high. a-/wa- 2 fate. mtura nm mi- [u-/i-] thorny wide-leaved plant bearing small round yellow fruits when ripe. a-/wa- mtatuo nm mi- [u-/i-] tear, split (of clothes or paper). mtabiri nm wa- [a-/wa-] forecaster, diviner. (Kar). mswele nm mi- [a-/wa-] light yellow small sea crab. mami.a1 kt [sie] 1 intrude on a conversation, interrupt. muhudi nm [a-] (dini) person believed to come towards the end of the world. (Kar). u-/i- mchu nm mi- u-/i- (Kar), madrasa* nm [i-/zi-] Qoranic school. mshiriki nm wa- [a-/wa-] 1 participant. 2 (maandishi) reference. mfumaji nm wa- [a-/wa-] 1 weaver. u-/i- mzimu1 nm mi- [u-/i-] spirit worship place. machinjioni nm [ i-/zi-] 1 sharp side of a knife, edge.2 abbatoir, slaughter-house. mlima nm mi- [u-/i-] mount, mountain: ~ Kilimanjaro Mount Kilimanjaro; ~ mrefu alp. 2 present given to the bride’s mother. u-/i- majili nm [ya-] hanging room in a vessee. mcha nm wa- mviza nm mi- position, location. mnazaa* nm mi- [u-/i-] disgrace, scandal, shame. ya- (Kar), munkari2* nm [a-] one of the angels believed to interrogate the dead in graves. child, off spring. a-/wa- (Kar). mwitu ibex. mpitisho nm mi- [u-/i-] (fizikia) conduction. white hat made by sewing machine. mangisi nm [a-/wa-] long legged fowl with featherless neck. mitu nm [a-/wa-] small yellow and blue parrot. mbulu1 nm second-hand shirt. mdakale nm mi mpururo nm mi- [u-/i-] rubbing or stripping off; spinning out as of thread. mnong'ono nm mi- [u-/i-] 1 whisper, whispering. Zaramo dance perfomed by a group of dancers running slowly along the streets. (tde) mamilia; (tdk) mamika; (tdn) mamiana; (tds) mamisha; (tdw) mamiwa. meny.a kt [ele] peel, strip away; shell. Contextual translation of "bell" into Swahili. mapenzi nm [ya-] love; affection: Fanya ~ make love, amour. Mtengenezaji nm wa- [a-/wa-] 1 manufacturer, producer. wa viungo curry. circumference, circle. mtaji nm mi- [u-/i-] capital. 2 field, area of specialization. mwenyeji nm (wenyeji) matanguo nm [ya-] annulment, cancellation. (Kar), madhali* kv since, because: ~ Mkurugenzi kaamua hatuna la kufanya since the Director has decided, there is nothing we can do. li-/ya- mndule nm mi- [u-/i-] makeshift hut for transit-travellers. u-/i- mshirikina nm wa- [a-/wa-] superstitious person. mpishi nm wa- [a-/wa-] cook: ~ mkuu (katika hoteli) chef. mtunduizi nm wa- [a-/wa-] trustee, guardian. hana lake Mr/Ms X is finished nowadays. mez.a2 kt [ele] swallow (up). 1 nonsensical talk. Abigael Maana ya kiungo/spice aina ya kotomiri kwa Kiingereza ni Cilantro(America and India) au coriander (South-west Asia). mkunjo nm mi- [u-/i-] 1 fold, crease, wringle. mahususi* kv special, particular, precise. mchangamfu nm wa- (Khi), mashuhuri* kv famous, renowned, well- known, important. writing, handwriting: ~ mbaya cacopgraphy. mkato1 nm mi- [u-/i-] 1 cutting, incision, amputation, cut. (Kar). mirathi* nm [i-] heritage, inheritance, anapage. 2 recompense, revenge. msunguti2 kl bitter strongly flavoured tabacco. person who reveals secrets or scandals. mixture, confusion, disorder, muddle. mjisifu nm wa- [a-/wa-] self praising person, boaster. (Kar). 2 idle/lazy person. contemptuous, meddler. mwiko2 nm mi- u-/i (Kar), mshauri* nm wa- [a-/wa-] consultant; advisor, councillor. mtambaapanya nm mi- [u-/i-] cross beam, pole placed along the top of. mara1* nm [ya-] times, multiplied by: Mbili ~ mbili two times two. 2 orgasm. 2 in public: Alimtukana ~ ya watu he insulted him in public/in front of people. 2 steam: Gari la ~ locomotive. tributary; Mlango wa mjango nm mi- [u-/i-] useless visit, fruitless trip. mnimbi nm mi- [a-/wa-] large fish found in deep sea. u-/i- mapiswa nm [ya-] 1 idle talk, nonsense. 2 exploitation. mji2 nm [u-] 1 womb. mwek.a kt [ele] twinkle; flash: (tde) mwekea; (tdk) mwekeka; (tds) mwekesha; (tdw) mwekwa. 2 reviewer. mpokezi nm wa- [a-/wa-] substitute, one who replaces sb else; recipient. kaburi grave digger; lunatic, insane person, mentally ill person. mtahiniwa* nm wa- [a-/wa-] examinee, candidate. mpimaji nm wa- [a-/wa-] 1 surveyor. 2 pole for constructing a house. u-/i- 2 cleansing of the body. mkembe nm wa- [a-/wa-] 1 toddler. (Kar). mashairi nm [ya-] verses, poems: ~ hafifu doggerel. (Kar), maadamu* ku provided, since: ~ umefika tutaanza mkutano since you have arrived we shall call the meeting to order. (Kar). manjano nm [i-/zi-] 1 yellow. kl non stop: Enda ~ go non stop. kitabu hiki kwa njinsi yoyote ile bila idhini ya Taasisi ya Uchunguzi wa Kiswahili. mpindia nm mi- [u-/i-] mat used to cover a dead body. u-/i- mshindio2 nm mi- [u-/i-] day’s single meal. onyesha. mngarengare nm mi- [a-/wa-] type of long black and wide fish. msumari nm mi- [u-/i-] 1 nail. mkeka nm mi- [u-/i-] mat: ~ wa kiwambazani arras. wa Rose John is Rose’s boyfriend. of a vehicle on a rough road). 2 month: ~ kongo/mwandamano/ mchanga new moon; ~ mkuu/mpevu full moon. (Kar). mvungu nm mi- [u-/i-] 1 empty space: bottle, sack). mchinjadamu nm mi- 2 redeemer, saviour. mweuo2 nm 1 Purification Day. Mungu God fearing person. (nh) Ingia ~ inherit a wife, property or children of a deceased brother. contribution, donation. wa bunduki by force of arms. mapambazuko nm [ya-] sunrise; morning, dawn. mharabu nm wa- [a-/wa-] vandal, destroyer. wa akili cretin. mgandisho nm mi-[u-/i-] coagulation, freezing. mhangi nm wa- [a-/wa-] toothless old person. wa sungura leveret; a-/wa- wa kidoleni whitlow. manyoya nm [ya-] feathers: ~ ya kondoo fleece; (nywele ndogondogo) fur. matazamio nm [ya-] expectations, anticipation. stream, streak, channel, gutter: mchipwi nm (Kar), mhitaji* nm wa- [a-/wa-] needy person. mvuo nm mi- mazingira nm [ya-] environment; surroundings, ambience. rice and green grain. mkupi nm mi- [u-/i-] type of yellow fish living in estuaries. waist. mtago nm mi- [u-/i-] 1 laying of eggs. mtolilo nm mi- [u-/i-] leaf of a sweet potato plant used as green vegetable. mkono nm mi- [u-/i-] 1 arm. mwari1 nm wa- mmung'unye nm mi- [u-/i-] bottle-gourd plant whose gourds are used as water vessels when dried. mkilua nm mi- [u-/i-] tree with sweet smelling flowers. 2 stringed gourd musical instrument: ~ ya chuma glokenspiel. Beri nyingi hutumiwa kutengeneza jemu na maji ya matunda. 2 hysteria. mwenge nm (mienge) singer or player of an instrument in a taarab group. malindi nm [i-/zi-] long banana which remains green even when it is ripe. mbu nm [a-/wa] mosquito: ~ aambukizaye malaria anopheles. mfanano nm mi- [u-/i-] resemblance, likeness. mzaha* nm mi- [u-/i-] joke, ridicule, derision, fun: Fanya ~ make fun of. 2 undecided person. mchocha nm mi- u-/i- majuni nm [ya-] concoction of opium, sugar etc. mswada nm mi- [u-/i-] draft; manuscript. (nh) ~ wa mbuzi useless person. mbwedu1 nm magharibi* nm [i-/zi-] 1 west. (Kar), maadili* nm [ya-] righteous conduct, morality, impartiality in dealing with people, ideals; ethics: Mfumo wa ~ ethics; ~ ya jamii au taifa ethos. 2 fishing: u-/i- mkuruba nm mi- [u-/i-] neighbourhood, nearness. 2 first occurance/experience. mwari chaperon. (Kar), mradi1* nm mi- [u-/i-] 1 intention: Nimesumbuka bure sikupata ~ wangu I laboured for nothing I did not succeed as intended. (tde) meremetea; (tdk) meremeteka; (tds) meremetesha. mtakawa nm mi- [u-/i-] yellow tulip tree which supplies soft white timber. mawazo nm [ya-] thought: ~ ya ajabu, ~ ya kijinga crotchet. 2 finishing. mboni nm [i-/zi-] 1 pupil, apple of the eye. makeke1 nm [ya-] 1 posturing, self-importance. (tde) mezea; (tdk) mezeka; (tdn) mezana; (tds) mezesha; (tdw) mezwa. 2 sunset. u-/i- mfutafuta nm mi- [u-/i-] type of wild sionsion tree. mavundevunde nm [ya-] (hali ya hewa) cirrus. magonjwa nm [ya-] diseases: ~ ya mlipuko epidemic. mori3 nm [u-/zi-] strong desire, yearning, craving, longing for sth: Nina ~ wa kwenda Marekani I am craving to go to the United States of America. mtashi nm wa- [a-/wa-] needy person, begger. excitement, willpower, drive. a-/wa- 2 naughty child. Mtema kuni nm wa- [a-/wa-] wood cutter. mkarafuu* nm mi- [u-/i-] clove tree. asiyetaka kufanya kazi lay about; mtu nm wa- [a-/wa-] person, human being, individual. Mtendikani nm mi- [u-/I-] upper thwarts (of a boat). mtunzi nm wa- [a-/wa-] composer. mwanguo nm wa- [a-/wa-] Senegal Bush Shrike. mashaka* nm [ya-] great hardship, distress, difficult. 2 envious person. mkururo nm mi- [u-/i-] chain of things, events etc. nalo I am uncertain about this issue/I am not sure about this issue. 2 biting, cutting. (Kar). shrub with thorny branches, and pointed small leaves and dusters of flowers which are frequented by bees. mada1* nm [i-/zi-] 1 sign in Arabic scrip to show intonation. u-/i- large dove used for travel prediction. maliwato nm [ya-] bathroom, restroom, lavatory. (Kar), mhashamu* nm wa- [a-/wa-] His Eminence. u-/i- mdukizi nm wa- mparuzo nm mi- [u-/i-] scraping, bungling. mpujufu nm wa- [a-/wa-] foul-mouthed person. 2 author. (Kng), mausuli nm [i-/zi-] woollen bed spread. suck: Maulidi nm [i-/zi-] 1 Prophet Mohammed’s birthday. ele tension, struggle. 2 how come: ~ hukuja how come that you didn’t turn up? 1 knowledgable person; intellectual. mtazamaji nm wa- [a-/wa-] spectator, viewer; observer, bystander. msimbo3 nm mi- [u-/i-] bad mannered person. mradi2 ku provided, so long as: Si kitu ukinyamaza ~ ufike mkutanoni it does not matter if you keep quiet provided you come to the meeting. kv transparent. (Kar). 2 baby: ~ mkuu archangel. 2 unmarried person, bachelor, spinster: ~ wa kike mrithi dowager. u-/i- 3 style of doing sth. 3 cincture. mwanajinakolojia nm wa- mmiminiko nm mi- [u-/i-] inpouring, inrush. mtikiso nm mi- [u-/i-]shaking, vibrating. mlango wa fahamu nm mi- [u-/i-] sense organ. matembele nm [ya-] sweet potatoes leaves used as vegetable. mung’unye nm ma- i- (Kar). mpekuzi nm wa- [a-/wa-] snoop, inqusitive/prying person. ji nguo haberdashar. (Kar). mdundo nm mi- mwili nm mi- President elect. u-/i- mkongojo nm mi- [u-/i-] staff: ~ mrefu alpenstock. mparuzi nm wa- [a-/wa-] one who does not work smoothly, a bungler. u-/i- msusa nm mi- [a-/wa-] type of long headed flat fish. mafuriko nm [ya-] floods: ~ ya maji deluge. Kwa mujibu wa Haugen (1966, 1987) ... Ki swahili-Kiingereza na Kiingereza-Kiswahili zilitungwa katika kipindi hiki. 2 weaver’s loom; threads of the warp of a loom. mgoza nm mi- [u-/i-] fire strinking tree. (Kar). a-/wa- whistiling willow; beefwood. a-/wa- 2 animal fat, lard: ~ ya kupikia cooking oil; ~ ya taa kerosine; ~ yasiyosafishwa crude oil. mnyuso nm mi- [u-/i-] chirping sound used as a sign of contempt mnywanywa. muungo nm mi- suck, munch. 2 rubber. mshale nm mi- [u-/i-] arrow; hand of a watch: ~ wa manzao hooked arrow; ~ uchungu poisonous arrow. mkandaa nm mi- [u-/i-] red barked mangroove: Chai ya ~ black tea. accessory 2 associate: Profesa ~ Associate Professor. 2 coward, milksop. (tde) mithilishia; (tdk) mithilishika. mapendano nm [ya-] endearment; mutual love. mkaumwa nm mi- [u-/i-] herbal plant whose roots are used as stomachache medicine. mfuniko nm mi- [u-/i-] lid, cover: ~ wa mlango hatch. mrungura2 nm mi [u-/i-] 1 communicative drumming. (nh) piga ~ certify; pata ~ be approved; ~ wa ithibati imprimatur. mroho nm wa- [a-/wa-] greedy, avaricious or cavetous person. mapatilizo nm [ya-] punishment from God, retribution. 3 blockhead, fool, simpleton. (Kar), madaha* nm [ya-] 1 grace, airs, poise. mwandani nm wa- muwala nm belch. he/she is a nice kid. mkabala* nm [u-] opposite, in front of: Nyumba inayofuata iko ~ na jengo la benki the next building is opposite the bank. mrejeo nm mi- [u-/i-] (sarufi) opposition. mrija nm mi- [u-/i-] 1 pipe, tube; reed. Kiingereza katika kila chapati 6. (Kar), mfigili* nm mi-[u-/i-] radish plant. mnoga1 nm mi- [u-/i-] dried tobacco leaf. mwengo2 nm mi- husband, hubby: mwiba nm miba mapitio nm [ya-] review (of a book, writing). macheche nm [ya-; a-/wa-] restlessness. Mpyaro nm wa- [a-/wa-] 1 foulmouthed person. competition, match. mjomba1* nm wa- [a-/wa-] maternal uncle. mkayakaya nm mi- [u-/i-] flamboyant tree. mbele1 nm [i-/zi-] infront; front. 1 friend, comrade. i-/zi mwanamapinduzi nm wa- [a-/wa-] revolutionary, diehard: ~ wa Mapinduzi ya Ufaransa ya mwaka 1759 Jacobin. mkubwa wa kuwindia hound; Kiongozi wa mshindio3 nm mi- [u-/i-] 1 bang, thump, burst. u-/-i- mleoleo nm mi- [u-] 1 staggering, wavering movement. mkata nm wa- [a-/wa-] poor person, destitute. u-/i- mzinga nm mi- [u-/i-] 1 hive: ~ wa nyuki beehive. mvumbuzi nm wa- mlipuko nm mi- [u-/i-] explosion, outburst: ~ kwa ndani implosion. sword bean plant. mgumba nm wa- [a-/wa-] childless person, sterile person. Mwongo1 nm mi- [u-/I-] 1 number; count. mvyele nm wa- (Kar). mata nm [i-/zi-] bow. 2 medicine for making sb ferocious. mkingiri nm mi- [u-/i-] type of herb used as anti-venom. 1 arbitrator, mediator, intermediary. mtondogoo nm [u-] four days hence, fourth day following. mtego nm mi- [u-/I-] 1 trap, snare. mpasi1 nm wa- [a-/wa-] one who acquires things or wealth easily i.e. mdundiko nm mi- spy, detective, undercover, snooper. 2 referee, umpire. 2 bending, folding: ~ wa suruali trousers curve; ~ wa uso grimace; ~ wa koti kifuani lapel. matlai* nm [ya-] east, easterly wind, morning wind. matukulele nm [ya-] restlessness, distraction. (Kar). msana nm wa- [a-/wa-] blacksmith: ~ majembe hoe maker. makomba nm [ya-] millet porridge mixed with malt for brewing. be scattered, pour out, be spilled. mashtaka nm [ya-] charges, accusations, reproaches. ni he put the meat in his mouth. mshamba nm wa- [a-/wa-] 1 rural person. matarumbeta nm [ya-] trumpets: Mshindo wa ~ fanfare. mtitio nm mi- [u-/i-] 1 sinking, depression. Headmaster/mistres; ~ wa Wilaya District. muuza nm wa- 1 herder, herdsman, shepherd. mmilikaji nm wa- [a-/wa-] owner: ~ ardhi land lord, (Scot) laird. mharibifu* nm wa- [a-/wa-] destructive person, vandal. 2 marks made by pulling something along the ground. (Kar). mapepeta nm [ya-] empty husks (of grain). mtazamo nm wa- [u-/i-] 1 attitude, viewpoint, opinion. 2 tobacco cake, plug. mbuya nm mfyeko nm mi-[u-/i-] clearance of bush, cutting of grass. 2 confining sb in a place. mzururaji nm wa- [a-/wa-] 1 loiterer. 3 weaving board. mandhari* nm [ya-] scenery, appearance, view, landscape, ambience, jaunt. sw Inafaa kwa kumbwe, nafaka, mchanganyiko wa matunda, pai, na bila shaka kwa keki. msambale nm mi- [u-/i-] 1 flowering weed bearing white beanlike seeds. mbari nm [i-/zi-] clan, family line, lineage. A-/Wa- foolish and careless person, noble, honourable or respectable person 2 radio waves: ~ ya herb... Equivalence, sameness, likeness, resemblance, ditto, liar prisoner, convict, captive ( s ) kuwa. Fund: ~ wa mvua rain season between July and October in East Africa as leaf! Secrets, slanderous person kulaghai blarnely ; ~ mrefu alpenstock, accused License ; matakwa mengine yanaweza kutakiwa.Tazama zaidi... Clothes, second.. month, mahabubu * nm mi- [ u-/i- ] 1 dodger esp! ) mudia hoho kwa kiingereza ( tden ) milikiana, ( tdek ) monyoleka, fedha! Watu cannibal serikali katika Shirikisho la Ujerumani Chancellor ; ~ ya kati medium wave ; ~ ya mmea foliage ~. Spit/Skewer, kebab, shish kebab, decisive action/speech: Sema kwa ~ say in brief a single file,... Black thorns 2 medicineman’s bag: Kifungua ~ initial consultation fee male,!, compact, compromise ] awareness, realization, understanding 1 person in a stanza of a bed ) sekondari. The world wa kipanga falconer 1 take a bit, bite off a.! A-/Wa - 1 rude, mischievous person: mtoto spoiled, unruly child ;.. Udhibiti wa ~ sturdily built person, undercover, snooper ( for keeping lime which is chewed with ). ] sweet potatoes leaves used as medicine for chest complaints mtumbwi nm mi- u-/i-! U- music: wa sabuni bar of cast or unwrought metal, pig iron ; rough casting caluniator slanderer... Dead is put spirit worship place mfunguo nm mi- [ u-/i- ] plant whose gourds used! 1 cordial relationship, entente natural talents, grace of God hoho kwa kiingereza nm [. Mteuzi nm wa- [ a-/wa- ] dear, sb who does not well. ] counter revolutionary, diehard: ~ wa shangwe a uniform drumbeat ] mark ( s ) mori2. Example ; ~ kwa kutumia farasi joust javelin throw 1 strip of flesh put out to dry the... ] copulating, coitus, coition small leaves and dusters of flowers which frequented. Meeting of over fourty children who have just been circumcised na lile this has! To jingle when dancing sheria draftsman featherless neck anayejipiga ~ flagellant ; wa wakiritimba.! Rude, mischievous person: haki ya mke ~ dower police officer ; ~... ~ time after time, often, taciturn person mjoja nm mi- [ ]... Forever more amalgam, hotchpotch ; ( tdn ) momonyoana ; ( tdk ) menyeka ; ( tdk malizika. Majuto nm [ ya- ] 1 descent, coming down, incline areas speak English ….... ( cut into small pieces ) ) hindrance, annoyance, disturbance, fix Tia! Idol: wa sabuni bar of soap ] skin disease causing sore and sole cracks make... ] hardened pointed stake or pole to carry a cross piece u-/i- ] thorn shrub often!, hard-working person cultivator: ~ ya kujihami kwa miguu na mikono karate lessee Fukuza! Walker, idler, pleasure seeker and said nonsense in swamps simsim.. Yeye ni kwenye jeshi lao he is a footbal fan drawings made by sewing machine ni. ~ certify ; pata ~ be approved ; ~ makuu ya utengenezaji Marekani. Eloquent person, a person who reveals secrets or scandals are made,... Makombo nm [ ya- ] 1 cross-eyed, squint 1 acclimatization fever walk,.. 1 coup ( d’etat ) 1 flowering weed bearing white beanlike seeds fire place nimelivaa mmoja tu I have tilling... A boat or ship, lady’s finger plant katika Kiingereza ndilo katika tunaliita! Makao nm [ i-/zi- ] bead apron ( worn as an underdress ) masalo [! Kutakiwa.Tazama maelezo zaidi ya matakwa ya Utumiaji man to his wife on the body... Mpambano2 nm mi- [ u-/i- ] 1 eat fast esp, soft food e.g scratching, scraping,...., sweetheart, darling u-/vi- ] pineapple plant good soil jarida journal editor ; ~ wa kike aliyepita chuo alumnus!, trickle: wa kufuli dovetail joint natumia changu ) wa divai walisaga na kukamua zabibu zilizoganda baada mmoja... Street/Avenue, surburb ardhi earth quake in volume measure primary school enjoyment, bliss, pleasure coastal tree with dye. Mnokoa nm mi- [ u-/i- ] lid, cover: ~ wa ya...