Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on exempting Wolters Kluwer Financial Services, Inc. from competitive bidding requirements per Texas Local Government Code § 262.024(a)(7)(D) captive replacement parts or components for equipment for TeamMate software and services and authorizing execution of the agreement. Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on a line item transfer for Human Resources. Discuss, consider and take appropriate between Williamson County and Manville Water Supply Corporation on approving the purchase of bulk water through a fire hydrant meter per the attached quote. Inner Loop Annex (P434) – Vaughn Construction Change Order No. Discuss, consider and take appropriate action to accept a donation of a monthly RV space for twelve months beginning 02/01/2021 thru 01/31/2022, for Williamson County Sheriff’s Office employees/families from Redbud Ranch RV Resort, majority partner Brian Birdwell. Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on publishing notice in the Williamson County Sun to notify the public that proposed amended rules for on-site sewage facilities (OSSF) in Williamson County, Texas will be discussed during the Williamson County Commissioners Court session on January 12, 2021 at 9:30 AM pursuant to Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 366 and Title 30, Texas Administrative Code §285.10. Proc. Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on the County's response for employees directly affected by COVID-19, included, but not limited to, employee accruals, work schedules, and the FMLA process. A new language lab is abutting accomplished paving better ways to enhance communication skills. Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on reappointing Commissioner Valerie Covey to the Rivery TIRZ board. Inner Loop Annex (P434) – Vaughn Construction Change Order No. (Hutto 117 Investors, LP, a Texas limited partnership). Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on an Agreement with the City of Round Rock, Texas and Williamson County Regarding Relocation of 10" City Wastewater along Hairy Man Rd. Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on approving compensation changes, position title changes, position grade changes and any corresponding line item transfers. [Cases: Secured Transactions 13,116.] A A's AMD AMD's AOL AOL's AWS AWS's Aachen Aachen's Aaliyah Aaliyah's Aaron Aaron's Abbas Abbas's Abbasid Abbasid's Abbott Abbott's Abby Abby's Abdul Abdul's Abe Abe's Abel Abel's During such Public Comment Period, speakers shall be limited to a maximum of two (2) minutes to make his/her remarks and the maximum overall discussion time allowed for the Public Comment Period, regardless of the number of members of the public wishing to address the Court during such period, shall be limited to ten (10) minutes. Zoning: SH-RS Please call for more information. Public Comment Period. Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action on accepting a report on the Williamson County Inner Loop Annex Project (P434); Vaughn Construction Change Order #36 in the amount of $726.00. Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action to approve the Tax Collection Agreement between the Georgetown Village Public Improvement District and the County of Williamson, Texas. Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action on awarding Overhead Door Preventative Maintenance and Emergency Services for a term of one (1) year to The Door Company, per the only responsive quote received, in the amount of $56,785.00, pursuant to Texas Local Gov't Code, Section 262.0225(d) & Section 262.0245 and authorizing execution of the agreement. January 12, 2021  Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on either approving a list of position control numbers (PCN's) to have their vacation time, in excess of 160 hours as of 12/31/2020, paid out through the CARES funding or to extend the expanded vacation accrual deadline into 2021. WILLIAMSON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on approval of the final plat the Schwertner Ranch Phase II subdivision – Precinct 3. Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action regarding the Standard Utility Agreement with PEC for utility relocations on the CR 200 Reconstruction Project, a Road Bond project in Commissioners Pct. Discuss and take appropriate action concerning real estate. Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on an Advance Funding Agreement Amendment #1 with TXDOT for development of frontage roads along SH 130 between Limmer Loop to Chris Kelly Blvd. <?php // Plug-in 8: Spell Check// This is an executable example with additional code supplie 37. Stop Loss Application United Healthcare Insurance renewal. Public Comment Period. Serving Starke And Surrounding Counties For Over 80 Years! Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on acknowledging the Purchasing Department monthly report of asset dispositions through Inter-departmental Transfer for the period of 12/01/2020 through 12/31/2020. AgendaQuick ©2005 - 2021 Destiny Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action to approve the County Attorney November 2020 Monthly Report in compliance with Code of Criminal Procedure 103.005. Inner Loop Annex (P434) – Vaughn Construction Change Order No. 1 to the CR258 Extension contract between Williamson County and American Structurepoint, Inc. relating to the 2013 Road Bond Program. Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on a line item transfer to create P547 (CR 118/100 Realignment) for the Road & Bridge Division. The canvas attribute must return the canvas element that the context paints on.. Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority License Agreement. Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action regarding agreement with Charter Communications Operating, LLC d/b/a Spectrum for fiber internet services at 321 Ed Schmidt Blvd, Suite 200 (former Commissioner Pct 4 office) Hutto, Tx 78634 in the amount of $1,099.00 a month with a $250.00 installation fee and authorizing execution of the agreement. Thousands of Houston area evacuees jammed the roadway trying to leave. Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on pending or contemplated litigation, settlement matters and other legal matters, including the following. Marsha Boggs - Broker A L Olson Real Estate 1512 S. Heaton Street Knox, IN 46534 +1 574-772-3051 Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action regarding a Supplemental to the Standard Utility Agreement with Pedernales Electric Cooperative (PEC) for utility adjustments on the Seward Junction Southeast project, a Road Bond project in Commissioner Pct. 4 in the amount of $2,215.00 for Forest North Phase 3 (DeNucci Constructors), a Road Bond project in Commissioner Pct. CR 176 at RM 2243 Supplemental Utility Agreement with PEC. Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action on accepting a report on the Williamson County Inner Loop Annex Project (P434); Vaughn Construction Change Order #35 in the amount of $1,006.00. Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on approval of a succession planning position for the 395th District Court. Pediatric care providers, pediatricians, pediatric subspecialty physicians, and other health care providers should be able to recognize children with abnormal head shapes that occur as a result of both synostotic and deformational processes. Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on ratifying the approval and execution of rental agreement with Preferred Climate Solutions for the rental of three (3) patio heaters in the total amount of $675 for the Taylor EXPO Center. Discuss, consider and take appropriate action to approve amendments to the Rules of Williamson County, Texas for On-Site Sewage Facilities and setting forth the amended rules in an Order Adopting First Amended Rules of Williamson County, Texas for On-Site Sewage Facilities. Discuss and take appropriate action concerning economic development. Local Gov't Code 263.152.(a)(1). P: 285  Funding Source: Road Bond, Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action regarding Change Order No. Gov. Receive updates on the Department of Infrastructure projects and issues. Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action on accepting a report on the Williamson County Inner Loop Annex Project (P434); Vaughn Construction Change Order #40 in the amount of $7,823.00. Discuss real estate matters (EXECUTIVE SESSION as per VTCA Govt. Funding Source : Road Bond P463. Discussion regarding economic development negotiations pursuant to Texas Government Code, Section 551.087: Discuss pending or contemplated litigation, settlement matters and other confidential attorney-client legal matters (EXECUTIVE SESSION as per VTCA Govt. December 15, 2020 1 to the CR 129 contract between Williamson County and Garver, LLC relating to the 2019 Road Bond Program. Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on authorizing the Purchasing Agent to advertise and receive sealed bids for Gattis School Road and Red Bud Ln Milling, Sealing and Overlay under IFB #T2912. Inner Loop Annex (P434) – Vaughn Construction Change Order No. Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on approving the purchase from Holliday Chevrolet utilizing contracted upfitter Defender Supply for three (3) 2021 Chevrolet Tahoe 9C1 RWD Police Pursuit Vehicle for Williamson County EMS in the total amount of $146,230.00 per the terms of Texas SmartBuy Contract #070-A1 and authorizing the execution of the purchase. Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on a line item transfer for the Tax Assessor/Collector's office. Funding Source: Road Bonds P463. Project Name: “Vasuda Luxury"- Construction of Stilt floor + 4 floors with 16 dwelling units comprised in S.No.40 of Kumarapalayam Village, Coimbatore Corporation. First Addendum for Agreement on Solicitation 1708-185 Pharmaceutical Service and Supplies Between Williamson County and MAO Pharmacy, Inc. D/B/A Westwood Pharmacy Clinical Services (Williamson County Jail). Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on approval of the final plat for the Star Ranch NE subdivision – Precinct 4. Returns a data: URL for the image in the canvas.. During such Public Comment Period, speakers shall be limited to a maximum of two (2) minutes to make his/her remarks and the maximum overall discussion time allowed for the Public Comment Period, regardless of the number of members of the public wishing to address the Court during such period, shall be limited to ten (10) minutes. url = canvas.toDataURL( [ type [, quality] ] ). Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on authorizing the Addendum, renewal period 2, of contract 1604-069, with Holmes Murphy & Associates, LLC as the Health Related Benefits Broker and Consultant for the term of January 1, 2021 - December 31, 2021, for the same terms and conditions as the existing contract, with the exception of pricing increase approved by the Williamson County Benefits Committee on May 28, 2020, approved in Commissioners Court on June 23, 2020, and incorporated into the budget on August 25, 2020. Gatorex November 4th, 2017 at 11:12 PM . Our global writing staff includes experienced ENL & ESL academic writers in a variety of disciplines. Bonnie October 20th, 2016 at 10:51 PM . Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action on the issuance of a county wide burn ban for a period not to exceed 90 days and to authorize the County Judge the authority to lift the order banning outdoor burning if conditions improve. 1. Inner Loop Annex (P434) – Vaughn Construction Change Order No. Speaking time, to the extent possible, will be evenly allocated among speakers should more than five (5) speakers desire to speak during the Public Comment Period. Local Gov’t Code 263.152. Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action on accepting a report on the Williamson County Inner Loop Annex Project (P434); Vaughn Construction Change Order #37 in the amount of $2,407.00. Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on County Road 200 Improvements License Agreement with Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority. The Commissioners Court will conduct a Public Comment Period to allow members of the public to address the Court regarding matters pertaining to or affecting Williamson County but that do not appear as an Agenda Item on a meeting’s Agenda. Discuss consider and take appropriate action on an order declaring an emergency and a grave necessity due to unforeseeable circumstances and approve a budget amendment to acknowledge the use of EMS Donations. ASME-B31.1_Power Piping_ASME Code for Pressure Piping, 2016_(ASME).pdf pages: 366 Consider a resolution determining the necessity and authorizing the use of eminent domain to condemn (0.456 acres) required for the construction of Coridor C, and take appropriate action. 3 in the amount of -$55,892.02 for the Great Oaks Water Line (QA Construction), a Road Bond project in Commissioner Pct. Certificate of County Clerk - First Amended OSSF Rules, Affidavit of Publisher to Publication of Legal Notice. Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on approving a lease with Sharp Electronics Corps for two (2) copiers for Williamson County JP Pct #4, one (1) in the amount of $210.12 per month, the 2nd in the amount of $89.23 per month, pursuant to DIR Contract #DIR-CPO-4433. A state district court in 1998 ruled in favor of Premier Victorian Homes, which sued nearby property owners and the city over obstructions in a Heights alley abutting its land. Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action to approve the Tax Collection Agreement between the Parkside on the River Municipal Utility District No. Interstate 45 gained notoriety during Hurricane Rita in 2005. Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on acknowledging the Purchasing Department monthly report of asset dispositions through Auction for the period of 12/01/2020 through 12/31/2020. Local Street • Design Speed : 30km/hr. 9:30 A.M. _________________________ Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on authorizing the Purchasing Agent to advertise and receive sealed bids for Schultz Ln and Meister Ln Milling, Sealing, Overlay and Striping under IFB #T2911. This change order is being funded by owner’s contingency from within the original project budget. Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on a line item transfer for County Wide Records Management Fund. 4, November 2020 Monthly Report in compliance with Code of Crim. 1604-069 renewal 1, Holmes Murphy & Associates, Holmes Murphy & Associates Addendum, renewal 2 for 1604-069. Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on a First Amended and Restated Professional Services Agreement For Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Vaccination Services, between Williamson County, Texas and Family Emergency Room, LLC; and exempting the procurement of such services from the competitive bidding requirements pursuant to Texas Local Government Code Discretionary Exemption 262.024(a)(2) - an item necessary to preserve the health and safety of the residents of Williamson County. Approval of this ILA will authorize Williamson County to cost-share 50/50 with the City of Liberty Hill to ensure that adequate water pressure reaches all areas of the park. Consider a resolution determining the necessity and authorizing the use of eminent domain to condemn (21.313 acres) required for the construction of SE Loop, and take appropriate action. Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on reappointing LD Cheatheam and Susie Fontenot to ESD #6 board with the term to commence immediately and continue until December 31, 2022. 1. THE HIDEABOUT NEWSPAPER DECEMBER 2020 • 7. 5 in the amount of $5,117.00 for Forest North Phase 3 (DeNucci Constructors), a Road Bond project in Commissioner Pct. 35. 39. G. Minimum setback all around . Maximum cost to Williamson County is $25,000. The Consent Agenda includes non-controversial and routine items that the Court may act on with one single vote. • Primary access to residence, business or other abutting property • Less volume of traffic at slow speed • Unrestricted parking, pedestrian movements. b) Discuss the acquisition of real property for CR 176 at RM 2243 c) Discuss the acquisition of real property: O'Connor Signal Project d) Discuss the acquisition of real property: CR 278 e) Discuss the acquisition of real property … Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on approving property tax collections for the month of November 2020 for the Williamson County Tax Assessor/Collector. Gov't Code 262.024(a)(4). Fund Source: Road Bonds. BLACK'S LAW DICTIONARY® Definitions of the Terms and Phrases of American and English Jurisprudence, Ancient and Modern Contributing Authors a) Discuss the acquisition of real property for SW 183 and SH 29 Loop. 9:30 A.M. _________________________ 20-1964-C395; Robert Chody v. Michael Gleason; In the 395th Judicial District Court of Williamson County. P: 463  Funding Source: Road Bond, T1746 Southeast Loop Demolition Phase 1 CO No. For tutoring please call 856.777.0840 I am a recently retired registered nurse who helps nursing students pass their NCLEX. 551.072 Deliberation Regarding Real Estate Property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the governmental body in negotiations with third person.). Property that the bankruptcy estate acquires after commencement ofthe bankruptcy proceeding. 49 Likes, 1 Comments - College of Medicine & Science (@mayocliniccollege) on Instagram: “🚨 Our Ph.D. Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on approving purchase of two (2) 2021 Ford F-250 Extended Cab Trucks in the amount of $70,967.60 including a one-time administrative fee of $300 from Silsbee Ford, as per GoodBuy Contract #20-8F000 and authorizing signature of the quote. Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on authorizing the extension of Electronic Payment Processing Services Contract 1708-179 with Certified Payments, renewal option period 3, for the same terms and conditions as the existing contract for term of January 16, 2021- January 15, 2022. Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action on awarding RFP #T2147 EMS Billing Services to DM Medical Billing and authorizing the execution of the contract. Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on submitting a wording change to the Texas Historical Commission for the supplemental plaque located on the south side of the Historical Williamson County Courthouse. The property is conveniently located just 2.5 miles to downtown Bethesda (about 5 minutes by car), and 2 miles to the I-495 exit ramp at River Rd (4-6 minute by car). Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action on accepting a report on the Williamson County Inner Loop Annex Project (P434); Vaughn Construction Change Order #34 in the amount of $3,277.00. 2. Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action on accepting a report on the Williamson County Inner Loop Annex Project (P434); Vaughn Construction Change Order #39 in the amount of $13,957.00. 34. Loc. Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on a policy exception for a new hire for the Sheriff's office effective 1/1/2021. Funding Source: P530. The Judge or a Commissioner may pull any item from the consent agenda in order that the court discuss and act upon it individually as part of the Regular Agenda. This lets us find the most appropriate writer for any type of assignment. THE HIDEABOUT NEWSPAPER. b) Discuss the acquisition of real property for CR 176 at RM 2243 c) Discuss the acquisition of real property: O'Connor Signal Project d) Discuss the acquisition of real property: CR 278 e) Discuss the acquisition of real property … Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on a request for a line item transfer for Juvenile Services. Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on pending or contemplated litigation, settlement matters and other legal matters, including the following. Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on a change to the Employee Policy Manual. 551.071 consultation with attorney. Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on ratifying and approving the revised preliminary plat for the Estates at Northgate subdivision – Precinct 2. revised preliminary plat - Estates at Northgate. This change order is being funded by owner’s contingency from within the original project budget. Code sec. Please note that the members of the Court may not comment at the meeting about matters that are not on the agenda. ... sh. 3. LOTUS PROPERTY DEVELOPERS, No.49/1, A2, Radha Apartments, Vetrivel Nagar, Kavundampalayam, Coimbatore - 641030. 4. A frontage road (also known as an access road, service road or parallel road) is a local road running parallel to a higher-speed, limited-access road.A frontage road is often used to provide access to private driveways, shops, houses, industries or farms. Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on approving the Renewal Addendum for Master Service Agreement with MTech for Supporting Operations of The Williamson County Facilities Department for HVAC, Plumbing, Electrical Services and Pipe/Duct Work per BuyBoard Contract #558-18. She’s a research powerhouse and has numerous…” 2 under Williamson County Contract for Engineering Services between HNTB Corporation and Williamson County dated December 17, 2019 for General Engineering Consultant – Construction Management/Inspection Services for Williamson County Road and Bridge Department Projects. Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on a real estate contract with Richard and Carol Schmickrath for right of way needed on the Corridor C Project (Parcel 9). Assets for Transfer - December 2020 Monthly Report. 1. 1 and the County of Williamson, Texas. Local Gov’t Code 263.152. 2. Discuss, consider and take appropriate action regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline and/or dismissal of Williamson County officers, directors or employees, including but not limited to any necessary action pertaining to conducting annual reviews of department heads and appointed officials. Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on authorizing the renewal of United Healthcare Stop Loss Insurance with the provider United Healthcare Insurance Company for the term of January 1, 2021 - December 31, 2021 which incorporates the plan changes, designs, plan rates, revenue and expenses that were approved by the Williamson County Benefits Committee on May 28, 2020, approved in Commissioners Court on June 23, 2020 and incorporated into the budget on August 25, 2020. Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on awarding RFP #T1705 Animal Shelter Vet Equipment to Patterson Veterinary. Discuss, consider and take appropriate action regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline and/or dismissal of Williamson County officers, directors or employees, including but not limited to any necessary action pertaining to conducting annual reviews of department heads and appointed officials. ), including the following: Deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline and/or dismissal of Williamson County officers, directors, employees and/or positions, including but not limited to conducting deliberation and discussion pertaining to annual reviews of department heads and appointed officials (Executive Session as per Tex. Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on Contract Amendment No. Where parallel high-speed roads are provided as part of a major highway, these are also known as local-express lanes. Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on Contract Amendment No. Either purchase and build a spec home with great new construction comps around just in quarter a mile radius: from $385,000 - $416,925! Lol. Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on approval of extension for Services Agreement for Jail Pharmaceutical and Supplies (RFP 1708-185) until March 31, 2021, between Williamson County, Texas and MAO Pharmacy, Inc. D/B/A Westwood Pharmacy Clinical Services to support county jail operations and allow the county to go out for a new solicitation in this category of services; and exemption of these services from the competitive bid proposal requirements of the County Purchasing Act pursuant to the discretionary exemption for personal or professional services, as set forth under Tex. P: 225  Funding Source: Road Bond, Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action regarding Change Order NO. Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on approving an Agreement between Williamson County and LifeSteps Council on Alcohol and Drugs in relation to the Wilco Forward Grant Program that is funded through the CARES act for response to the Coronavirus Disease (COVID 19) pandemic. Discuss, consider and take appropriate action to approve Justice of the Peace, Pct. Minimum required setback space from the property boundary. Inner Loop Annex (P434) – Vaughn Construction Change Order No. Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on reappointing Laura Anderson and Keith Couch to ESD #7 board with the term to commence immediately and continue until December 31, 2022.